Change of coarse for the United States


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
I don't think she would be eligible would she? There are rules that candidates have to follow and that means meeting deadlines to even put yourself down as a candidate which we know she hasn't done unless they somehow did it in secret which it wouldn't surprise me, but I would imagine that is illegal.
I would think there would be but say Biden drops dead tomorrow, what would be the course of action? At this point I want him alive...till after the election anyway.


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Sep 29, 2015
Northeast Florida
Biden will never make it to Election Day. The left is going to ensure has has a “medical emergency” once the poll numbers start to slip.

He is a pedophile, is senile, sponsored the law that locks up African Americans, supported segregation and opposed its end, he is a racist by any definition of the word and is corrupt as corrupt gets.

He is a train wreck.

I would recommend the book called Obstruction Of Justice by Luke Rosiak. It’s not about Biden but it’s a great read.

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Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I would think there would be but say Biden drops dead tomorrow, what would be the course of action? At this point I want him alive...till after the election anyway.

I would imagine it falls to Bernie since he is the runner-up.


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Apr 13, 2008
Frankfort IL
I believe the DNC brokered deal could seat whomever they want, weather they ran in the primaries or not. Nothing is off the table at this point.


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Mar 6, 2008
As long as trump continues to ostracize independents, I don't see the course changing anytime soon. He's turned away a lot of middle of the road folks. Thats the only reason that Biden stands a chance to win the election in November.

I’m an Independent and I’m not ostracized in any way.
Trump is his own worst enemy sometimes and I don’t agree with everything he says.
If anything I feel ostracized by the Dems who will Pander to anyone to get votes. If Floyd was white and the Cop black and White people were protesting Dems would be kissing their ass too get votes feigning outrage.
I see MSM/ Dems overplaying their hand by relentlessly crying systemic racism and desensitizing a large portion of the population to a real problem.
This is why Biden is going to pick a Black Woman for VP, not because he wants to pick a VP that’s qualified ( not saying Black Women aren’t qualified to be clear) he has no choice.He has to Pander to the Black Community to get their vote.

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Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
I don't think she would be eligible would she? There are rules that candidates have to follow and that means meeting deadlines to even put yourself down as a candidate which we know she hasn't done unless they somehow did it in secret which it wouldn't surprise me, but I would imagine that is illegal.
Lol. Democrats following rules. That's a good one lol


free pizza man
Established Member
Mar 1, 2008
I’m an Independent and I’m not ostracized in any way.
Trump is his own worst enemy sometimes and I don’t agree with everything he says.

Bingo. He is his own worst enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stopped using twitter, he would probably win by a landslide. Instead there is a fair chance he will lose. But he doesn't seem to care, because he's still tweeting every day.

Honestly, these riots probably wouldn't have happened if he handled the situation better. The police officers involved in George Floyd were 100% in the wrong. That doesn't mean that the other 99% of police are bad people. That should be the narrative he is trying to convey. Seek justice and support peaceful protesters to heal the wounds. Don't tweet "If you loot, we will shoot". Somethings don't need to be stated even if they are true. He doesn't seem to understand how its more important to bring the country together.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 1, 2004
Bingo. He is his own worst enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stopped using twitter, he would probably win by a landslide. Instead there is a fair chance he will lose. But he doesn't seem to care, because he's still tweeting every day.

Honestly, these riots probably wouldn't have happened if he handled the situation better. The police officers involved in George Floyd were 100% in the wrong. That doesn't mean that the other 99% of police are bad people. That should be the narrative he is trying to convey. Seek justice and support peaceful protesters to heal the wounds. Don't tweet "If you loot, we will shoot". Somethings don't need to be stated even if they are true. He doesn't seem to understand how its more important to bring the country together.
Don't agree with this. He is receiving negative press 24/7. Twitter IS HIS WAY to counter all the bullshit. Trump's tweets don't bother me one bit and I am sure any normal man with a testosterone above that of a pubescent boy or woman aren't bothered either. What has he tweeted that's so bad?!

Who doesn't like James Woods' tweets?! Except the regressive left?! Twitter is a great way to get a message out when you are fighting the tide of regressive left media.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 1, 2004
Bingo. He is his own worst enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stopped using twitter, he would probably win by a landslide. Instead there is a fair chance he will lose. But he doesn't seem to care, because he's still tweeting every day.

Honestly, these riots probably wouldn't have happened if he handled the situation better. The police officers involved in George Floyd were 100% in the wrong. That doesn't mean that the other 99% of police are bad people. That should be the narrative he is trying to convey. Seek justice and support peaceful protesters to heal the wounds. Don't tweet "If you loot, we will shoot". Somethings don't need to be stated even if they are true. He doesn't seem to understand how its more important to bring the country together.
When did Trump say the officers were right?! You don't understand how it works. These riots are funded because they are trying to change the election outcome. Did you not see the videos of the provocateurs? The mysterious brick pallets? Go read up on Soros and what he has been doing in Europe for decades! These riots were going to happen no matter what Trump said or did!

