Popping noise & tire rubs on sway bar


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Established Member
Jul 25, 2008
So Cal
OK so I have a few questions.

#1: Whenever I turn the wheel side to side I get a popping noise. I figured it was the outer tie rod ends so I replaced those. Still made that noise after that. So I jacked my car up and tried moving the tire to see if it was the ball joints and it didn't seem to move at all. What else could it be? dontknow

#2: If I turn the wheel all the way to the left, the very edge of the rim rubs against the sway bar. What could be the cause of that?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
Established Member
Jan 30, 2008
Houston, TX
What size tires are you running? Is your car at stock height?

I'm going to guess it's a combination of two things, your ball joints are going out and the bushings in the control arms are worn. You can also get some new sway bar end links for cheap. If you're going to replace the control arm bushings and ball joints, it's easier and cheaper to just get the upgraded 03-04 Cobra control arms with new bushings and ball joints already in them. Give Steve a call at Tousley Ford, look in the market section, their number is there.

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