Need some help on what to do about my cars


Established Member
Nov 22, 2005
Poughkeepsie, NY
Need some help here. Not shore what I should do.

first I'm not selling either my mustang or sti.

The sti is my dd. But even though she still looks new, the salt from 10 years of winters is starting to show. I have some rust showing on the rear trunk under the wing and by the gas door. It can be fixed and repainted. I've undercoated the car with eastwood primer and paint years ago and I do touch ups every spring. It dose need some stuff. new struts and wheel bears. Now I could fix it and still drive it this winter and deal with the rust in the spring. I do not like leaving it parking lots plus I can only drive 180 miles before I need gas/e85. Wifes complains when we want to go places we have to take her new car all the time.

Option 2. I have a 98 honda accord v6 ex loaded. It was my wifes car. in the last year in half I have put stupid money into it. Do not get me started about it. Wife did not want to listen to me. replaced axles, cat, struts, full brake job, brake master, whole ac system replaced, new tires, tune up, timing belt, gas kits, pulleys, censers and so on. Well the tranny went. The car has 170k on it. A new built tranny is 2400 plus a new oil pan. plus i have to replace two censers. Not shore how long these cars last for. I have been told 250k.
I can't sell the honda as is. Know one wants it because of the tranny. The car is only worth like 3k is the tranny was fine.

I can park it anywhere. Winter driving is not great though. Could get new rim and snow tires to make it a little better.

So I could cut my losses and say f... it and donate it and fix the sti and keep it as my dd.

Or fix the honda and drive that in the winter, and once a week the rest of the year. Plus my wife could drive it. My wife would be pissed if I have three cars now. but will deal with it.

Option 3

fix the sti this year, donate the the honda and buy a beater to drive for next year. My fear with a beater is dropping crazy money into it. The beater would be a stick. I hate auto's.

the problems I have:rolleyes:

If it was up to my wife I would have only one car and it would be a prius:mj:


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
First, it's sure, not shore. Second, it's sensor, not censer.

Why not get rid of the honda, and put the sti back on a pump gas tune?


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Why can't you sell the Honda as is for like $5-700 bucks? To much pride to sell it for so little?


Wasn't me.
Established Member
Premium Member
Sep 23, 2007
I don't understand the question or problem at all I guess.

You have a new car that is "the wifes"(bullshit when you're married). That should be the designated trip car.

What does the Subaru need? Sounds like it runs and drives to me.

You've put to much money into the beater car to cut your losses, so it seems obvious to put in a 5-700$ trans in it and keep on trucking. Put snow tires on and tough out the winter. Unless you replace it with a lifted jeep or truck then it will do just as good in the New York snow.

Realistically you should sell the Subaru, fix the beater, then sell/trade beater for a good DD. Then you'd have a DD and a playtoy(mustang).


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
sell that piece of shit Honda, it sounds like a money pit disaster. Part it out if you have to. Pull out the engine and ebay it.
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# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
Honduh's last as long as they have been taken care of. Sounds like that one wasnt that well maintained. Honestly it sounds like you want to sell one beater for another, and thats going to leave you back to square one in that aspect.

Keep the honduh, fix the tranny. Should be cheap as **** to do, they are dime a dozen and you can do it yourself pretty easily.

Put a standard tune back into the STi to increase its range and make that also driveable in winter.

Having three cars is always better than two. Once we get my girl a car (she is driving my Fusion now) I doubt ill sell it. Having a backup in case one of the primary cars goes down is super helpful when you both drive opposite directions to work each morning at different times.


I make hits
Established Member
Mar 16, 2004
Evans, Colorado
I guess I'm not really following what you want at all. It sounds like you keep a Mustang and an STi as toys, but you also use the STi as a daily driver.

From the sounds of it, the STi is already nearing beater status based on it's condition after years of snow and salt. So one of your solutions is to either fix a dead car, or get a new beater even though the STi is still going to be your primary car most of the time?

Your post was a bit rambling so I don't know if I'm understanding that correct or not. If I am, that seems awfully weird. Why on earth would you need two DD's plus your wifes new car?

This is what I would do. Put the shitbox honda on craiglist for $700 and settle for the eventual $500 and be rid of it. Take that money and fix what needs to be fixed on the STi and de-mod the thing so that it's a reliable and (more) economical DD for you. STi's make shit DD's simply because they get crappy fuel mileage, have outrageous insurance costs and require premium fuel to boot. But you've already got it and are using it as such, so you already know that.

I did the three cars thing for a while and yeah it was baller to say I own three cars at once, the reality of it was terrible. Unless you're creating a car collection for some reason, pick your toy and get a quality DD that you can use every day of the year as cheaply as possible.


Established Member
Nov 22, 2005
Poughkeepsie, NY
My sti is totally streetable. The sti is fine, the struts are starting to go 98k on the body now. I did not want to get to into details. but I run a 93oct map for the winter and put snow tires on the her she gets 15 mpg on e85 or 20 on 93 oct. I love driving the sti everyday or the mustang. It's just seeing rust on her is pissing me off so I want to stop driving her in the winter.

I tried selling the honda in the summer time. Out of everybody that looked at it, drove it or what ever, only one person told me $200.

Well it all came at once, it was time for a tune up and brakes and tires.

These honda tranny are not cheap. a junk yard tranny is still 1000. honda want's 3.5k for a new one. And yes these v6 tranny are shit!!!

I really do not want to put anymore money into the honda but I just put so much dam money into it I can't let it go:rolleyes: its driving me crazy!!! I know if I sell it for say 500 I will be pissed and keep saying I should of kept the car. But on the other hand if I put the money into it I know something else will probably brake on it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 19, 2012
Kansas City, MO
Would keep the Honda. My parents had a 2000, was my moms then my dads. Ended up totaling it with well over 300k on the clock. Trans was slipping for the last 80k miles of its life.

Also sounds like you finally caught up on the maintenance so that shouldn't be a big issue going forward.
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I make hits
Established Member
Mar 16, 2004
Evans, Colorado
call a salvage yard and see what they would pay for it. That honda isn't doing you any good. You've already put more in to it than it is worth running. Get an or best offer for it, donate it or salvage it, but get rid of it.

If the STi already has rot issues, drive it in to the ground. Once you have rot, it proliferates (ask me how I know). Unless you can realistically tear the car completely down, replace all the rotted surfaces, corrosion protect them and repaint, your car is already on borrowed time. Depending on the severity of the problem, you could be once again looking at putting more money into the car than it's worth.

To be frank, with what you've said here, I'm really not surprised your wife hates the cars. You've got one that is seeing the end of it's life and one that is already dead but continuing to have money spent on it. My advise is to come to grips with that fact and act accordingly.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 13, 2006
Quincy, MA
so you have a mustang that you prob like to drive when its nice out... and have an sti that you don't like to drive in the winter.... and have a dying honda that needs more money put into it. pick the sti or the mustang as a toy or sell the honda and fix the sti and keep driving it in the winter.


Hot rod Lincoln
Established Member
Dec 22, 2005
Olathe, KS
I'm not shore this is a serious question? It's obvious that you need to part ways with the Honda because by the time you replace the transmission and censers, you'll be'll lucky to brake even. It also sounds like you have invested more money into than it's worth, so I'd sell it and be done with it. Put whatever money you make into the STI so that small issues don't turn into bigger ones and when the time allows, deal with the rust and whatever issues it may have.

Edit: Sell everything and buy a SHO...
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