Weather Man
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  • It is completely different now. AF weather reenineered into a hub type system from having a base weather station at every base.
    I was considering Air Force after graduation actually. Granted it was almost 20 years ago, what was that like?

    I'm scheduled to graduate in May 2018.
    Hey, I have you seen you post a few times before and I thought I'd shoot you a message. I'm currently an undergraduate student at FSU majoring in Meteorology. Was hoping to pick your brain a little bit about that field
    Weather Man
    Weather Man

    I was weather for 20 years in the Air Force. Unfortunately for me, I made the choice to move my wife back to her home town when I retired back in 2000. No weather jobs even close.
    Weather Man
    Weather Man
    From what I remember, transportation was were most of the weather jobs were at that time. With automation, not sure where that stands today. Ironically, the reason I got out was that AF weather was being reengineered. All the base weather stations were being severely down sized and all forecasting/warning centralized at a few hubs.
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