Recent content by LoCoMotion

  1. LoCoMotion

    Daffy Viper?

    Kinda strange...... EDIT: ooopps
  2. LoCoMotion

    IP testing only.....

  3. LoCoMotion

    Cobra Road Trips…….

    I’m getting ready for a trip, from San Diego to St. Louis, MO…….. So, my questions are…… What’s the longest road trip you’ve taken in your Cobra? Any long stretches between gas stations that made you nervous ? What’s the lowest you let your tank get to, before a re-fill? What was...
  4. LoCoMotion

    Running “pig” rich?

    DYNO INFO This is my Dyno info that is using on their web site…… car is still stock and I’d really like to keep it that way (for awhile, anyways)………I seen this mentioned on another topic and someone said that the car was running “pig” rich…….can someone tell me what...
  5. LoCoMotion

    Forum News Reports….This just in…..

    Latest News Report....
  6. LoCoMotion

    Focus in the driveway…..

    Got up this morning thinking on a trip to the mountains for some twisty fun……..came to the first stop sign by my house, the brakes felt a little funny…..drove to the next stop light, same funny brakes, made a left turn and no power steering……..both had gone out. Called the dealership, they...
  7. LoCoMotion

    The Trade

    Had the 2002 GT for 13 months…….started to cruise the SVT forums and let you guys/gals talk me into a 03 Cobra………..Thanks :beer:
