New Market Rules


Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
1) This section is for posting your own items. Third party sales, such as “I’m posting for a friend”, or “look what I found on eBay” are not allowed.
2) Prices are mandatory.
3) No “testing the waters”. You are either selling your item or you’re not.
4) No cross posting. Posting your item in multiple sections will result in ALL your threads for that item being removed.
5) External links such as, Ebay, Auto Trader, Craigslist, etc will be allowed at the bottom of your thread as long as you meet all the other requirements.
6) Photos of the item are required.
7) At least one photo must include your username and date, handwritten, on a piece of paper or index card with one of your items.
8) Comments about the price or condition of an item are prohibited so long as that information has been disclosed by the seller.
Express your concerns privately if you think the price is too high.

Failure to follow any of the above rules will result in the immediate removal of your thread. If your thread is removed, there will be no notification or explanation sent. You may re-post the item, providing your new thread conforms to the rules stated above, however failure to re-post in accordance of the rules may result in a suspension or removal of your Market privileges. All other SVTPerformance Forum Rules still apply.
This is not a rule, simply advice as scammers have been searching lately.
It is strongly advised to not buy from someone through PM only. If they respond to a WTB add then make them do so publicly.
It is also strongly advised to not post your number in a WTB thread where someone who is not a member can contact you on the side.
You are opening yourself up for scammers.


Active Member
Established Member
Nov 13, 2000
North Carolina
Sounds like a step in the right director to help eliminate deadbeat sellers. When will these new rules be effective?
Last edited:


SVT Attitude
Established Member
Jul 11, 2008
If I have a Craigslist add with 80% engine parts can I post the link in the engine f/s thread or do I have to split it up?


Established Member
Beer Money Bros.
Jun 30, 2015
Wayne county mi
If a thread was taken down an it be reinstated or do i have to make it all over again just forgot to upload a pic with my username with an item


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 21, 2020
1) This section is for posting your own items. Third party sales, such as “I’m posting for a friend”, or “look what I found on eBay” are not allowed.
2) Prices are mandatory.
3) No “testing the waters”. You are either selling your item or you’re not.
4) No cross posting. Posting your item in multiple sections will result in ALL your threads for that item being removed.
5) External links such as, Ebay, Auto Trader, Craigslist, etc will be allowed at the bottom of your thread as long as you meet all the other requirements.
6) Photos of the item are required.
7) At least one photo must include your username and date, handwritten, on a piece of paper or index card with one of your items.
8) Comments about the price or condition of an item are prohibited so long as that information has been disclosed by the seller.
Express your concerns privately if you think the price is too high.

Failure to follow any of the above rules will result in the immediate removal of your thread. If your thread is removed, there will be no notification or explanation sent. You may re-post the item, providing your new thread conforms to the rules stated above, however failure to re-post in accordance of the rules may result in a suspension or removal of your Market privileges. All other SVTPerformance Forum Rules still apply.
This is not a rule, simply advice as scammers have been searching lately.
It is strongly advised to not buy from someone through PM only. If they respond to a WTB add then make them do so publicly.
It is also strongly advised to not post your number in a WTB thread where someone who is not a member can contact you on the side.
You are opening yourself up for scammers.
Why was post with the throttle bodies I had removed?

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