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  1. Double"O"

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    photo sharing
  2. Double"O"

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Well an c5 FRC or Z06 is infact pretty cool...the reg c5 is gay however Just like i hate a C4...but a C4 ZR1 or GS i would own
  3. Double"O"

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Terrible shot...but 10 is 10 lol
  4. Double"O"

    Random Shit Thread

    This boy has no manner...showed his junk, his ass...tore down my camera and broke the christmas tree is was on...then he was on my deck at 0 dark 30 this morning messing with my blackstone...
  5. Double"O"

    Random Picture Thread

    ^^^ Some serious tides there eh?
  6. Double"O"

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Lol ****in right...fafo...and ded ****in dead lol
  7. Double"O"

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Or just leave it the **** alone and do it as Shakespeare intended....
  8. Double"O"

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    Thats why i wear a lanyard kill switch
  9. Double"O"

    What's For Dinner Thread

    Venison and broccoli (chinese style) with mushrooms, in a ginger, garlic, soy, and oyster sauce and "whylice".... lol
  10. Double"O"

    Some good old Top Gear fun!

    Damn...damn near 30 years ago lol
  11. Double"O"

    Gun Porn Thread!!!

    Id check out the AB raptor as well...otter creek makes some good stuff too
  12. Double"O"

    Gun Porn Thread!!!

    My first one took 160 something days lol
  13. Double"O"

    Gun Porn Thread!!!

    Damn it man...****...looks like im getting a visa gift card tonight
  14. Double"O"

    Gun Porn Thread!!!

    So how long did it take? I got 4 supressors in 6 weeks back in march and early april
  15. Double"O"

    NEW Ronald Reagan Movie Trailer

    This could be a damn good flick!
  16. Double"O"

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    Punishing asses after i removed my foot from em lol...there however is one at my meeting who i would go down on if i could prolly bite her ass but not eat it lol
  17. Double"O"

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    That had better be a cadaver lab or id be having asses for breakfast at my morning meeting
  18. Double"O"

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    That dissapoints me honestly lol
  19. Double"O"

    Let's see those Latest Purchases!

    Same dude...same...someday dammit But i got house stuff getting in my way lol...then again had i not bought a handful of supressors in the last year i could have a seamaster lol...priorities lol
  20. Double"O"

    Iran Says Helicopter Carrying Its President Is Missing After Crash

    Yall would be suprises at what most state of the art rotary acft dont have onboard when it comes to electronics and avionics...also keep in mind we sold acft to Iran last before the in late 70s...f14, f4, f5 and helos
  21. Double"O"

    35 years ago today, (one of) the greatest films in history was released.

    Yeah...the chicks and sam elliot are only ones left and the dude the played the owned of the double duece i think lol That blonde that swaze plowed against the wall was ****in the big titted bar fly was too lol...pretty sure she did playboy and some other shit...julie michaels
  22. Double"O"

    Iran Says Helicopter Carrying Its President Is Missing After Crash

    ^racist lol Wait a min...can i construe this as a kill for trump since he sanctioned iran?
  23. Double"O"

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Maybe i want it for dinner bitch!?!?! Lol Next to a proper ribeye or prime rib...breakfast is my favorite meal...beans and shooms with my eggs and what ever breakfast meat is perfect lol..sausage, ham, bacon, corned beef hell a ****in ny strip with 2 eggs over easy and homefries idgaf...
  24. Double"O"

    35 years ago today, (one of) the greatest films in history was released.

    If you mean gay curious than the remake is for you...if not skip that pos
