Encounter with a cop caught on tape


Brown Recluse Slayer
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
Hunting spiders
That's all good since you've made YOUR CHOICE ..which you made it clear it is YOUR CHOICE ..now ..is THEIR CHOICE not in line with YOUR opinion??

No? Not really sure of the question since I thought I shared my opinion on the topic and cut right to the point... Basically stating its your choice to use your rights or not? And if you're forced to act like these guys did, then it defeats the whole purpose of even having rights in the first place.

If they dont want to show their ID, or let the police officer check the serial number... Thats fine. I'm just saying they acted like pricks even though the cops didnt do a damn thing wrong. They bitched at them for doing their jobs and tried "baiting" them.

While I think open carrying a unloaded gun is ****ing retarded, its their right to do so.. And if I were a cop, I'd be curious about this as well, just because open carrying an unloaded gun is stupid, and I'd want to check to see if they actually were carrying an unloaded or loaded gun around.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 9, 2002
I stopped watching after the first 30 seconds. Your friends are nothing but @ssholes who have other agendas and tried to instigate.

Edit- There is a right way of being respectful and a wrong way and your friends just showed the wrong way. I am all for standing up to your rights, but have some more candor about doing it.
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Established Member
Jun 6, 2002
I think the guy was rude to the police a bit but they can't ask to see your ID or your guns serial number without just cause. I respect that they stood up for their rights when most people simply comply. That is the problem with this country. We need more people like this to stand up for our rights, especially here in Cali.
And you guys making fun of these guys for open carrying an unloaded weapon. Let me ask you this; if an actual criminal sees these guys guns strapped on, it will give them pause to commit a crime, just because of the possibility that it may be loaded or a clip in his pocket. I'm more worried about the criminal that conceals his weapon than i am about some guys open carrying.
God bless the Constitution!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 11, 2006
I think the guy was rude to the police a bit but they can't ask to see your ID or your guns serial number without just cause. I respect that they stood up for their rights when most people simply comply. That is the problem with this country. We need more people like this to stand up for our rights, especially here in Cali.
And you guys making fun of these guys for open carrying an unloaded weapon. Let me ask you this; if an actual criminal sees these guys guns strapped on, it will give them pause to commit a crime, just because of the possibility that it may be loaded or a clip in his pocket. I'm more worried about the criminal that conceals his weapon than i am about some guys open carrying.
God bless the Constitution!

Thank you, but some people just don't get it.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 31, 2004
san antonio
jesus slap that moron who made the vid

The two duechbags in the video are the very kind of morons that give open or concealed carry a bad name

they are LOOKING for a confrontationt hey are being A@@#HOLES to a public servant to is simply trying to do his job and verify they are legal.. nothing more

they went LOOKING for a confrontation and the cop is to be comended for his calmness and profesionality..

these are exactly the kind of dumbasses imo who shouldnt be allowed to own a gun much less open or conceal carry..

these kind of idiots with a axe to grind and something to prove imo are the first jerk wads who will pull that gun and use it when uncalled for and in a situation where there is plenty of other ways out.

I live in texas I have a Concealed carry permit i can legaly carry a loaded fire arm concealed and I feel those jerkoffs are the worst kind of moron and the very type of person who shouldnt be allowed the responsibility that comes with public carry.

I own probly as many firearms as anyone on this forum.. I would defend my right and even thiers to own and bear arms to the death however there is some comon sense here and you tards taking the side of the video your just blind kids with a problem for authority.

We need police. We need laws. We need order to protect those who are not armed those who are not able to protect themselfs.

you cop haters can all kiss my asss.
how many bankers do you see rip people off and how many stock brokers do you see steal how many doctors do you see writing false perscriptions.

There are bad apples any where you look in any profesion you find people who shouldnt be there who dont follow rules who are just bad in general if a person makes a as&^#$le cop he would make a a as#$%le bank teller or parking lot attendant dont blame the fact hes a cop.

I'll be damed if ill sit by and watch some ignorant tards belittle the people who put thier lives on the line for US every day.

99 percent of you pussies slaming the cops wouldnt have the guts to do the job they do to put yourself in the line of fire as a job and your duty so just shut the hell up.

thats the difference between most of the ignorant gun hauling tards out there and the respectfull and educated carriers.

We know its a right, We know its legal, We know it also comes with respsonsibility.

