Anyone heard of or ran this cam?
This guy is selling a used one locally for $35.
This guy is selling a used one locally for $35.
yeah i would thinnk thats like a stage 1 cam. has a slight lope to it and all. Depending on condtion you really cant beat $35
But do you think all that work would be worth it?
Would it even be much better than the stock Cobra cam?
Whats the rest of your mods? stock GT40 heads and cobra intake?
I believe the stock Cobra cam specs out at
209/209 @ .050
270/270 advertised (?)
.479/.479 (<---I dunno if the lift values are measured at 1.6 or 1.7?)
118.5 LSA
To me, That Crower is definately a step up from a stock Cobra cam. Even with the stock GT40 heads and Cobra intake I think it would work pretty good.
Guess I took too long deciding.
It's now sold. haha
Yup it's got stock heads and intake.
I'm just looking for a little something extra.
Nothing too crazy, since it is my daily driver.