Soros is an agent of the Deep State!



Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2007
Bingo. He is his own worst enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stopped using twitter, he would probably win by a landslide. Instead there is a fair chance he will lose. But he doesn't seem to care, because he's still tweeting every day.
We played this tune with Bush. He allowed the media to define the Narrative without opposition and destroyed his own Presidency. I hired Trump to attack the left 7x24, because they have been doing it to the right for decades without opposition. The left has been at war with the right, killing it through a thousand cuts, it’s high time they got it back instead of allowing them to club us like baby seals.

Weather Man

Persistance Is A Bitch
Established Member
May 18, 2012
Bingo. He is his own worst enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stopped using twitter, he would probably win by a landslide. Instead there is a fair chance he will lose. But he doesn't seem to care, because he's still tweeting every day.

Honestly, these riots probably wouldn't have happened if he handled the situation better. The police officers involved in George Floyd were 100% in the wrong. That doesn't mean that the other 99% of police are bad people. That should be the narrative he is trying to convey. Seek justice and support peaceful protesters to heal the wounds. Don't tweet "If you loot, we will shoot". Somethings don't need to be stated even if they are true. He doesn't seem to understand how its more important to bring the country together.

The only way Trump could have stopped the riots is if he had federalized the national guard the day it happened and had them in place the first night. The D mayor and D gov had already decided to let Minneapolis burn the first night. The left would have lost their minds if he had done that, not that they already haven't with the MSM pouring as much gasoline on the fire as possible.


# of bans = 5203
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Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
Bingo. He is his own worst enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stopped using twitter, he would probably win by a landslide. Instead there is a fair chance he will lose. But he doesn't seem to care, because he's still tweeting every day.

Honestly, these riots probably wouldn't have happened if he handled the situation better. The police officers involved in George Floyd were 100% in the wrong. That doesn't mean that the other 99% of police are bad people. That should be the narrative he is trying to convey. Seek justice and support peaceful protesters to heal the wounds. Don't tweet "If you loot, we will shoot". Somethings don't need to be stated even if they are true. He doesn't seem to understand how its more important to bring the country together.

He's said and done numerous speeches with all the perfect words and phrases. It's all fallen on deaf ears. He took incredible command and leadership during covid. The riots and what's happened since falls on the lack of state leadership and these weak ass liberal governors. Trump gave them all just enough rope to hang themselves.


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Apr 30, 2009
North Carolina
He's said and done numerous speeches with all the perfect words and phrases. It's all fallen on deaf ears. He took incredible command and leadership during covid. The riots and what's happened since falls on the lack of state leadership and these weak ass liberal governors. Trump gave them all just enough rope to hang themselves.
Liberal governors, liberal city council and county commissioners. The president can’t touch the states. All this crap going on is the local government that’s the problem. That’s why I asked the question for the post. We can have the greatest president in history but the local government is going to make or break his/her presidency.


I like members members.
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Jan 29, 2016
I would think there would be but say Biden drops dead tomorrow, what would be the course of action? At this point I want him alive...till after the election anyway.
Me too. I wanna see T$ decimate him on the debate stage!!
Boy, that is going to be fun! :D


Well-Known Member
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May 14, 2018
Conroe, Texas
I don't think she would be eligible would she? There are rules that candidates have to follow and that means meeting deadlines to even put yourself down as a candidate which we know she hasn't done unless they somehow did it in secret which it wouldn't surprise me, but I would imagine that is illegal.

since when did illegal stop the demonrats? They have their convention where they could literally nominate anyone, Michael or maybe even Oprah. After the convention Sleepy Joe could get sick at anytime. At that point they can put anyone they feel like in there. Maybe Tom Hanks? The Rock?

Anything is possible with these people.


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Apr 11, 2003
Biden has dementia and I believe the dems are counting on the VP to take over quickly if he were to get elected. I do not think there will even be a debate as the dems will come up with a way to sabotage it so he can't further show his lack of capacity. I wonder why in the hell our AG and DOJ have not done a damn thing to prosecute the 2016 group!

As to the police shootings and deaths....has anyone posted the criminal records of these folks???? I have seen only a photo of the guy who died from suffocation...but it appeared to me he was a huge guy...I am retired officer and I have been in their shoes..when you have to tangle with a huge guy and have a violent group around..I do agree even in my day we would have got him up or got off of him once he was down..but their fate is up to an "impartial" jury which thanks to media has been ruined. I gotta ask as I don't know- has anyone seen any posts of this fella's his height and weight? I can tell you the news media hasn't nor have they posted the criminal records of those cases.

With the trashing of confederate monuments and anything else the dems/antifa provocateurs can do- With police not being allowed to show up- I see trouble on the horizon...meaning armed conflicts...

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