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  • I just wanted to say that Ray is a great seller. Very responsive, product was received as advertised, fast shipping, and overall just a great buying experience. I wouldn't hesitate to buy again from him.

    From one Ray to another, thank you again my friend!
    hey, I'll take the deal with the 4 model cars (the 4 fords) you have if their still available. $55 for the 3 red fords + shipping and the ac cobra for $10. let me know. thanks, blake
    hey i saw you wanted to trade a shift light for gauges i got two i ned to get outta the house have no use for them they are both autometer phantom white face gauges(oil psi and tranny temp)
    thanks Rob.
    hey i am very interested in your car. Id like to see some more pics and possible video of it to hear sound and see it run. Im very interested so let me know. Thanks
    yo i will take the car without the blower... just send me ur social security number and and credit card info to 12564 Black banana road in Nigeria.
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