In that airplane without flaps his best glide speed would be in the 80mph ballpark.
Cool video. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve landed at that airport. Good job on the pilot. He was on an IFR flight, and had there been an overcast layer between him and the ground this would have been a...
Today is the third time someone has stolen/attempted to steal my truck in less than a year. This time it was parked in a gated and fenced parking lot, with 24/7 surveillance and security. Someone attempted in September also, while I was staying at a hotel, rendering it inoperative and causing...
Congrats OP. You’re entering a great community. If it is your passion and you go the commercial route you’ll never work another day.
beautiful RV. I’m in the marker for a 6 within the next year. How do you like your 7? You don’t see 3 blade constant speeds on them often, are you running an...
Some nice stuff going on in here!
I’ve purchased two vehicles in the last month. Finally got back into a diesel. 2005 f350 crew cab short bed lariat 6.0, one owner, beautiful condition. Already started doing stuff to the 6.0 including a live wire and custom tunes and upgraded tow mirrors...
bought a 6.0 for 18.5, put 14k into it, sold it for 19.5 2.5 years later. loved that truck.
bought a new 2014 f150, traded it in for what i owed on it 3 years later. Thats about 16k worth of payments plus 2k down.
my whipple 04 mach 1... probably lost close to 20k on that.
i don't really...
I just cleared over an acre of densely wooded area personally with my excavator. I have a cat 304. Trees are 10-18” diameter at the base, about 30 year old Douglas fir. My machine pushes them over with ease. Removing the stumps after cutting the trees is much harder on the machine, makes a...
I have Hughes net gen 5. We are currently out of data so it slows down to this speed. I’m pretty sure my data renews tomorrow. I’ll run another speed test and update then. It’s better than nothing.