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  • Hi again did you ever contact that guy with top my cuz tells me his friend says he hasn't heard back from anyone that was in contact before and still has the top ,let me know what's up so I can relay any messages to them .thx
    Hey Hiya doing got a lead for you on a Factory hardtop for sale ,it's my cousin's friend selling his top it's black came off his rusted Cobra says he is not fixing the car so he's selling The top that is in mint condition . Wants $8,000 for it . Here's his number 508-770-3424 says if you get his voicemail to leave a message and he'll get back to you immediately. Good luck
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    Reactions: CammyTheCobra
    Just got this, will be messaging him soon. Any idea where he is located?
    From what Im told by my cousin his friend use to live in Springfield Mass, but now lives in upstate New York in the town of Sloatsburg across the Tappan Zee Bridge now called the Gov Mario Cuomo bridge I don't know where you are ,so is that close to you ? Anyway get in touch with him . I hear he's got three other parties interested in it but they seem to be far from him . Good luck
    ,But that doesn't matter to me now because I'm already talking to a guy in Indiana who selling his Cobra hardtop car started selling the car out for $37,000 38 weeks ago and tells me he's been jerked off by every time they can Harry trying to Jew him down and what not he says he'll take the 25 Grand firm that is what he put into it when he bought it from the second owner back then
    and that guy's got like a hundred mustangs in his aircraft hangar storage garage so like he says I'm not hurting for the money I told him I'm interested in the car and that's complete with the hardtop even down to the video cassette and I'll give him his $25,000 firm without a problem especially cuz the car has only 6,000 miles on it
    so I could have done you a favor and bought your car straight out right but you could have avoided the headache of looking for a hard top and I would have bought your car and you would have been off your Merry way but you refuse to answer what was the damage done To the Car itself too bad snooze you lose did be a massive favor now that I got connected with the guy in Indiana for his complete car thank you
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