KLLR SNK Jan 24, 2016 Hey Adrian! Stock Eaton $250-300 depending on mileage and condition, plenum $40-60, stock 39's $100-110, lower pulley assembly $150-175.
Hey Adrian! Stock Eaton $250-300 depending on mileage and condition, plenum $40-60, stock 39's $100-110, lower pulley assembly $150-175.
B B blacksnake308 Jan 24, 2016 Hey its Adrian. Could you tell me approximately what a used Eaton blower, intake plenum, injectors, and a crank pully assembly is worth? I am selling them as a package and don't know what to ask for them
Hey its Adrian. Could you tell me approximately what a used Eaton blower, intake plenum, injectors, and a crank pully assembly is worth? I am selling them as a package and don't know what to ask for them