I just checked the market and seen it is down 900 points. They say it is due to fears of the Corona virus. What do you guys say, are we all doomed or is it time to buy on the dip. I'm thinking of picking up Apple.
Just read an article online, said the past 10 years, illness outbreaks and market effects, most markets bounce back within 3-6 months
The WHO is doing more than downplaying it. They are corrupt and the head of the WHO is BFFs with China.Next two weeks will tell. WHO is downplaying it but everyone is skittish right now. It will take a while for a vacine to become available. Also the market was way up so that did not help any.
Just read an article online, said the past 10 years, illness outbreaks and market effects, most markets bounce back within 3-6 months
Hope your not retiring soon****!
25% into the 401kDow futures already up 250 tonight. Now that daily market trading is mostly computer and AI trade, they hunted the market downside thursday morning, again friday to make sure, then had their way monday morning. 500-700 lower and they pretty much know there will be sell stops on the close, so run the suckers out, then there is 1000 points of air to churn whomever they can get to wade in. Instant increase in options vol, which they will sell and collect on, as an added bonus. As long as unemployment stays low, most of the duly employed will diligently add to their IRA or 401 or 403 or whatever retirement system your employer has, to feed the beast, and the cycle repeats.
Gold silver, short airlines cruise industry banking real estate everything non essential.25% into the 401k