Ultraviolet Tattoos?


CO No Mas
Established Member
Sep 12, 2007
Does anybody have one? I have been thinking about getting some ink done in the future and this would be awesome to incorporate into my design.



CO No Mas
Established Member
Sep 12, 2007
how is it done? UV can cause cancer no?

Tattoo Health . org said:
What are Ultraviolet Tattoos?

UV tattoos are also known as black light tattoos. These tattoos are made with a special ink which becomes visible under a black light, though the tattoo itself is invisible in regular light. In the last decade these tattoos have become popular among party-goers as they are readily visible at parties where a black light may be used.

What is unique about UV Tattoos?

The tattoos placed with UV ink are invisible in regular light, but become visible under black light. The black light causes the UV ink to light up in different colors. The bright appearance of the colors is very captivating. The majority of these UV tattoos are placed on the visible parts of the body such as the face, arms and legs.

Are UV Tattoos safe?

Safety concerns about UV tattoos remain. The chemicals that compose UV ink are not considered 100% safe due to the number of reported skin irritations. Numerous skin rashes, blisters and infections have been reported with UV ink. In addition, there is some concern that these inks may contribute to cancer.

Do all tattoo artists use UV Inks?

The concern for the health of consumers and questions related to UV ink safety lead many tattoo artists to avoid UV ink. Since there is little or no FDA regulation of tattoo inks in general however, some tattoo artists make their own tattoo inks, including UV. With more awareness and newer formulations, UV ink tattoos are making a small resurgence after an initial decline associated with health risks. Researching UV ink is a great way to learn more about potential risks.

Have any health risks been reported with UV Ink?

The health risks associated with UV ink have been linked to the presence of phosphorous. This chemical is known to cause severe blistering, pain, burning sensations and even skin rashes. Many reports of skin problems have been reported to federal agencies..

Does eliminating phosphorus from the ink make it safe?

Some tattoo artists claim that the removal of phosphorus has made it safe for use. However, there are others who claim that phosphorus is not the primary cause of health risks and that there may be other agents.

Is UV Ink approved by the FDA?

Even though advertisements may suggest that UV ink is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it is not approved for human use. UV ink is currently only approved for use in agriculture and fishing industries. There are no reliable safety studies which explore the effects of human UV ink use.

Can UV Inks change color?

There are some reported cases of UV tattoos fading or yellowing after skin has been exposed to sun for prolonged periods.

How are UV Tattoos applied?

UV tattoos are more difficult and require skill to apply. Since UV ink does not light up in normal light and does not easily blend, attention has to be paid during application. Constant use of a black light to visualize the tattoo is required. The procedure is otherwise done in the same way as other tattoos. UV tattoos may take longer than other tattoos because UV ink is usually thinner and more challenging to apply.

I want to incorporate some parts of the solar system, that's why I think it would be sick!


Did I say that out loud?
Established Member
Jul 2, 2006
New York
you ever see those tattoos where people get the white of their eyeball inked up? crazy, i'd prefer UV tattoo over that lol


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
i remember seeing this before and while i think its cool, ill let other people do it thank you very much :thumbsup:

100 years from now people will be covered in head to toe with this stuff. watch. looking more and more like Star Trek here on Earth every day :dw::lol1:


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
That's just creepy lol.

have you seen where people inject INK into their EYEBALL?! talk about creepy!

from mostly what ive ready its convicts who do it to associate with a gang but im sure the "freaks" will follow suit soon enough :dw:

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