Its not a game and its not a way to provoke a response..

someone needs to take his open carry unloaded gun from him and slap him with it.
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New Member
Established Member
Jul 31, 2004
san antonio
oh and for you morons saying crooks conceal thier weapons..

yes usualy thiefs robbers etc do

however the criminals who do the most damage and pose this biggest threat of death to a person in publix almost never conceal

In almost every mass shooting i have ever seend or heard of there was no concealment the perp walked up with weapons exposed and started randomly shooting in almost every campus shooting work place shooting public shooting etc that i can think of.

obviously these guys arent out to rob someone or do a drive by with thier guns on thier hips but who is to say they haven't snapped and are on thier way to the mall t shoot everyone at a particular food court.

so you tell me wich is more deadly to the general public the guy with the pistol under his jacket thats going to rob somoene and run away who doesnt want to shoot them


The guy with the gun on his hip with something to prove that plans to shoot everyone he sees.

fort hood - gun exposed walked through shooting
columbine - walked in guns exposed
mass - profesor walks in gun exposed shoots three other profesors
the mcdonalds masacre - walked in the door gun exposed
virginia tech - walked right through campus gun exposed
Birmingham ny - man walks right into a imigration ofice fun in full view and opens fire
just last week a man walked right into a school board meeting 357 in open view and shot at the board president but missed.

the point is the people who are MOST LIKELY to kill you with a gun are the least likely to hide the gun or even care if someone sees it.
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1of72 Hater
Established Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reston, VA / Red Lion, PA
oh and for you morons saying crooks conceal thier weapons..

yes usualy thiefs robbers etc do

however the criminals who do the most damage and pose this biggest threat of death to a person in publix almost never conceal

In almost every mass shooting i have ever seend or heard of there was no concealment the perp walked up with weapons exposed and started randomly shooting in almost every campus shooting work place shooting public shooting etc that i can think of.

obviously these guys arent out to rob someone or do a drive by with thier guns on thier hips but who is to say they haven't snapped and are on thier way to the mall t shoot everyone at a particular food court.

so you tell me wich is more deadly to the general public the guy with the pistol under his jacket thats going to rob somoene and run away who doesnt want to shoot them


The guy with the gun on his hip with something to prove that plans to shoot everyone he sees.

fort hood - gun exposed walked through shooting
columbine - walked in guns exposed
mass - profesor walks in gun exposed shoots three other profesors
the mcdonalds masacre - walked in the door gun exposed
virginia tech - walked right through campus gun exposed
Birmingham ny - man walks right into a imigration ofice fun in full view and opens fire
just last week a man walked right into a school board meeting 357 in open view and shot at the board president but missed.

the point is the people who are MOST LIKELY to kill you with a gun are the least likely to hide the gun or even care if someone sees it.

have you ever lived in an anti-gun state? just curious.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Guys need to find something better to do with their time instead of trying to start incidents with the police, which is all i believe that was set up to do. What was the point of all of that?...


Established Member
Jan 2, 2008
Burbank, CA (SoCal!!!)


Tu ne cede malis
Established Member
Sep 3, 2004
Mormon Mecca
Guys need to find something better to do with their time instead of trying to start incidents with the police, which is all i believe that was set up to do. What was the point of all of that?...

Right! Because they stopped the cop and initiated the incident.:rolleyes::bash:

Cops needs to find something better to do with their time instead of trying to start incidents with lawful citizens, which is all i believe that was set up to do. What was the point of all of that?...

Isn't it ironic how swapping places of the Cop and Citizen in the way you described makes much more sense?


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 8, 2007
i dont think anyone is mad about them using their rights... Theyre mad because of their attitude and the way they acted on it. They were total pricks. If you dont want to show your id, fine. Thats your right. If you want to open carry an unloaded weapon, go for it. However, dont bitch at the cop when he's doing his job and tell him to attend to more important things, when he doesnt know those clowns with the guns. They could have been convicted felons or had stolen guns.

As much as i am for people exercizing their rights... If you're going to act like a douche bag to a cop, expect them to do the same thing back. Thats all.

Personally, i would have just showed my id and let them take a look at the gun. Whats the big deal? They didnt have anything to hide, so why not make it easier on everyone? You arent "giving up your rights"... You can chose to do whatever you want in regards to that. You chould chose to show your id or let them see your gun. You can also chose not to. I wouldnt call it "giving up your rights", because theyre still there if you want them. You can chose.



Brown Recluse Slayer
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
Hunting spiders
Right! Because they stopped the cop and initiated the incident.:rolleyes::bash:

Isn't it ironic how swapping places of the Cop and Citizen in the way you described makes much more sense?

Please tell me what the police officers did wrong? Oh yeah, thats right.... Nothing! How is a police officer supposed to know that the idiots carrying the unloaded guns arent felons or have stolen weapons? How are they supposed to know that the guns are unloaded? Do they have x-ray vision? Nope... Didnt think so.

The police officers were CALLED to the scene by someone. Are they supposed to just ignore the call and not check it out?

