Recent content by MiamiWhiteSVT-L

  1. M

    '95 Lincoln Mark VIII; 76k miles; $3400 OBO, or TRADE

    Took this in on trade recently; looking to sell or trade... Here's a link to the Craigslist ad with some real good pictures: I don't check this forum too often, but you can email me at [email protected] thanks, JC
  2. M

    "SVT Parking Only" novelty sign

    I never got a chance to hang this sign in my garage cause I traded the Lightning for the Mach before I got a real now I have no use for it. I bought this in EBAY ages ago, and I had it displayed in my office next to my Lightning scale model. I'm figuring $18...
  3. M

    S/C'd Escalade takes multiple beatings!!

    I learned a lesson 2nite; If you're going to lay the smackdown on someone, DON'T DO IT AT PART THROTTLE, KILL 'EM GOOD AND FAST, FROM THE GET-GO!!!! First, let me preface this by saying I hate street racing, and I NEVER rev at anyone, but every once in a while.......that manly testosterone...
  4. M

    I got spanked by a SKYLINE....yup, a SKYLINE!

    Well, after getting my MAC installed today, I went back to work, and was feeling I decided to forego any office work, and went to the field in the truck. I was at Port Everglades checking on one of my projects, and they just so happen to be unloading a freighter with cars for...
  5. M

    I was SNAKEBitten, but evened it up later!

    Well, I had my first run in with a '01+ Cobra on Saturday........... I LOST!:( I'm not ashamed or anything.......He had an aftermarket exhaust, and sounded like it was going to eat up everything in its path, this side of the Mississippi River......HOLY CRAP it sounded awesome. We were at a...
  6. M

    Killed a TA, then a bike!!

    Well, after coming back from a meet, where I was able to see a 97 SC'd Mustang take out a BPU++ Supra from 30 - 125 by about a car length (nice race, video will be up on soon), I was feeling itchy-footed. So during a relaxing cruise with my gf & best friend in the L, I see...
  7. M

    Tested the new chip out.....WOOHOO!!

    Well, last night I went out for a little enthusiastic driving, since I hadn't really been able to test out the chip since installation this past Tuesday. I am VERY happy with it; great results. TONS of low-end torque, snappy shifting, great shift points under WOT, and wider rev-band........all...
  8. M

    When will STOOOOPID RICERS learn!

    You know, I can understand and respect some of these guys in Hondas, etc., with cars running 12's, 13's, even 14's...........pretty damn impressive, considering what they are ..............But someone PLEASE give these other POSERS a clue!!! I am driving home from work, in my crappy 140HP...
