Recent content by Klaus

  1. Klaus

    Pride month purchase

    This is the way if you have to go gay.
  2. Klaus

    Another Corvette thread...

    C6zr1 if you can swing it. Otherwise C6z all the way. C7s are meh. Third choice would be a c5z.
  3. Klaus

    Gun Porn Thread!!!

    How many LEOs or military orgs use the .22 WMR in defensive weapons?
  4. Klaus

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs

  5. Klaus

    SF Colonel kills illegal from Chechnya spying on his house

    The most misunderstood character in cinema history. He just wanted to be left alone with his private army of Indians and occasionally execute South Vietnamese intelligence agents. Captain Willard is the real bad guy.
  6. Klaus

    SF Colonel kills illegal from Chechnya spying on his house

    This just in
  7. Klaus

    SF Colonel kills illegal from Chechnya spying on his house

    Crazy shit. I read an article a couple of weeks ago about some Palestinians that were arrested infiltrating a military base. Cannot remember the details beyond they came through the southern border. How long until we have a car bombing by terrorists that crossed the TX border?
  8. Klaus

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs
  9. Klaus

    Rest in power, king
  10. Klaus

    Knife Porn Thread (pics)

    Good point. Once you go magnacut it is hard to go backwards.
  11. Klaus

    Knife Porn Thread (pics)

    Just dropped. Want.
  12. Klaus

    Well, that was humbling. BMW M4 competition.

    Its the rods not the block. The block is good to >1000. Get it sleeved and they are good for whatever you can throw at it.
  13. Klaus

    Clone Your Dog...... Or Cat.

    It won't have the same personality. I listened to a podcast about a dude who had a bull that was a total sweetheart. He loved that bull. It died and he had it cloned. It looked exactly the same. Down to birthmarks. But it's personality was the opposite. Instead of being sweet, it was super...
  14. Klaus

    Iran Says Helicopter Carrying Its President Is Missing After Crash
