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    Another Corvette thread...

    C6Z all the way. For a classic, I would love to have a 70 LT-1. I used to not like C3s, but they have really grown on me.
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    Fontana, CA pays 900K for psychological torture for forcing false confession

    This story is really effed up. Cliff notes: -Man calls police to report his father missing after father takes dog for a walk, dog returns home -Police call man in for questioning. Police investigate and have reason to believe man is not telling truth. -They break him down during a 17hr...
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    My f450 at ford dealer damn near 90 days.

    What an absolute nightmare. Having your truck for weeks on end is totally unacceptable, I would have raised hell after two days. I hope they at least gave you an equal loaner vehicle. Some of these dealers are absolutely terrible, like mentioned above find a good independent shop. If it's...
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    What did you do to your foxbody mustang today?

    A stock fox sure is slow compared to the new stuff. My new 2023 Camaro LT1 is a completely different beast. These foxes are still fun to drive due to rawness and lightweight. As we all know, they really shine when the modifications start. I would have never dreamed these cars getting the...
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    Who wants an SVTP Banner??? - New Premium Member Swag Incoming

    Those look great! I like wearing my SVT Performance t-shirt at my local cars and coffee. Despite being mostly Porsche and other high end stuff, the fox gets plenty of respect. If you know, you know.
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    "connected cars" automatically reporting to insurance companies

    The electronics in these new cars are insane. I was reading on the Camaro6 forum that guys were having their insurance rates skyrocket because of unknowingly being enrolled in these "good driver" programs where data is transmitted to a third party via Onstar. Insurance companies then pay the...
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    "How The SR-71 Blackbird Works," by Animagraffs

    Here is my little story regarding the SR-71. My dad served 30 years in the Air Force, he got stationed at Beale AFB in northern CA in the mid 80s. Being a 12 year old kid and really into airplanes made this super cool. At the time, Beale had the SR-71, U2/TR-1, T38 and KC-135Q models...
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    2 police officers and 1 firefighter killed during domestic.

    It doesn’t fit their narrative. End of story and you’ll never see a mug shot, kind of like Super Bowl parade shitheads. Now if this were a right wing MAGA hillbillly, you can bet your ass things would be different.
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    10k-Mile 1990 Ford Mustang GT Hatchback on BaT

    Looks great. Not a fan of the automatic, but this should do well. Another perfect candidate for dry ice blasting to get that nasty undercoating off...they really slathered it on. I would change out the alternator and radiator back to OEM, that would drive me crazy on a car like this.
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    What did you do to your foxbody mustang today?

    I totally get what you guys are saying about getting older and working on cars. I recently pulled my T5 to replace the original bearing retainer that was leading to a really stiff clutch pedal. Working on a car when you are 50 is definitely different compared to being 25. There are obviously...
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    Hand Tool Prices

    I still have my trusty 90s made in the USA Craftsman set. Only broken one piece in nearly 30 years. If I need anything, I like buying made in USA stuff on ebay. I think the plans are for Craftsman tools to be made in a factory in Texas sometime in the near future, which is awesome.
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    What did you do to your foxbody mustang today?

    I finally had some time today to clean up the old T5 and installed my new Ford Racing steel bearing retainer. Before and After photos, 209K miles of grease, dirt and grunge. Simple green, a brush, rags and elbow grease did the trick. Certainly not perfect, but much better. Hope to get this...
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    What did you do to your foxbody mustang today?

    I've been battling a really stiff clutch pedal lately in my 92 coupe. I've pretty much checked off everything other than the bearing retainer. I pulled the T5 yesterday and I think I found the issue. I'm pretty sure the retainer is OEM and galled up pretty bad, not sure what material it is...
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    66 mile 93R on bat

    That was an impressive auction for that 93R. We all took these foxes for granted, now 30-40 years later there aren't that many left. The desirable mint ones will fetch top dollar. People have made a killing in stocks, RE, crypto...buying that object of desire from your younger years isn't...
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    What did you do to your foxbody mustang today?

    @Black Gold 380R. That car looks great, you are putting in some serious work. There is something therapeutic about buying an old fox and slowly going through it. Keep us updated.
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    66 mile 93R on bat

    That's a very cool piece of fox body history. Unfortunately this car will likely never be driven again, every mile would hurt the value. Unless you are a fox body mega collector with ultra deep pockets, I just don't see it. For the 200K range you can actually buy modern cars that you can...
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    The Best-Selling Car in America '78-'22

    Those old Toyotas run forever. I have a coworker who daily drives a 99 Corolla with well over 250K on it, that thing runs like a top. I always tease him that he is now eligible to get collector car license plates and should get them just to piss people off.
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    Truly impressed at the insane prices people want for used cars out there on Marketplace

    That's an interesting depreciation chart. Porsche, Toyota and Honda are givens. I don't know if you could even buy a new 911 at MSRP pre china virus. The Camaro is definitely a surprise. I bought a 2023 LT1 a few months ago. The car defintely has its faults, but I am blown away how capable...
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    Hotels and homelessness

    I'm sure a lot of these hotels that take in the homeless get some payment from the city or state. The homeless problem is getting completely out of control, it used to be only in big commie run cities...but it is spreading everywhere. You are seeing a breakdown of society.
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    Truly impressed at the insane prices people want for used cars out there on Marketplace

    Some of these prices really are crazy. I guess a 99 GT is considered a classic now since it is 25 years old. Most of us were spoiled with an endless selection of relatively cheap, clean cars...unfortunately that window may have closed forever.
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    Chicago to employ camera's to ticket loud mufflers

    These commies are off the scale on stupidity. How about addressing the negative health effects of random bullets being sprayed everywhere and people being murdered all over that shithole.
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    Current New Vehicle Market

    @VegasMichael, these dealer installed alarms are very common today, espcially post china virus. They are another dealer scam to make money. They are used as inventory control on the lot and some have a shock sensor that supposedly upgrades your factory alarm. They probably cost $30 and 15...
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    Bought a car and think I got scammed. Question

    I bought a new car recently (first one in 20 years). The experience was far from pleasant. Buying new cars was bad enough to start with, the china virus ramped it up a few notches. Go in there with a spreadsheet that adds up what you are willing to pay and then add all the taxes, fees...
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    We Found the First Fox-Body Mustang at NPD | VIN – 00001

    That is awesome. Growing up in the 80s and getting interested in cars, the fox body was front and center. They were literally on every street back in the day.
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    INVEST in Saleen???

    Based on the company's track record, you would likely be better off taking your money Vegas...the odds are probably higher there.
