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  1. Corbic

    Current New Vehicle Market

    With the new 10spd the 5.7 would get the same 18mpg the V6 gets. The downside is the 5.7 basically maxed out it's emissions profile and Toyota is all about the ULE.
  2. Corbic

    Current New Vehicle Market

    Bring back the 5.7
  3. Corbic

    **** Around >>> Find Out

    Spun his arms around either breaking them off in the socket or tearing them loose and dioacating them....
  4. Corbic

    **** Around >>> Find Out

    LMFAO McDonald's Considering Leaving California
  5. Corbic

    **** Around >>> Find Out

  6. Corbic

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    National Treasure
  7. Corbic

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    I do.. Burn the Heretics Kill the Mutants Purge the Unclean
  8. Corbic

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

  9. Corbic

    **** Around >>> Find Out

  10. Corbic

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    New Meaning to Rape Truck. She's pegging those shop boys.
  11. Corbic

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Before we go into June, remember what we stand for!
  12. Corbic

    **** Around >>> Find Out

    This is what happens when feminists comes a cross a bear in the woods...
  13. Corbic

    If you Love/Appreciate Porsche 911s like me...

    Lost me at "hybrid sports car". Not even going to click. Bring back the manual only days.
  14. Corbic

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    ATF certified
  15. Corbic

    This Rip-Off Red Mustang Is Classic Car Flipper Butchery Of The Highest Order!

    Haven't watched yet, but boo hoo. Street Side shouldn't have released that dumpster fire into the public in first place. I'm sure they refunded the buyer because they knew a lawsuit would be more costly and would further tarnish their already garbage branding. Crying about Tony doing this or...
  16. Corbic

    This Rip-Off Red Mustang Is Classic Car Flipper Butchery Of The Highest Order!

    Exactly. These crooks have been flipping classic cars for +30 years and you're going to tell me none of them are "car guys" and are just "administration clerks" while they put as many barriers as possible in the way for you to verify the condition of a car? As a professional consignment shop...
  17. Corbic

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Which has been done 5000 times already. Stop remaking garbage. Romeo and Juliet -1968 basically nailed it. Done..move on. It's a dumb story Greek terms it would considered a comedy. Two stupid teens disobey their parents, fail to honor their titles and families and die a stupid...
