Recent content by Ezbok58a

  1. Ezbok58a

    Gone a while, slight change.

    Can't believe I haven't been on here recently. :nono: Anyways some of you may remember I had a 2004 Crown Victoria LX Sport. Slightly modded. It looked like this... Due to an unfortunate encounter on the way home from work in August, it then ended up looking like this...
  2. Ezbok58a

    24hrs of Lemons, Summit Point WV *DUW*

    Past weekend my buddies showed up for the 24hr's of Lemons 'Capitol Offense' race at Summit Point WV. Raced a 325i BMW themed like the Titanic, a X90 as the Iceburg, the 67 Galaxie Parnelli Jones car, a 60 Falcon, and our two close race team friends with a Twin Turbo Taxi Vic, and a Tom Selic...
  3. Ezbok58a

    Upstaging the Race cars

    Going back to mid-April was the NJ 24hrs of Lemons race. And I turned up to support my friends team (I'm the team photographer...although I really need a better camera to officially hold that title) who was running about 5 cars in the race. They didn't win anything due to usual 500.00 car...
  4. Ezbok58a

    New Exhaust video on the CV

    I spend most of my time lurking here...but figured I'd actually do something useful :D Not that long ago I had the exhaust changed on the car. Originally it had Kooks longtubes, x-pipe and SLP Loudmouth II mufflers. And it sounded like this : 1iwJWPna4Eo However, as time goes on...
  5. Ezbok58a

    Palisades lookouts... *DUW*

    Last weekend while heading to the 24 hours of Lemons race in CT I took the long route to hit the Palisades Parkway and it's many cliff side lookouts (yes, Cliffs in New Jersey...who would've thought?) I didn't know there was any 'nature' left in this state, but the...
  6. Ezbok58a

    24 hours of Lemons, CT

    Friends of mine did the Lemons race in Stafford Springs CT this past weekend. (Team Police Brutality) They won least horrible Yank Tank Medals and came in the top ten... My pics suck as I was stuck behind the fence and the camera would keep focusing on the fence and not the track. My...
  7. Ezbok58a

    Now for something completely different.

    Recently I got the Mach 1 chin spoiler on the car and window tints (finally) So it was time to take some more pics of the ride. I'm aware of the little 'wave' in the chin spoiler, when I have time I'll pull out the heat gun and bend it into shape... Although it...
  8. Ezbok58a

    Subjecting myself to this again...

    Ah, the feeling of being a n00b... Yeah I don't miss it. Anyways yes I am another newbie to this site, although I'll probably be more of a lurker than a actual poster...time will tell. Anyways I'm from Central NJ, and my ride is a 2004 Crown Victoria LX Sport... No it's not a cop...