Some of you guys are acting ridiculous with this whole "cop hating" mentality, thinking theyre all out to get you and that theyre corrupt. You cant find a single thing that the police officers did wrong in this video. You have rights, and so do they. :dw:. Its not the end of the world.


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2005
The last time a person to make news because they were open carrying was her own worst enemy.
Woman Who Carried Open Gun To Kid's Soccer Game Shot And Killed | Crooks and Liars

She open carried, people complained, sheriff revoked license, judge re-instated it.

Then a year later she is murdered by her husband in her house while video chatting with her BF online.

Seems like a webcam, the internet, and a pissed off husband were more of an enemy to this woman than open carrying a firearm.


Tu ne cede malis
Established Member
Sep 3, 2004
Mormon Mecca
Please tell me what the police officers did wrong? Oh yeah, thats right.... Nothing! How is a police officer supposed to know that the idiots carrying the unloaded guns arent felons or have stolen weapons? How are they supposed to know that the guns are unloaded? Do they have x-ray vision? Nope... Didnt think so.

#1. You're a ****ing idiot for quoting me in reply to someone else which was obviously way over you're puny little head. #2 Where exactly did I say the police officer did anything wrong?

Let's continue your idiotic "How is a police officer supposed to know". How is a police officer suppose to know everyone on the road is sober? How is a police officer suppose to know there isn't domestic violence happening in homes? How is a police officer suppose to know you don't have a bomb in your backpack?

The police officers were CALLED to the scene by someone. Are they supposed to just ignore the call and not check it out?

No that's perfectly fine. I would have however liked to see an informed cop show up.

Some of you guys are acting ridiculous with this whole "cop hating" mentality, thinking theyre all out to get you and that theyre corrupt. You cant find a single thing that the police officers did wrong in this video. You have rights, and so do they. :dw:. Its not the end of the world.

So because I'm defending the open carry guys, who are in turn defending their rights makes me a "cop hater"?:rollseyes Other than the fact the open carry guy informed the cop at least twice on what he could and couldn't do, yes the officer did nothing wrong and it was over all a polite encounter.

Nobody is crying police brutality or "cop hating". What I got from the video was an uninformed cop in understanding the law, and the bigger picture/problem which is California imposing such laws making it harder for L.E.O. to handle the real problems. Not to mention trampling the inalienableright to bear arms.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Thursday;10277882Nobody is crying police brutality or "cop hating". What I got from the video was an uninformed cop in understanding the law said:
inalienable[/U]right to bear arms.
the clowns were looking for a fight plain and simple and didn't get one. by posting that video they made themselves look foolish rather than the cops.

the issue is bigger than uneducated cops, it is also about the uneducated public regarding the PRC's gun laws. Had they done a better job educating the public there might not have been a problem. Someone reported them, and as has been said (and ignored) several times, the cops WERE doing their job, whether you or any of the other asshats defending these clowns think so or not.

as far as their "inalienable right to KEEP and BEAR arms" the constitution does indeed grant that right BUT it does not forbid states from putting rules in place regarding the exercise of that right. Even stupid ones like the PRC has


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Right! Because they stopped the cop and initiated the incident.:rolleyes::bash:

The guy was doing his job, unlike most people... :bash:

If I was a cop and saw a couple idiots with guns in plain view (again, what is the purpose of that?) I would stop them too. Common sense fella.


Tu ne cede malis
Established Member
Sep 3, 2004
Mormon Mecca
the clowns were looking for a fight plain and simple and didn't get one. by posting that video they made themselves look foolish rather than the cops.

What exactly makes them "looking for a fight"?

the issue is bigger than uneducated cops, it is also about the uneducated public regarding the PRC's gun laws. Had they done a better job educating the public there might not have been a problem. Someone reported them, and as has been said (and ignored) several times, the cops WERE doing their job, whether you or any of the other asshats defending these clowns think so or not.

as far as their "inalienable right to KEEP and BEAR arms" the constitution does indeed grant that right BUT it does not forbid states from putting rules in place regarding the exercise of that right. Even stupid ones like the PRC has

That negates an inalienable right, asshat. I never said the cop wasn't doing his job. I will say he did a piss poor job at doing his job, (being corrected nearly every step of the way on what he could and couldn't do). You can take that one of two ways. Either I'm a "cop hater", or cops are overloaded with memorizing, understanding, and enforcing nonsensical laws.

The guy was doing his job, unlike most people... :bash:

If I was a cop and saw a couple idiots with guns in plain view (again, what is the purpose of that?) I would stop them too. Common sense fella.

Thank god you're not a cop. "guns in plain-view" oh NOEZ! Do you call the cops when you see a cop with a gun in plain view?

You don't know the purpose of carrying a gun?

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