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  1. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    Any updates on your project?
  2. Tabres

    MMR oil filter relocation block?

    Yes, that will work and is a common solution.
  3. Tabres

    Changing up the exhaust

    Yeah, this is one of those changes that would almost immediately make me want to never drive the car again. I'm old, I guess.
  4. Tabres

    B head coolant crossover delete?

    The common practice is to drill a few 1/8" holes in the thermostat.
  5. Tabres

    B head coolant crossover delete?

    Why do you want to keep the factory thermostat? You could get a GT lower hose and put an inline housing in the lower hose but at that point you might as well use the housing in the upper hose from the On3 kit.
  6. Tabres

    B head coolant crossover delete?

    There are several options I can think of for adapting the factory upper hose to AN lines. The easiest with this kit... Leave the lower hose and factory thermostat housing as is. Run the new upper thermostat housing empty.
  7. Tabres

    B head coolant crossover delete?
  8. Tabres

    In need of spring guidance

    If the coils are touching just attempting to install them, something is wrong here. Are you 100% certain these are the correct springs? I've done several sets, including one on a convertible and have never struggled like you're describing. I've always done it with very cheap spring...
  9. Tabres

    Tint Differences Among ‘94-98 Cobra Headlights

    I have no idea on this, but its an interesting observation. Inclined to believe batch differences. I've never heard of any intentional update to them.
  10. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    Scaling on the sensor is wrong, or you have an air pocket and thats causing your temp rise
  11. Tabres

    Official SN 95 Pics thread!

    How are you controlling that? I assume your car doesn't run on a control pack, then?
  12. Tabres

    Official SN 95 Pics thread!

    What ABS unit is that?
  13. Tabres

    Recaro seats and brackets

    I concur with the above. Alternatively, heat them and adjust the bend in a vice if you desire. Also interested in pics of the seats.
  14. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    That's really unfortunate to hear. I see him recommended a lot of places. I went prodash in my car from the getgo and never had to deal with any of this.
  15. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    I thought you had a Lethal Nate harness for your gauges?
  16. Tabres

    Ole Cobra; What's Next?

    What is your goal with the car?
  17. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    Have you test fit the fender liner and wheel in place to check clearance? It's really tight in that area.
  18. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    The only way, imo, to get a truly clean Holley install on these cars is to build the harness yourself. Their harness sucks, I bailed on it and built my own when I initially installed everything, and I'm in the process of rewiring my Holley right now because I moved a bunch of cocomponents to...
  19. Tabres

    Recaro seats and brackets

    Recaroseatsforsale? He's legit. I've talked with several people who have ordered from him.
  20. Tabres

    Crank pulley not sitting flush.

    This is not the exact tool I have, but the design is the same. Just as DSG2003Mach1, I also have an ARP bolt for my...
  21. Tabres

    Crank pulley not sitting flush.

    First several threads. I cleaned up what was remaining with a tap and had to purchase and modify a proper install tool to get mine on and off. Bolt still torques fine but it's always a pucker moment. If/when the engine is ever apart again I'll have a timesert installed, or just stud the crank.
  22. Tabres

    Recaro seats and brackets

    Where did you end up ordering the Recaros from? I'm in the market around the end of the year and evaluating different vendors.
  23. Tabres

    Crank pulley not sitting flush.

    Pulled threads out of my crank once upon a time doing what you're doing with the bolt. Borrow an install tool from any AutoZone, Advanced, Orielly's, etc.. They're free and work quite well.
  24. Tabres

    Official SN 95 Pics thread!

    Didn't you have a set of Trueforged at one point?
  25. Tabres

    98 Cobra On3 Turbo street car build

    You can get a factory service repair manual on eBay. They're quite worth the money and having around.
