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    Apple River Incident

    I have not seen a thread dedicated to this incident. Found the case very interesting. It perfectly accentuates how self defense is under attack, and it should really be last resort. Avoid AVOID AVOID, at all costs. Only when absolutely life or death situation. Or else you will be scrutinized...

    Cops carry out drive bys / Slushygate

    Complete psycopaths, its in their DNA :ROFLMAO:

    Staccato XC vs P Heritage vs DWX

    If you were to purchase one (money was a non issue), but this was going to be your only handgun ever. Considering EDC, duty and range fun… Which one would you pick? Remember, money not being an issue…. But its your only handgun EVER. Staccato XC $4,300: Staccato P Heritage $3,000: Dan...

    Entitled Couple Learns the Hard Way

    Likely “defund da police” types…. Learn lesson…. Go from smartass and non-compliant to soft and docile like new born puppies…. I love it…. Probably transplants from a different state, freshly relocated to FL :ROFLMAO: ACAB! YO!!! :ROFLMAO:

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    Not for sensitive people… Things dont have to make sense. Just crazy / ****ed up shit in here:

    What’d you do, if this was you?

    You’re the dude in white, carrying your hi-point nice and tight… What would you do, if Scooby Doo comes for you?

    BADASS Thread

    Sometimes you see things that don’t quite fit anywhere in particular, but still make you think, “BADASS!” I’ll start it off with these:

    Best Sportsbike 600cc and up

    Hi everyone, Used to play in the arena baaaaack in the day. Last bike was a Hundo 954RR, circa 2005ish. Recently, subject came up of the “best sportsbike for the money” (best bang for buck) currently. New or used. From the big 4 (Honda, Susuki, Yamaha or Kawasaki). *** Sorry, no Italian...

    Sick Sound Effects

    The first sound sounded like a mustang :LOL:
  10. ZYBORG

    Las Vegas Alien Hoax

  11. ZYBORG

    Victim mentality mother****ers, here is your daily dosage of medicine.

    This applies to many different facets…. not just about skin color… stop being weak cucks. Be accountable, you ****s!
  12. ZYBORG


    Nice situational awareness
  13. ZYBORG

    “put the Goddamn smoke down, take a ride on the wild side. HIT IT!”

    The neighborhood watch we all need but don’t deserve!
  14. ZYBORG

    Exemplary citizen being victimized by cops..

    Really really wish the guy would have learned the lesson his daddy never taught him…
  15. ZYBORG

    Allen, Texas, Premium Outlet Mass Shooting

    Oh boy…
  16. ZYBORG

    Another bad shoot? What say you…

    This one is a tough one… Definitely sad for all parties involved. Even a lot of cops are condemning the shoot… I say not so quick… Officer was fired and later arrested… He was tried and acquitted…. What do you think?
  17. ZYBORG

    Teacher teaches his students best lesson

    Heartwarming…. :ROFLMAO:
  18. ZYBORG

    Out of control cop goes rampant!

    I kind of loved it though… :ROFLMAO:
  19. ZYBORG

    **** Around >>> Find Out

    Was watching this guys videos and got the idea for this thread: Let this be a place were you post your best **** around and find out stories, pics and / or video instances: Will kick it off with these:
  20. ZYBORG

    Double amputee man shot firing squad style by rogue cops while on his way to church

    Ha! Just kidding, **** his dusty pillow looking ass! :ROFLMAO:
  21. ZYBORG

    Officer Killed by Drunk Driver

  22. ZYBORG

    Our Bloatlord and Savior has arrived. Strongest guy you’ve never heard of.

    Video is pretty damn funny. All jokes aside, guy is a ****en beast. Comment section is GOLD.
