Search results

  1. SHOdown220

    Are new truck prices really that bad?

    I’ve said it many times before, new truck prices are insane. In fact all vehicles prices, new and used, are insane. Last week my father in law gave me a beater truck to have around the house. 97 f-150 xlt regular cab 4wd with the 4.6 V8. I was digging through it and found the original window...
  2. SHOdown220

    Boss 302 emissions not ready help

    Hey guys hoping someone can help me out. My boss has a 2013 boss 302 and we had to replace a fuel inlet pipe for check engine light. We have that repaired and now trying to inspect the car we cannot seem to get all of the readiness monitors to set. I have personally put over 200 miles on the car...
  3. SHOdown220

    Recommend me a car

    After a deer totaled my DD it’s time to find a replacement. Wrong time to buy a car but what are you doing to do. Here’s the deal. 90 miles round trip for work so I would prefer 30+ highway mpg, comfortable and reliable. 4 door preferred as I have kids that ride in my car very occasionally (no...
  4. SHOdown220

    Ceramic window tint worth it?

    Anyone running ceramic window tint? I’ve had all of my vehicles tinted for the last decade and have never been offered ceramic tint. I got a quote from my tint guy at work for my dd and he recommended doing ceramic for triple the price. Is it worth the added cost?
  5. SHOdown220

    Any dealership parts guys here?

    If so how do you like it? What do you like or dislike? I’m a service advisor, have been for awhile. Parts is short and offering some pretty competitive pay to get people in, already had 1 advisor and one seasoned tech make the switch to parts. Seems like it would take a load off my mind not...
  6. SHOdown220

    Teenager falls to his death on amusement park ride

    Just horrible, doesn’t appear he was securely fastened in when the ride came down and he slid out of his seat. These places have minimum wage teenagers checking for safety restraints. There’s a video of people questioning if they are secured properly then a video of the actual incident. I’ll...
  7. SHOdown220

    Diminished value settlement

    Anybody dealt with a diminished value settlement from the insurance company? Long story short wife was sideswiped in her 2020 pilot on Christmas Eve by a hit and run driver. We found the guy, he was in a company truck that thankfully was insured. 2.5 months later the car is repaired and we are...
  8. SHOdown220

    32 Mile 2006 Ford GT Heritage on BAT

    Apologies if this has already been posted, I didn't see it on here but thought it was worth a share
  9. SHOdown220

    Winter Storm Izzy

    How's the threat looking for you guys in the affected areas? We are in central NC calling for 1-3 inches of snow overnight with 3-5 inches of snow/ice tomorrow. I know that doesn't sound like much for you guys up north but the ice is the killer here, especially combined with estimated 40mph wind...
  10. SHOdown220

    Wife was involved in a hit and run

    Well had our first hit and run experience last night. I’ll try to keep this short… my wife was driving with my 4 y/o son and was side swiped by a Chevy pickup headed the opposite direction. Trashed the whole drivers side of the pilot we just bought. It was right in front of my parents house...
  11. SHOdown220

    Mid-size trucks

    After buying our first home I am seeing more and more that I need a pickup truck. Would rather something new or slightly used. I have always just considered the full size truck market but I'm considering a midsize option. Needs to be crew cab to hold my family with 2 kids in car seats Needs to...
  12. SHOdown220

    Who’s given up motorcycle riding?

    Like the title states who here has given up riding motorcycles? How long did you ride for? What made you give it up? Background I’ve been riding since 2011, back then I was younger, single and had tons of free time. I rode everywhere, my first bike passed 10,000 miles in the first 3 months I...
  13. SHOdown220

    Man killed filming "Prank" Robbery

    I've been wondering when something like this would happen, sad situation all around, but man you can't do stupid shit like this. I feel bad for the guys family that was killed but I really feel bad for the guy who did the shooting because he didn't know it wasn't real, he had to take someone's...
  14. SHOdown220

    How old is too old for a tire?

    How old of a tire would you feel comfortable running on your DD? Long story short I have a tire that was taken off a new ST when I worked at Ford due to a nail. Turns out the nail didn't puncture the tire so I brought it home and put it in the garage. The time has come for a new set of tires...
  15. SHOdown220


    Happy fathers day to all you dads out there. I hope your day is filled with grilling, beer and spending time with family!
  16. SHOdown220

    Neighbors dog crapping in my yard

    As the title states, I keep seeing on my security camera the neighbor is walking his dog (lab) into my front yard to take a dump, to be fair its not always mine, but he walks through my yard and several of the other neighbors yards and his dog usually picks mine to do his business. I'm a big...
  17. SHOdown220

    Is anyone at all buying the new ranger?

    I was talking with a co worker this evening and we were discussing the new ranger and realized neither of us have seen more than 1 new ranger around. It's been out since what late 2018 early 19? I've seen exactly 1 ranger out on the road although dealers always seem to have them parked out...
  18. SHOdown220

    What's your "Perks of the job"?

    We've all heard the line "perks of the job", but what are your personal perks of your job? I'm not talking health insurance or things like that, but what are some perks in your job/industry that the average consumer would not get? Freebies, company cars, first in line for new products or...
  19. SHOdown220

    Hurricane Florence

    Looking like a major storm heading this way. Hope you guys at the coast make it out ok and hope your property stays safe. I'm just north of Charlotte and already see the stores selling out of water and gas stations selling out of fuel in the smaller towns, can't imagine how everyone is reacting...
  20. SHOdown220

    Storing tires?

    I picked up a set of new tires for the ST yesterday unexpectedly. I don't need them yet but the price was a steal. I tossed them in my garage for now but in the summer it's probably around 85-90 degrees in my garage every day. They will sit until probably this winter before they go on, any...
  21. SHOdown220

    Need advise on apartment damage

    I'll try to keep this short so bear with me My wife and I recently moved from our apartment that we lived at for just over 2 years. After moving we received a letter in the mail with a bill for $1352 for carpet replacement. This is a 591 sq ft tiny 1 bedroom apartment with cheap carpet mind...
  22. SHOdown220

    Another one bites the dust

    Poor mustang, crazy lucky driver. Looks like a shelby but can't tell for sure.
  23. SHOdown220

    New DD, (back in a ford )

    Hey guys as the title says I picked up a new DD, been eyeballing these things since they came out and finally pulled the trigger. Couldn't be happier with it, it's a blast to drive. Not sold on the stripes yet, dealer will delete them if I request. Thanks for looking and tell me what you think...
  24. SHOdown220

    Anyone had a vehicle lemon lawed?

    This is in NC, but I'm sure suggestions from anyone will be helpful. My 2014 Harley is having continuous issues out of the ignition switch. It has left me stranded twice, and a third time I got it to the dealer before it could leave me stranded. It's always the ignition. First time the...
  25. SHOdown220

    f150 or mustang?

    I'm ready to ditch the focus, I bought it a few years back when I needed the fuel efficiency and have been bored with it since then. times have changed and I've moved and started a new job. Now that the money flow is better and fuel mileage isn't an issue, I've been looking for a mustang. Had my...
