W W weider1717 Aug 1, 2019 hi, I am interested in your get 1 how many miles on it and what do you mean by polished? thanks
A A ALLTER Jan 20, 2019 Do you still have the firmware for an SCT X3? serial number starts with XP. I think it's v1.2.142
M M MachdUp Aug 6, 2016 Thanks buddy but I think I'm good on mods, just wanting a spacer to raise shaker up. Thanks appreciate the offer!
Thanks buddy but I think I'm good on mods, just wanting a spacer to raise shaker up. Thanks appreciate the offer!
S S SirKrunksAlot May 17, 2016 Do you have a short runner intake for sale, by chance? Seen you posted asking someone with what kind they are wanting, I am interested if you have one.
Do you have a short runner intake for sale, by chance? Seen you posted asking someone with what kind they are wanting, I am interested if you have one.