Neighbor Drama - Need opinions


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
Yea based on the pic it looks like dem needs to mow his own yard. Or is there something we aren’t seeing?


Established Member
Mar 11, 2017
Houston, TX

It’s an option, just sayin


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 28, 2009
Yeaaahhh that picture is gonna need to make more sense lol

Looks like he and dem are on a cul de sac you can kinda see in the bottom left of the picture but then theres an easement off the end of the cul de sac to a main road that passes by "owners" house? Like a cut through to get in and out of his cul de sac without having to drive through a whole neighborhood?


Beers for the boys
Established Member
Aug 30, 2006
South Carolina
Round 2

Blue is the easement. It belongs to the unmarked housed with the lighter blue colored roof. That's a duplex, but that house at one point was a single family home and owned both ours and dems lots/easement as one big lot. It was parceled, developed, and two houses went on it.

Red is the road and how it runs/ends. I "own" the culdesac. Front to back, no one has rights/easement on my land. I can demolish it and put a garage there if I want. The drive (red filled) obviously goes across the front of their lot. I have an easement on that (contractually/expressed). We both have an expressed easement on the upper portion. There's a fence that divides the space, and we effectively have our own "drive".



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2013
To me thats strange, the easement is two houses down from you. They want you to mow it because you use that road? If I had to be a part in the maintenance of it i would figure get quotes from a service and split it with the neighbor.

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Established Member
Feb 9, 2012
Atlanta, GA
Round 2

Blue is the easement. It belongs to the unmarked housed with the lighter blue colored roof. That's a duplex, but that house at one point was a single family home and owned both ours and dems lots/easement as one big lot. It was parceled, developed, and two houses went on it.

Red is the road and how it runs/ends. I "own" the culdesac. Front to back, no one has rights/easement on my land. I can demolish it and put a garage there if I want. The drive (red filled) obviously goes across the front of their lot. I have an easement on that (contractually/expressed). We both have an expressed easement on the upper portion. There's a fence that divides the space, and we effectively have our own "drive".

View attachment 1551659

the picture changes things a bit. Why is the owner of that property not maintaining it? I'd work with dem to make the owner pay for the easement maintenance.


Beers for the boys
Established Member
Aug 30, 2006
South Carolina
sounds like svtp drama, just in real life.

btw thinking of moving to a John's it nice there?

We may end up moving there. Get an acre, build a shop, drink beer.

It's nice. For whatever reason though it's awful about tornados. The one tornado we get a year, it shows up there. Had one a few years ago that straight up demolished a few homes/streets. Most of the time they just twirl around in the woods and suck up deer.

It's also very much an island. Two ways on or off. Until 526/Interestate gets extended, you're scascascascarewweeddd on the "run from the hurricane" side.


Established Member
Nov 16, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Why the heck wouldn’t whoever lives in the unmarked house cut the easement on their side of the road? It is right in front of their house. Are they just lazy? If i was them I’d just cut the part myself, as anyone going by would assume it was my yard. The part across the street from them seems pretty small.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 28, 2009
"Good day to do yard work"... Yeah **** him! That would have really pissed me off. Hire someone and split the bill with him. You guys are the only two that live back there and have to see it/drive down it.

That is a really odd property and drive setup


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2003
Macclenny, FL
Ok so basically you’re property is “together with” an ingress/egress easement and the other two are “subject to” the same easement?

The original owner subdivided their property so as to make a little $$ and had to provide easements to the back lots they created as the only access is through the “front” of the property?

Usually there should have been language in the contracts stipulating maintenance. Typically when I have seen these each owner is responsible for maintaining the portion of the easement that crosses their property.

In practice there is “usually” an element of good neighboring that goes on here...pooling resources to pay for maintenance, alternating maintaining the whole thing, etc...

To the poster that mentions waiting a while and claiming adverse chance of that since properties were purchased with easements in place.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 25, 2011
Rocklin, CA
After seeing the layout dem want you to their yard work just because you’re allowed to drive thru it. I think they are power tripping and you’re taking it well but I too would be honest and let them know it will get done when it gets done.

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Beers for the boys
Established Member
Aug 30, 2006
South Carolina
Ok so basically you’re property is “together with” an ingress/egress easement and the other two are “subject to” the same easement? My property is entirely self contained with no easements. In order for me to reach my home, a drive extends through the unmarked homes side lot (which is fenced off) until it reaches "Dems" lot, and a road is extended across that as well, and then the road ends on the end of my lot. The only easements in place are my right of way across the front of their lot via the road, and the easement we both have on the front lot that gives us access to the main public road.

The original owner subdivided their property so as to make a little $$ and had to provide easements to the back lots they created as the only access is through the “front” of the property? Correct

Usually there should have been language in the contracts stipulating maintenance. Typically when I have seen these each owner is responsible for maintaining the portion of the easement that crosses their property. In SC if a tree falls on the easement and that tree belongs to the easement property owner, it's the responsibility of that person to remove it. I was very clear at signing with my overly expensive closing lawyer about responsibility when it came to the easement and my property. I am in the county despite being surrounded by City ordinance, and luckily it's much easier to deal with. So no, no maintenance expressed, merely implied.

In practice there is “usually” an element of good neighboring that goes on here...pooling resources to pay for maintenance, alternating maintaining the whole thing, etc... That's the thought. But badgering someone until they do it when they are obviously consumed doing other things isn't good neighboring either. So there's the rub.

To the poster that mentions waiting a while and claiming adverse chance of that since properties were purchased with easements in place. Yea, I agree. No need to start a legal battle.

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Established Member
Dec 20, 2012
Nova area
I've had neighbor issues myself, calling the cops and having them ticket my truck that's not commercial, and parked on my street. Keep in mind its stock not even tint, I just use it for towing and transport from time to time. I keep my 40 foot car hauler at my friends property to avoid issues, parked by my house only a few times and i had a few tickets, tried to reasson with the neighbor and explain I do a lot of driving so if i come home between trips and leave it there for 6 hours or so at a time and I'm not blocking anyone it's not illegal, and it rarely happens, anyway I gave up being nice
Taking them to court for harassment. Living in the neighborhood I've been nothing but nice, keeping eye on neighbors houses when they are gone, plow snow, clean leaves as a kind gesture
But we only have 1 neighbor that everyone in the area cannot stand, so if I were in your shoes I would try to talk to the man
Maybe he has a social issue and just explain your view and come up with a solution. Of he wants to help you maintain perhaps you can let him borrow the mower. But being disrespectful is never the way to get it done
I guess try to be the bigger man but if all else fails tell him to eat shit, just because neighbors are generally there for many years

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