Stolen Valor - An epidemic of Military imposters


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Mar 8, 2010
Some of you are probably well aware of the outbreak of PHONY Military Heros happening in this country right now, but some still have no idea how bad it's getting.

Sure, there have always been Military imposters and posers on the loose, but today it's just getting bad. With the age of the internet, it's a growing problem. I'm making this thread to spread awareness about all the fakers out there.

Not only is it extremely disrespectful to the real heros of our Military to be a Valor theif, it's also now a Federal Offense under the Stolen Valor Act. I don't think a lot of people realize how easy it is for somebody to go online and buy a Medal of Honor, or a Purple Heart, or a SEAL Trident, or to even forge Military documents.

Heck, you can go on ebay and buy a full blown Navy Officer uniform, complete with ribbons and a SEAL Trident, for a couple hundred bucks.

Fortunately there is a way to varify someone's claims. Under the Freedom of Information Act, the folks at P.O.W. Network can get anyone's Military records for you. There is also an endless list of names of phony Military people who they've exposed with their claims.

A friend of mine, Don Shipley (Retired Navy SEAL, Senior Chief,) also works very tirelessly exposing phony Navy SEALs. To give you an idea of how bad it is, he gets between 20-40+ emails every single day for varification requests. Out of that number, maybe 2-5 of them he got for that entire week are the real deal.

Some of you should probably start wondering if that guy up the street was really the throat cutting commando he told you he was in Vietnam as a Green Beret, or if your Uncle Fester was full of sh*t when he told you about his days as a Navy SEAL.

If you've got some stories about your own encounters, throw 'em up on here.

If you are a Military Vet, Supporter, or a good American, the fat, disgusting, irritating slob who made this video will enrage you. But this is a prime example of what I'm taking about.

Please take a few minutes to watch...

[nomedia=""]Veterans Day fun? - YouTube[/nomedia]

More Videos and Articles:

[nomedia=""]Best Fake Fraud Phony Military Veterans SEALs Army Special Forces Rangers Marine Recon Phonies - YouTube[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]STOLEN VALOR - YouTube[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]Stolen Valor Fake Fraud Phony Military Veterans 2 SEALs Army Special Forces Rangers Marine Recon - YouTube[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]SEAL DON SHIPLEY ON STOLEN VALOR - YouTube[/nomedia]
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Premium Member
Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
yeh i see this.

yesterday while christmas shopping at the mall. saw this big huge fat guy, had about 4 chins....but decked out in military dress with medals and ribbons....

please. makes me want to slap a bitch


New Member
Established Member
Mar 8, 2010
yeh i see this.

yesterday while christmas shopping at the mall. saw this big huge fat guy, had about 4 chins....but decked out in military dress with medals and ribbons....

please. makes me want to slap a bitch

And without hesitation, you need to. No real decorated Military Veteran would ever parade himself around a shopping mall wearing his uniform and all his medals for self glorification.

Even further, it makes the real Military Vets look dumb when some big greasy guy who never served a single day is out there representing them with a bunch of lies and BS.


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Premium Member
Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
And without hesitation, you need to. No real decorated Military Veteran would ever parade himself around a shopping mall wearing his uniform and all his medals for self glorification.

Even further, it makes the real Military Vets look dumb when some big greasy guy who never served a single day is out there representing them with a bunch of lies and BS.

it was a young guy...couldnt be past 22. but my bullshit alarm went crazy. had a beret on...but you could see his har was longer and nasty looking. he looked like he bought everything from one of those side of the road military surplus stores.
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Established Member
Jul 3, 2003
Murder capital of USA
Some of you are probably well aware of the outbreak of PHONY Military Heros happening in this country right now, but some still have no idea how bad it's getting.

I actually have NOT heard of this. What the eff is wrong with people that compel them to do something like this? What a disgrace. No, it's beyond a disgrace. Actually, I don't know the proper word to describe it.

Those people need to be more than just bitch slapped.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
What used to piss me off is driving by the prisons or youth camps and seeing them all wearing BDUs back in the day. For some people in the back woods this is the only time they see a military uniform. Sends a terrible message to me.


Jul 27, 2005
I hope no body can get my military records. Its a pain for me to get them, I dont want someone to be able to make a phone call or send an email for them to have my DD-214, SSN, etc.

Otherwise they can chase the fakers all they want and I approve of them doing so.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2003
West Los Angeles
I have never really understood why people make these kind of claims. They can easily be found out.

It would be like me claiming that my Cobra runs 9.80s while I am in the staging lanes about to run. Everyone around will know I am just making it up.

