Search results

  1. MDShelby

    '22 F250 Battery Stuff

    There was a theory that if you crank down to hard on the battery hold down, it wasn't allowing for enough expansion when it gets hot, forcing the battery to puke acid and start eating the metal parts. I saw enough from knowledgeable people that led me to believe there was truth in that. I had...
  2. MDShelby

    Friday Joke

    She could if she wanted. Manhandling the walker is something she doesn't want to do. Get to a cane and it becomes much more practical. Thanks!
  3. MDShelby

    Friday Joke

    Wife update: Staples out, going to a cane soon, pretty much free to do what she can. She still ain't gonna do much.... Really, she's good, improvement every day. Y'all have a great weekend!! I feel bad for parents nowadays. You have to explain the birds and the bees. The bees and the...
  4. MDShelby

    Thursday Jokes

    I just switched my “20-year home mortgage” to a “student loan”. Follow me for more financial advice. Woman, on a first date: You’re so feisty, I love that!” Six months later: “You always have some shit to say with your smart-ass mouth”. _______________________________________________________
  5. MDShelby

    Wednesday Joke

    Doctor: Your lab tests show that you’re doing fairly well for a 65-year-old. Man: Fairly well! Do you think I’ll live to be 80? Doctor: Do you smoke or drink beer or wine? Man: No. I’m not doing drugs either. Doctor: Do you eat rib-eye steaks or BBQ’d ribs? Man: No. I think all red meat is...
  6. MDShelby

    Tuesday Joke

    A Baptist minister and a Methodist minister lived across town from each other and across town from their respective churches. Each morning, they would ride their bikes to church and pass each other at the bridge in the center of town. One morning the Baptist minister reached the bridge and the...
  7. MDShelby

    Sunday Joke

    Yes, Sunday. Ran across some Sunday suitable jokes. Years ago there was a traveling preacher that made the rounds on a circuit of country churches. One Sunday he arrived at one and there was only a single old farmer sitting and waiting. Not sure what to do, the preacher asked the farmer what...
  8. MDShelby

    Let's see those Latest Purchases!

    I bought this to replace an older one, wife ended paying for it as an anniversary gift.
  9. MDShelby

    Thursday and Friday Joke

    Had to get the wife to her appointments yesterday, (doing good, a little progress every day) today is mine. Between holiday traffic and Naval Academy Graduation today, I expect my commute to be a difficult one. So getting this done while I can. I hope everyone remembers why we have the long...
  10. MDShelby

    Wednesday Joke

    Social media has taught me a few things. First, there are some incredibly brilliant people in the world. Second, they are vastly outnumbered. _______________________________________________________
  11. MDShelby

    Wednesday Joke

    I am going to be a little nicer than ^^^^^^.... First, thank you for your words. Slow progress. Second, HEY GIRL!!! Great to hear from you, hope you doing well!
  12. MDShelby

    Tuesday Joke

    Dear Sir: My friend, Ed Peterson, over at Wells, Iowa, received a check for $1,000.00 from the government for not raising hogs. So, I want to go into the "not raising hogs" business next year. What I want to know is, in your opinion, what is the best kind of farm not to raise hogs on, and what...
  13. MDShelby

    Saturday Joke

    Gets a little better every day, can go farther, pick the leg up farther. I think part is learning the logistics. She is home by herself today, a neighbor was going to stop by and have lunch with her. She still has tears every day at some point and that's okay, a lot of unknown for her. After...
  14. MDShelby

    Saturday Joke

    I had a displaced fracture of my lower arm a while back. Surgery, plate, cast for 6 weeks. When they took the cast off, my arm was about the size of a broom handle. Quite a bit of PT to get fully healed. 10-12 weeks to be mostly okay, 6 months to fully heal. Hope she is doing well now, I...
  15. MDShelby

    Monday Joke

    Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy. But, the Bible says love your enemy. ______________________________________________________
  16. MDShelby

    Saturday Joke

    Better each day. Did steps yesterday, up an down, with assistance (we have a landing halfway and switching handrails is cumbersome). Going down is harder, her mind is the biggest obstacle. No Rx meds, Tylenol in advance of her PT exercises. Using the walker to get around. Thanks for asking!
  17. MDShelby

    Wednesday Joke

    Thanks, Bob! She says I am doing an amazing job, but I feel I am not doing as good a job. But, she's got everything she needs and gets a little better every day.
  18. MDShelby

    Saturday Joke

    Things still a little weird around here, so another early AM weekend joke. Slow progress. Tinder is for rookies. Go to Facebook Marketplace and search for wedding dresses. It'll show recently divorced females in your area. From there you can filter by size...
  19. MDShelby

    Let's see those Latest Purchases!

    I don't think y'all want to see raised toilet seats and a shower bench, so I'll pass this time.... :LOL:
  20. MDShelby

    Thursday Joke

    Yep, little early again. Maybe some normalcy next week. Or never.... Wife making progress, baby steps. Special shout out to @CobraG for reaching out by PM with words of encouragement. People like him, as well as anyone who reads this, is why I love coming here. I am on a number of forums...
  21. MDShelby

    Wednesday Joke

    Went to WV, sat in the hospital for 3 hours and then brought her home. Spent yesterday setting up local doctor appointments, in home PT, applied for a handicapped parking permit, etc. Using a walker, can't go far, pain mostly from muscle spasms. PT did get by yesterday to get her started with...
  22. MDShelby

    Sunday Joke

    Thanks guys. Headed up there shortly to see what's happening and hopefully get her home.
  23. MDShelby

    Boomers to Xoomers, things you don't see anymore?

    We have changed our eating habits. Don't eat out much, couple times a month? maybe and usually a good local restaurant with good food. Rarely fast food. We ditched potato chips a few months ago, a bag of tortilla chips remain unopened for weeks (Cinco de Mayo, ya know).
  24. MDShelby

    Monday Joke

    In not quite as early yesterday, but earlier than normal. Headed off to WV to (hopefully) bring the wife home. Still some indecision as to when and if they recommend a couple of days in a rehab. At least that will be here in town. I will use my work voice and manner to get some answers and...
  25. MDShelby

    Sunday Joke

    I clarified - too used to using medical terminology, it was her leg, near the hip. Any higher and they would have done a hip replacement. :(
