Need Major Help HUGE PROBLEM

cobra rider

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Established Member
Sep 8, 2003

In short, after taking my ASVAB for the marines, I was heavily pressured by my recruiters to sign, to the point that the were harassing me, they wouldn't take no for an answer, I had panic attack and I felt like a caged animal like the only way to get out of the room was to sign, so I did. At first I thought nothing of it, I thought this is what I wanted anyway, maybe I didn't invision it happening like this, but it was what I wanted. NOW I realize it was a mistake I feel as if it wasn't my choice, and after many talks with others I have realized I have made a mistake. I can't go I have no desire to go, even if I wanted to go, not like this, I don't want to go feeling that it wasn't really my choice, what can I do? If I attempt to talk to my recruiters they are going to tell me I'm a pussy, queer, or something derogatory, and tell me I will never be able to find a job with this on my record and whatnot, I need help, is there anything I can do, I'm not scheduled to leave until April 11, 2005, I have sworn in and signed once, I still have one more swearing prior to my ship date. Please help me

Thanks for reading.


And Then Some............
Established Member
Nov 25, 2000
Fort Thomas, KY BENGAL Country ! Cincy
Sorry bud I think that it's going to be hard to get out of this one. :( Talk to your recruiter though ! It can't hurt. Being called a panzy or queer or something is alot better than doing something that you don't want to do.


Established Member
Oct 16, 2004
Colorado Springs
Dude, I am in the Army and I have been in for about 5 years. Most of the stuff they tell you is bullshit!!! Dont be scared of what they think, they are just trying to make quota for that month, so they dont get chewed. If you want out now, then you have to do something about it NOW. If you go through basic, there is still ways to get out, entry level discharge, Failure to adapt, these sorts of discharges will not affect your future. Dont believe all that bullshit they tell you. Do some research on discharges under the USMJ, (uniformed code of military justice). If you have any question let me know and ill see what i can look up.


Established Member
Feb 2, 2005
Until you go to the MEPs station and are processed and take the ain't in all the will take alot of flack but if you don't want to go, don't.......


US Navy (retired)
Established Member
Mar 9, 2002
Epping, ND
if you don't want to be in the Military WE don't want you... I want a volunteer, that will have my back and will be there when I need him....

flyn high again

You are getting sleepy...
Established Member
May 9, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Silver2003Cobra said:
if you don't want to be in the Military WE don't want you... I want a volunteer, that will have my back and will be there when I need him....

That's what I was thinking.

cobra rider, one of the parts of growing up is taking responsibility for your actions. That means if you think you made a mistake, you walk in there and tell them that and take the repercussions. They will respect you a lot more for that than if you try to hide or weasel out of it.


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Established Member
Dec 25, 2004
south carolina
Let me figure out how to put this so it's not encouraging bad things. OK, would the army still want him if he failed a urine test, or would he just get into trouble?


Resident Law Student
Established Member
Apr 6, 2003
Sacramento, CA
flyn high again said:
That's what I was thinking.

cobra rider, one of the parts of growing up is taking responsibility for your actions. That means if you think you made a mistake, you walk in there and tell them that and take the repercussions. They will respect you a lot more for that than if you try to hide or weasel out of it.

Undue Influence: The improper use of power in a way that deprives a person of free will and substitutes another's objective. Consent to a contract, transaction, relationship, or conduct is voidable if consent is obtained with undue influence.

If they were harassing him into signing the paper, that is undue influence, which would have nothing to do with growing up and taking responsibility for one's actions, or weaseling out, because the will or intent to sign, was not his, but rather the recruiter's. If the situation is indeed as cobra rider has described it, it is the recruiters that deserve the repercussions for pressuring him to do something that he does not want to do.


Established Member
Jul 7, 2002
SF Bay Area
hotrod03 said:
Undue Influence: The improper use of power in a way that deprives a person of free will and substitutes another's objective. Consent to a contract, transaction, relationship, or conduct is voidable if consent is obtained with undue influence.

If they were harassing him into signing the paper, that is undue influence, which would have nothing to do with growing up and taking responsibility for one's actions, or weaseling out, because the will or intent to sign, was not his, but rather the recruiter's. If the situation is indeed as cobra rider has described it, it is the recruiters that deserve the repercussions for pressuring him to do something that he does not want to do.
Well said.

You can still get out of it. You aren't in till you go to meps. Take someone with you when you go back to tell them you don't want to go.

Never let anyone pressure you into doing something you're not sure you want to do, especially this. This is your LIFE you are talking about, don't let others make that choice for you. There is nothing embarrasing about not wanting to go in the military as it isn't for everyone.