And then they are just fools with big mouths.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
:shrug: I couldn't care less about these tards. What is driving me nuts is politicians using us as pawns to garner support:fm:


Established Member
Jan 24, 2006
North of Dallas, TX
I'm not military, I've been a faithful DoD employee for a little while now. worked side by side with them. your scum if you think it's ok to impersonate. my father is former navy, sisters AF, I gave serious consideration to the marines but decided against it as I landed a DoD job. nothing but respect for those that serve. however I will say some of the "fatties" that are serving for the reserve or NG make me scratch my head as to why they are allowed to serve their tours of duty. non-the less, some are still military. CG counts too people, they do a pretty good job too in my opinion.

that being said, my little cousin's mom who has no military experience at all was dating a guy who swore up and down he was a part of seal team six for 10 years (he is like 45 now.) extremely large and overweight. I asked him some simple questions a few seals that I ate with during my tour in Iraq ways to spot the fakes, first one they said was what was his class number. he came up with some shit like 45D<---not a BUD/S class number. I asked him to outline what his specialties were. he said he was a sniper. <---again bull shit. so as to not rise suspicion I had my dad who has done fire arms instruction for a good long while to go to the range with him one day. my fathers words when he returned "if he was a seal, I'm ****ing superman" said he missed the target 60% of his rounds. it was pistol work at 20 ft, 30 ft, 50 ft. no rapid firing done he said. <---I lol'd as I am definitely no marksman, but I will hit center of mass with all rounds until 50 ft, then I miss about 10% depending on my day.

saw another kid wearing a full army uniform walking around outside without a cover. he was maybe 25 but had a CSM rank on his chest. he also had the flag on the wrong shoulder.


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Established Member
Mar 8, 2010
I actually have NOT heard of this. What the eff is wrong with people that compel them to do something like this? What a disgrace. No, it's beyond a disgrace. Actually, I don't know the proper word to describe it.

Those people need to be more than just bitch slapped.

Typically it comes from a guy who's been kicked around his whole life and wants some respect. And a lot of times these phonies actually did serve in the Military, but weren't satisfied with what they did, so they turn themselves into this jungle killer commando throat slitter guy. They like the attention, the respect, and how people react to them.

It goes all the way from the small town hero horse crap, up to Senators who spew some BS about their Military experience to get elected.

:shrug: I couldn't care less about these tards. What is driving me nuts is politicians using us as pawns to garner support:fm:
How about politicians who are Military phonies themselves?

Hey, anyone see that new show "Knights of Mayham" yet about the jousters? The lead Character on the show, Charlie Andrews, was running around telling big media companies like ESPN that he was a Navy SEAL so his crap would get promoted.

That is, until Don Shipley varified that he was completely full of sh*t.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 8, 2010
that being said, my little cousin's mom who has no military experience at all was dating a guy who swore up and down he was a part of seal team six for 10 years (he is like 45 now.) extremely large and overweight. I asked him some simple questions a few seals that I ate with during my tour in Iraq ways to spot the fakes, first one they said was what was his class number. he came up with some shit like 45D<---not a BUD/S class number. I asked him to outline what his specialties were. he said he was a sniper. <---again bull shit..

This is probably THE #1 thing phonies claim to be. A SEAL Team Six Sniper... oh man... If you ever run into a guy who tells you he was a "SEAL Team Six Sniper," he needs a fist in his face on spot.

So many people out there don't realize how tiny the SEAL community actually is... and how much smaller the dark side of their community is as well.

You've honetly got as good of a chance of bumping into a real Navy SEAL than you do bumping into Bin Laden, and that guys dead.


Established Member
Jun 18, 2007
however I will say some of the "fatties" that are serving for the reserve or NG make me scratch my head as to why they are allowed to serve their tours of duty. non-the less, some are still military.

Some are military??? I'm pretty sure NG and reserve go through identical training as AD...I do agree with the weight issue with SOME people (not all of us are fat overweight slobs in the NG) but that's up to the installation commander whether or not he cares if we pass pt. though some people do care about what they look like and how they present the uniform.

I despise people who impersonate military and they are easy to spot. They were usually green beret and all their deployments were black. Also they are also snipers, HALO jump masters and a SERE extraordinaire all by the age of 20.


Mongoloid Mike
Established Member
Sep 11, 2005
Imitation is the highest form of flattery right?

The truth is, you will rarely see any of us in uniform after hours and you certainly wouldn't see us out in uniform in a public bar for no reason.


Established Member
Jan 24, 2006
North of Dallas, TX
Some are military??? I'm pretty sure NG and reserve go through identical training as AD...I do agree with the weight issue with SOME people (not all of us are fat overweight slobs in the NG) but that's up to the installation commander whether or not he cares if we pass pt. though some people do care about what they look like and how they present the uniform.

I despise people who impersonate military and they are easy to spot. They were usually green beret and all their deployments were black. Also they are also snipers, HALO jump masters and a SERE extraordinaire all by the age of 20.

my apologies, I was writing while's what I get for multitasking, when I said some I meant there are some in the NG / reserves (fatties.)

and I've heard the sere things too....makes me want to drop them in the woods and be entertained. :lol1:


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
Yeah I rarely see people in full dress garb, mostly its just someone in their fatigues returning home on leave or whatnot.

impersonating a military officer should be just as illegal as impersonating a LEO.


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Established Member
Mar 8, 2010
In case some people missed it, you gotta watch this video. This guy is a disgusting POS and looks like that fat guy from the movie Se7en.

[nomedia=""]Veterans Day fun? - YouTube[/nomedia]


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Nov 19, 2005
Syracuse, UT (Near Hill AFB)
Most people that earn medals don't go around bragging of them. Matter of fact, it kind of embarrasses me when someone asks me about what I did to earn certain medals (I won't mention the medals here)--I am sure his fake ass would.

I have been in near 28 years. I would love for him to wear his uniform in my area and catch him in the act. Is there anyway to track this guy down? What area he lives in? I would love to notify the local news about his video and have them show up at his door step.

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