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  1. 3GROC

    What did you do for your Terminator today?

    Figured out my CD player really doesn’t work now so looking for a new head unit. What are you guys all using? Tried out one of these stubby antennas that seems to work at least in and around town here. Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  2. 3GROC

    What did you do for your Terminator today?

    it was the before pic. sorry for the bad context haha. I should have done a before and after I put the orange piece more straight (closer to 6 o’clock) and adjusted the handle for reach. for me it felt too far to the left the way it was set up in the photo.
  3. 3GROC

    What did you do for your Terminator today?

    I straightened this out. I have installed an MGW before on my old Cobra and I don’t recall having it adjusted like this. It shifted weird when I got it a few months ago…It’s still hard to get it in reverse but shifts better.
  4. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    that video was a big reason why I bought my Cobra back then. I was in the fence about selling my 00 Camaro SS. saw that on Streetfire and less than a year later I got one. bunch of great shops in NJ/NY back then too. Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  5. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    what size fitted are you? I can’t ever wear snap backs cause i’m a 7 7/8th usually. Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  6. 3GROC

    18” LMR Cobra wheels?

    so for the LMR 18x10 no IRS bolts and no spacers? I liked the stock look but was hesitant to run spacers again. Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  7. 3GROC

    03 Cobra in Forza Horizon 5

    haha. good for you man…that’s awesome she helped …. my wife came out the other night at like midnight and reminded me I had to get up at 4am for work. a bad day. but this looks pretty much like my 03 now so it’s worth it Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  8. 3GROC

    03 Cobra in Forza Horizon 5

    no kidding. I don’t think I have played a game that furiously since my buddy and I beat Gears of War 1 on Co-op in like 4 hours an embarrassingly long time ago. I think I still owned my first 03 back then. Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  9. 3GROC

    03 Cobra in Forza Horizon 5

    whoa. this is awesome. Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app
  10. 3GROC

    03 Cobra in Forza Horizon 5

    I followed that video posted yesterday and did two other easier rival? races and gifted a car and one other thing i’m forgetting and just hit 20. I gotta get better at this game Sent from my iPhone using
  11. 3GROC

    03 Cobra in Forza Horizon 5

    I wanted to murder last night when the game froze and wouldn't load. Im getting too old to get this pissed at a video game.
  12. 3GROC

    03 Cobra in Forza Horizon 5

    man I stink at this game. I just started horizon. Haven’t played any Forza in forever. I think I have 1 point and i’m not sure how I got it haha. the game froze up on me last night and I almost nuked my xbox. i’ll give it another go tonight. I try to follow some of the youtube tutorials but i’ll...
  13. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    Yeah i’d take one of those if they are shipping. They are badass! Too bad I won’t be home to NJ for a few months or I could stop by there
  14. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    If it wasn’t halfway out on Long Island I would have haha. We got spoiled with a lot of good Mustang shops in that area back then. Now i’m in AZ and I have no clue where to go.
  15. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    Yeah man those years were solid. pre-06 was a lot of fun. I still have friends from racing at Englishtown and Island in NJ.
  16. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    Should be badass. I lived in NJ at the time and remember the first day I saw it on Streetfire. I got my first 03 Cobra 20 years ago almost to the day. Feb of 04. I always wanted to take a trip to Mustang Magic just never made it. you are right. time flies man. I’m pumped! Sent from my iPhone...
  17. 3GROC

    What did you do for your Terminator today?

    I drove mine for the first time in a month if that counts hah A week or so ago I finished putting the correct emblems on it. it came with black cobras and missing the ford and svt emblems in the back. it was painted before I got it and they weren’t replaced correctly. new shift knob too...
  18. 3GROC

    Guess whos back

    <zooms into name on the door> aww shit!
  19. 3GROC

    SVT Trunk Emblem location

    I was told when I bought it that it had a flowmaster exhaust on it but it looks like a stock set up with an X pipe with some sort of cats that are welded pretty not awesomely. I thought the magnaflow tailpipes I had on my old Cobra looked kinda stock but I could be misremembering since it was...
  20. 3GROC

    SVT Trunk Emblem location

  21. 3GROC

    SVT Trunk Emblem location

    you're the absolute best...I appreciate it very much! I bought two new emblems just incase I messed one up...hopefully this helps me only have to do it once hah ...I had to ask because I have seen more than one in photos where the emblem was off by enough that it bothered me why they didn't...
  22. 3GROC

    SVT Trunk Emblem location

    I tried to search a dozen different ways to see if someone posted this but couldn't find anything. Can someone who still has the stock SVT emblem on the trunk in the stock location please measure the space to the left and right and bottom of the emblem? I tried to eyeball it to put on a new...
  23. 3GROC

    It’s been a while! I want another Terminator

    I regretted selling my first 03 back in 06 forever....took me 17 years to get another one but here we are!
  24. 3GROC

    Picked up a low mileage terminator!

    I had been out of the Cobra scene for a while and I didn’t think stock parts would be this hard to come by in good shape. Kinda dumb of me thinking back on it now. Awesome you found one with lower miles on it and still relatively stock. I found a lower mileage one as well with 35k on it so...
  25. 3GROC

    Picked up a low mileage terminator!

    very nice! congrats! I just recently got one again as well...Silver again
