
  1. Tom@Stifflers

    5 things you didn't know about the Stifflers FIT System

    We all know the performance advantages and stiffler chassis that the Stifflers FIT systems provides But, here are the top 5 things most people don't know about our FIT System 1. Works with most existing Subframe connectors - If you already have an aftermarket set of subframe connectors on your...
  2. Tom@Stifflers

    5 things you didn't know about the Stifflers FIT System

    We all know the performance advantages and stiffler chassis that the Stifflers FIT systems provides But, here are the top 5 things most people don't know about our FIT System 1. Works with most existing Subframe connectors - If you already have an aftermarket set of subframe connectors on your...
  3. Tom@Stifflers

    5 things you didn't know about the Stifflers FIT System

    We all know the performance advantages and stiffler chassis that the Stifflers FIT systems provides But, here are the top 5 things most people don't know about our FIT System 1. Works with most existing Subframe connectors - If you already have an aftermarket set of subframe connectors on your...
  4. dax93

    Will 03 cobra exhaust fit on my 03 GT?

    I have a chance to buy some slp 03 cobra exhaust really cheap and was wondering if anybody knew if it would even fit into my 03 gt's mounts and headers. Any advice or answers would help. Thank you