الوزن الى القوة
Established Member
Feb 8, 2005
Out of curiosity what MOS did you sign up for? How old are you? What was your rational behind joining the Marine Corps? (Versus the other branches of the armed forces)

I can defiantly provide insightful comments on all aspects of the Marine Corps, surprisingly keeping an objective position. I can also arrange for you to speak to other active and inactive marines just to cover all bases. (If you’re interested)

To answer your question:
You are not a Marine. You can not be dishonorably discharged until Phase 2 of boot camp. Technically you have a contractual obligation to go the Marine Corps but I can tell you first hand, a close friend of mine was supposed to go to boot camp with me, he decided it wasn’t right for him. He just didn’t go. 3 months later he received a medical discharge, (DD214 Honorable). 4 years later I received my DD214 Honorable, granted he was a pussy but he was not dishonorably discharged.

Some bullet points to take into consideration.

-If you don’t want to go don’t go
-The Marine Corps is one of the most pristine sub departments of the Armed Forces (we fall under the Navy)
-It sucks. We promote slow, we’re under paid, under staffed, under funded and over worked.
-I would never trade that experience for anything in the world. I sincerely mean that, the camaraderie, leadership, experience, knowledge, ethics, morals… let me stop there, I don’t want to ramble but the list is immeasurable.
-Take advice from the proper people, if you signed up for active duty don’t talk to reserves. If your MOS field is 01xx (Clerk) don’t talk to 03xx (infantry men). Don’t bother talking to other members of the armed forces. No disrespect indented but the life of a marine is like no other. If you’re enlisted don’t talk to officers.
-Lastly, I have a close personal friend that is currently a career planner. (a recruiter for active marines) if you have any procedural questions he can help out.

Hope this helps, I went to a boot camp with a recruit that was weak minded and pressured into signing the contract. Two weeks into boot camp I went to make a head call in the middle of the night and caught him making a noose in one of the shitters. (trying to commit suicide) Don’t want to see you end up like that. Just serve your country by paying taxes.

Good Luck,
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flyn high again

You are getting sleepy...
Established Member
May 9, 2003
Chicago suburbs
hotrod03 said:
Undue Influence: The improper use of power in a way that deprives a person of free will and substitutes another's objective. Consent to a contract, transaction, relationship, or conduct is voidable if consent is obtained with undue influence.

If they were harassing him into signing the paper, that is undue influence, which would have nothing to do with growing up and taking responsibility for one's actions, or weaseling out, because the will or intent to sign, was not his, but rather the recruiter's. If the situation is indeed as cobra rider has described it, it is the recruiters that deserve the repercussions for pressuring him to do something that he does not want to do.

So it's not his responsibility, it's somebody elses? Who made the decision to walk into the place? Does anyone here think a recruiting office is going to try to talk you out of joining. Using your argument, the terrorists shouldn't be held accountable because they are only doing what their leaders tell them to. According to your argument, kids who say rock bands or movies influence them and cause them to commit murder should be set free and the rock band or movie company should be responsible. Gang bangers should not be responsible for people they kill because other members told them to. Sorry, I don't agree. He walked in. He signed the paper. If he wants out, he should act like a man and tell the recruiting office. No offense but some of you young people have no concept of what being a man is all about. Personal responsibility is lacking in our country today. Oh, if you don't agree, don't blame me for this post. I was "influenced". :rollseyes


Established Member
Jul 7, 2002
SF Bay Area
flyn high again said:
Personal responsibility is lacking in our country today. Oh, if you don't agree, don't blame me for this post. I was "influenced". :rollseyes
I have to disagree with you on this one. Personal responsibility? One could argue he IS taking responsibility for his life because he realized that wasn't the right choice and is taking action to correct it.

flyn high again

You are getting sleepy...
Established Member
May 9, 2003
Chicago suburbs
It all depends on which action he takes, Dan. Does he run away and hope his problem goes away, or cave in and join even though he doesn't want to, or does he go down there and unenlist or whatever you call it. I think that going down to the recruiting office, looking them in the eye and telling them he does not want to join is the correct action. He seems to be more worried they will call him names and is looking for an easy way out IMHO. :shrug:


New Member
May 25, 2003
flyn high again said:
So it's not his responsibility, it's somebody elses? Who made the decision to walk into the place? Does anyone here think a recruiting office is going to try to talk you out of joining. Using your argument, the terrorists shouldn't be held accountable because they are only doing what their leaders tell them to. According to your argument, kids who say rock bands or movies influence them and cause them to commit murder should be set free and the rock band or movie company should be responsible. Gang bangers should not be responsible for people they kill because other members told them to. Sorry, I don't agree. He walked in. He signed the paper. If he wants out, he should act like a man and tell the recruiting office. No offense but some of you young people have no concept of what being a man is all about. Personal responsibility is lacking in our country today. Oh, if you don't agree, don't blame me for this post. I was "influenced". :rollseyes

