Weather Watch - Hurricane Irma and Mustang Week 2017


Mar 27, 2003
Myrtle Beach, SC
Weather Watch - Hurricane Irma & Mustang Week 2017


So my phone has been blowing up over the weekend about what kind of weather everyone can expect during Mustang Week 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. The predominate question on most minds seems to be whether or not Hurricane Irma is going to have an impact on the festivities? While I am certainly not a meteorologist, I have lived in the Myrtle Beach area for nearly a decade and spend a lot of time analyzing marine forecast in order to safely pilot my boat. So with those meager qualifications in mind, here is my take on what you can expect for weather during MW2k17.

I'm about 95% certain that Hurricane Irma is not going to have any real impact on the actual Mustang Week events. The storm is still very far from the mainland US, and it is way too early to accurately predict its landfall location if any. Chances are that by the end of the week we will have a much more accurate picture of Irma's course, but it will still be far enough from SC to not pose a threat to Mustang Week attendees. That being said, I have a somewhat ominous feeling about this storm (which I hope is wrong); and I think the Carolinas may feel some of its wrath some time after Mustang Week has ended.


However, if Irma does take a turn towards the Carolinas and the forecasts predict a hit from a Cat4 storm one thing is certain; ,mandatory evacuations of tourists and visitors will be ordered. During Hurricane Mathew last year the local police went door-to-door in the rental properties to make sure out-of-town-guests had vacated. If I remember correctly, that evacuation order was given four days before Mathew was predicted to make landfall. While the possibility is slight, there does still exist the chance that an evacuation order may be given sometime next weekend. If it is ordered, please heed it and safely make your way home. As a local who has ridden out several storms, heavy weather prep is much easier to carry out when the roads and stores are free of vacationer traffic.

But here is the kicker, we aren't going to have the foggiest idea what Hurricane Irma is going to do until at least the middle of next week. So my advice would be to not worry about Irma, and make your trip to Myrtle Beach as planned. However, keep an eye on the local news and if the order to evacuate is given; load up and leave.


After the hurricane questions, the next two most common are about the heat and the chances of rain. I'll tackle the second first. This time of year there's a decent chance of rain most any day. Thunder storms tend to be spotty and can pop up at any time. I've seen days where storms were predicted all day that remained dry, and I've see clear days quickly interrupted by a flash downpour (one of the main reasons SVTP isn't holding our HoB Party outside this year). In summary, don't plan your day around much more than the weather you see directly around you. A little rain isn't going to ruin your day if a storm does come through, and your car isn't going to melt. If anything, a little precipitation may cool things off.


And that brings me to my final topic, the heat. I have see many lauding the move of Mustang Week from July to Sept. as a boon for those adverse to hot weather. I'm sorry to say that if you don't like it hot you may be severely disappointed. While Myrtle Beach may appear cooler on paper this time of year, that certainly isn't how it feels. It basically works like this; while it is on average 5-8 degrees F cooler in early Sept than late July, the humidity is now far higher. That means you better be ready to sweat because it feels much hotter than the air temperature would lead you to believe. If it's a sunny day it's going to feel even worse.

With that in mind, please be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen and actively stay hydrated. When I'm active outside in this kind of weather I drink water like it's my job. Heat exhaustion can sneak up on you fairly quickly, and if you aren' t accustomed to Coastal Carolina heat and humidity it's not hard to get into to trouble. As it's not something to mess with it's smart to memorize the symptoms of heat exhaustion, which are:

· Faintness or dizziness.
· Nausea or vomiting.
· Heavy sweating often accompanied by cold, clammy skin.
· Weak, rapid pulse.
· Pale or flushed face.
· Muscle cramps.
· Headache.
· Weakness or fatigue.

If you start experiencing any of those start hydrating as soon as possible (you should have been doing that already) and find a place to cool down (I suggest an S550's A/C seats). Don't be ashamed to ask for help, we're all Ford enthusiasts here, and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.

In conclusion, this far out about the only thing weather-wise you can count on is humidity. There's absolutely no reason to second guess your Mustang Week plans. Head to the beach, enjoy yourself, and remain cognizant of the dangers the weather can present. I expect this year will be a lot of fun and I hope to see many of you here, especially at the 10th Annual Burnout Contest.

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Established Member
Jul 31, 2012
N.myrtle beach sc
Well said, I'd like to add that all tourist and renters are asked to leave so that property owners/ hotels have plenty of time to board up windows and prepare for the storm.


That guy ...
Established Member
Sep 24, 2012
Elgin, SC
Any SVT events planned for the end of the week? I may try and take a day-trip down to mingle with some fellow snake lovers.

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