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  1. Djclo

    High beam / Low Beam connections?

    I would like thank all the people who helped me with my last post and would like to ask for yall's help again. What is the easiest way to combine my high and low beams together when in high beam mode? I figured a simple relay would do the trick but where would be the best place to splice it in...
  2. Djclo

    i need help

    i know that im a newbie and i respect you guys so much that i would like to ask ya'll first. What would be the best next possible upgrade for my car. it is a 99 GT i have already installed better coils and a underdrive pulley set.
  3. Djclo

    Header Suggestions

    99 Mustang GT I want to start somewhere and i figured that headers would be a good start :shrug: , But i can't seem to make up my mind about the type of header or company....... any suggestions on a good pair of headers. Thanks