Are you an absolute idiot? Read the very first post in this thread, then read the thread you quoted, then read your crap. Don't be a god dam drama queen. This kid was coerced into signing. Do you understand that? He's asking for advice as he has no clue what to do. He sounds rather scared to boot. The post you quoted dealt specifically with the coersion/intimidation he received to sign. Maybe that was over your head? Like some said in this thread, if he doesn't want to be there, they don't want him there along side them. Fair enough. Get off your fricken soap box with the gang and terrorist crap and either help this kid with advice or STFU.

flyn high again

You are getting sleepy...
Established Member
May 9, 2003
Chicago suburbs
You have your opinion, I have mine. At least I try to post without interjecting personal attacks. The "kid" is technically an adult and should start acting like one.

To rebut your post:

Are you an absolute idiot?
No, I am not an idiot.

Read the very first post in this thread, then read the thread you quoted, then read your crap.
I read the entire thread. Did you?

Don't be a god dam drama queen.
Using examples from real life to prove a point is being a drama queen?

This kid was coerced into signing. Do you understand that?
As I said before, does anyone here not understand that there will be pressure to sign in a recruiting office?

He's asking for advice as he has no clue what to do. He sounds rather scared to boot.
That's why I'm posting with advice. If you don't like it, post your own.

The post you quoted dealt specifically with the coersion/intimidation he received to sign. Maybe that was over your head?
Already answered.

Like some said in this thread, if he doesn't want to be there, they don't want him there along side them. Fair enough.
Read my first post where I agreed with this.

Get off your fricken soap box with the gang and terrorist crap and either help this kid with advice or STFU.
Already answered. I think my advice is very valid. I don't see you offering any. :shrug:

Some personal advice for you, paco. Swearing, taking the Lord's name in vain, and personal attacks do nothing to impress me as to your credibility, :rollseyes



You are slow.
Established Member
Jan 22, 2004
I was told you are not obligated until you get on the transport to basic.


Future Job...
Established Member
Sep 23, 2003
Mystic, CT
As I said before, does anyone here not understand that there will be pressure to sign in a recruiting office?

Go into a USCG recruiter's office you will see the most laid back person ever. Why? Mostly because the Coast Guard is the best service to join (IMO). But anyways, they wont pressure you into signing anything... The Marines are an awesome group (and crazy as hell) and they only want you there if you are willing to be brainwashed into taking orders which is like any service including the CG, also they only want you there if you are willing to give you life to better your country, if your not than don't do it.

Go to that link and look at the part where it says to write a letter and do exactly as it says and be done with it.

If they call you a pussy or whatever tell them to f uck off and walk out of the office, what are they going to do??? Nothing. Mainly because the UCMJ will not let them because that is grounds for dishonorable discharge.

And take it from somebody who knows, the uncharacterized discharge that you are going to get will NOT affect you in any way except when(if) you go to another recruiter they will ask you for it.

This is just my opinion but most of it is based off of facts from MY experience in the military. Take it as you wish.

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New Member
May 25, 2003
flyn high again said:
You have your opinion, I have mine. At least I try to post without interjecting personal attacks. The "kid" is technically an adult and should start acting like one.

To rebut your post:

No, I am not an idiot.

I read the entire thread. Did you?

Using examples from real life to prove a point is being a drama queen?

As I said before, does anyone here not understand that there will be pressure to sign in a recruiting office?

That's why I'm posting with advice. If you don't like it, post your own.

Already answered.

Read my first post where I agreed with this.

Already answered. I think my advice is very valid. I don't see you offering any. :shrug:

Some personal advice for you, paco. Swearing, taking the Lord's name in vain, and personal attacks do nothing to impress me as to your credibility, :rollseyes


Your second post was not up when I replied. Guess I missed the sentence about "look in the eye" in your first post because that's all that can be done. That IS good advice by the way. You needn't harp on today's "youth" because of this kid. Everyone knows what these recruiters are like for those that walk in and are clueless about their direction in life or haven't made up their minds. They are ruthless and put a lot of pressure to sign the dotted line. Luckily most that go in have made up their minds. But like this lad, some have not and probably regret it. Or end up loving it. No matter he wants out now and I think is being a man but needs guidence. I'd say don't go in alone is the first thing. I do apologize by the way.

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