N. Korea begs for an ass whooping.


Dumpster Baby
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
In a pineapple under the sea
FOXNews.com - Pictures Emerge of N. Korea Launchpad as Warships Move Into Area - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

The new satellite photographs, taken by GeoEye satellite over the missile facility and posted on Britain's Daily Telegraph Web site, are closer up than those previously released and show the actual launchpad on the country's northeast coast, American intelligence officials say, putting Pyongyang well on track for a launch the U.S. and South Korea warned Thursday would be a major provocation with serious consequences.

North Korea has said it will launch a communications satellite April 4-8, and has warned that fragments from the launch could fall into waters off Akita and Iwate prefectures (states) in northern Japan. In response, Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada told reporters he ordered the deployment of land-to-air and sea-to-air missile interceptors to the area at risk.

"We issued a destruction order," Hamada told reporters at parliament. "We will make sure to eliminate anything that may cause us any damage."

Pyongyang says the rocket will carry a satellite, but regional powers suspect the North will use the launch to test the delivery technology for a long-range missile capable of striking Alaska. They have said the launch — banned by the U.N. Security Council in 2006 — would trigger sanctions.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned such a "provocative act" could jeopardize the stalled talks on supplying North Korea with aid and other concessions in exchange for dismantling its nuclear program.

Japan has reacted the most strongly because the satellite will fly over its airspace and because North Korea has designated a zone near Japan's coast where debris is likely to fall.

North Korea has warned it will retaliate against any country attempting to intercept the satellite by restarting its nuclear development program.

Under Friday's order, the Japanese military is allowed to shoot down any missile fragments and debris heading toward Japanese territory.

The military will also move some PAC-3 land-to-air missiles, currently deployed around Tokyo, to Japan's northern coast, and deploy a pair of destroyers carrying SM-3 sea-to-air missiles in nearby waters, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

A set of the PAC-3 missiles would be also brought into central Tokyo to defend the nation's capital. The destroyers, equipped with Aegis radar, will sail from their southern homeport of Sasebo.

The U.S. Navy deployed the USS McCain and USS Chafee, two warships with technology to track and destroy missiles, from Sasebo port in southwestern Japan Thursday.

Japan's National Security Council approved Hamada's order to mobilize the missile interceptors. Parliament was expected to adopt a resolution later Friday urging North Korea to cancel the planned rocket launch.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura called for calm and promised to inform the public as soon as North Korea launches the rocket, adding it's unlikely to fall on Japan's territory.

"We would like everyone to continue your daily life and business as usual," Kawamura said.

Some analysts said Japan — trying to appear strong in the face of the North Korean launch — is overreacting.

Hajime Izumi, a Shizuoka University professor of international politics, urged the government to be more balanced.

"The deployment is unavoidable as long as there is a slight possibility of a failure, but the problem is that it creates an impression that a launch would be a 100 percent failure," Izumi said. "The government should give a more balanced explanation."

Japan and its allies have said the launch could be an attempt to test long-range ballistic missile technology and have demanded the North cancel the plan or face additional sanctions. If Pyongyang forges ahead with the plan, they say, even the launch of a satellite would be in breach of a U.N. Security Council resolution barring the country from any ballistic activity.

Japan imposed tight trade sanctions on Pyongyang in 2006 after it tested ballistic missiles in waters dividing the two countries and conducted an atomic test. Japan's current sanctions, which have been extended every six months, are set to expire April 13.

Click here to see the satellite photo at The Daily Telegraph.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 11, 2007
So all we are going to do is put sanctions on them that they will basically ignore? Grow some balls, America :bored:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
North Korea never ceases to amaze me. Their economy is in shambles and their citizens are starving and they keep pumping money into their military because they operate under the delusion that anyone cares about them.


1of72 Hater
Established Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reston, VA / Red Lion, PA
just think about what their endgame has to be? really think about it. they go to war with Japan, by default they are now at war with S. Korea and the United States. they ONLY way they last more than a week against that force is with the backing of China and maybe Russia. But China is the lynchpin. So what does China do? Engaging in a war against us would be terribly stupid on their part, considering their large investments in this country and our trading relationship. So now what do they do? N. Korea is putting China in a VERY hard position.


Future SVT *****
Established Member
Jul 15, 2008
Calgary, Alberta
That appears to be a big ass missile! :uh oh:




New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2008
CA/ Bay Area
cmon, North Korea pulls this crap constantly. Its like a damn rebelious teenager and The United Nations is its parents. Theyre gonna fire the missle, japans interceptors will most likely miss, the North Korea missle will explode in the air because they cant build for shit. So then we use sanctions for a while. North Korea apologizes and bitches, we remove sanctions. And it starts again.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Chi Burbs
North Korea never ceases to amaze me. Their economy is in shambles and their citizens are starving and they keep pumping money into their military because they operate under the delusion that anyone cares about them.

thats cuz they are trying to make up for the small cocks they have! :lol1:


2 Degrees/Still Confused
Established Member
Aug 17, 2004
just think about what their endgame has to be? really think about it. they go to war with Japan, by default they are now at war with S. Korea and the United States. they ONLY way they last more than a week against that force is with the backing of China and maybe Russia. But China is the lynchpin. So what does China do? Engaging in a war against us would be terribly stupid on their part, considering their large investments in this country and our trading relationship. So now what do they do? N. Korea is putting China in a VERY hard position.

Pretty much sums it up, China getting involved with this situation would further deter their ambitions for establishing a new global currency, its all ready extremely difficult.


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA

lol 15 dudes in that picture, and only one is holding a gun.

N. Korea really has me scurred! Id be grasping for straws too if i knew one nuke would destroy my entire civilization.

Man, we could send one B2 bomber in there, nuke him off the face of the planet. We could deny it, since its a stealth bomber nobody could prove we did it, and nobody would have to listen to Kim Jong's stupidity ever again.


1of72 Hater
Established Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reston, VA / Red Lion, PA
lol 15 dudes in that picture, and only one is holding a gun.

N. Korea really has me scurred! Id be grasping for straws too if i knew one nuke would destroy my entire civilization.

Man, we could send one B2 bomber in there, nuke him off the face of the planet. We could deny it, since its a stealth bomber nobody could prove we did it, and nobody would have to listen to Kim Jong's stupidity ever again.

somehow I think S. Korea, Japan, and China would be rather upset at this. Fallout sucks.

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