Recent content by black92

  1. black92

    Hyundai SUVs Now Run 11.1@123???

    See post #2.
  2. black92

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs

    I check his channel every couple of days because Misha's a hell of a driver and that Kia is no exception!
  3. black92

    The wait begins...

    Speaking of @treynor, I'm wondering if it was his Ferrari 499 that went playing in the sand a LS the other day?
  4. black92

    Let's see those REAL dogs...

    Having trouble quoting my own post, but here's our pup I posted about a month ago and we got her results the other day. She's about 15 weeks old and almost 15 pounds.
  5. black92

    Cannot Decide Color 03 Mach 1

    Another red to throw in there, Hot Pepper Red Metallic. Have you considered Eruption Green or the new Shelter Green?
  6. black92

    What are your passive income gigs?

    Sell shit around the house I don't use anymore... I do have a co-worker who goes around to garage sales in his area and buys older electronics that he'll turn around and sell online. IIRC, he said he makes about $15K a year doing that.
  7. black92

    Mustang 60th Anniversary

    If anyone didn't already know, there is someone who made an AWD Mustang.
  8. black92

    Let's see those REAL dogs...

    Kids were thrilled and it's been a roller coaster the last few days! I think you're probably close, but as you know, certain breeds are prone to natural issues and we might as well be prepared for whatever that may be. Takes a couple weeks to get results, so I'll follow up once I know.
  9. black92

    Let's see those REAL dogs...

    It's been about 7.5 years since I put my last dog down (deaf white boxer and had her from 5 weeks old to 13 yo) and still mourn her. Figured it was time for a new pup as the kiddo's have been begging forever and with school ending soon for the summer, no better time than now. Wife found this...
  10. black92

    Everything Bicycle Related

    There's a trail near me that opened about 2 years ago that was basically a big circle. One half was pretty rocky, but doable and the other half was smooth for a fast pace. I only rode it once because my bike needed new sprockets (chain slipped when putting any effort in) and life just took...
  11. black92

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs

    After overvaluing cars the last two years and purchasing them, I believe they are now undervaluing them now so they can list them much higher.
  12. black92

    Audi S5 Coupe Thoughts?

    There is someone on here who has/had the sedan version. Let me do some digging. @fangstang @IamRacerX
  13. black92

    New Road House movie trailer

    Felt a little rushed... Maybe I missed it, but whats the backstory to why Dalton went into MMA and when "pused too far" he goes for the kill, but what did that dude he killed in the ring do to push him too far? What's Knox's backstory vs an angry little leprechaun who shows up kicking...
  14. black92

    What cars first stirred your passion?

    My dad got me into cars. He raced mud racers professionally and owned two monster trucks in the 90's.
  15. black92

    Bank rate survey finds: 56% of Americans cannot cover a $1000 emergency

    My old boss always told me, "It's not about how much money you make, but how you spend your money." Now clearly, we all have to make above a certain threshold to be able to save and whatnot, but the point stands.
