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  1. S

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    I watch too many animal shows, but, the alligator is actually a crocodile. You can(if you look at enough pics of them) easily tell the difference in their jaw structure.
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    Selling a Car...

    I would give the full story, but its just a bunch of bs, and It makes me sick thinking about all the specifics. I sold a car last March. Car is still in my driveway. No title signed, just a verbal agreement, and cash was given later, around April, to my wife, not me. Its May now.....In my...
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    Car buying scam?

    I think I remember a while ago different people getting email's like this about buying car's, etc. Isn't it a scam somehow? My bro is selling his car, and he get's this, he was only asking 13k too.... How are you today,hope all is well with work? I got in touch with my client on the...
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    Unauthorized transportation of a firearm

    My brother screwed up big time I think. Just wondering, he got busted with drugs and a firearm(allready having a domestic prior). The county, didn't charge him(dont really know everything that went on), anyway, its about 2yrs(maybe less) he gets a letter(summons I dont know). Says, Federal...
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    1st gen neon vs 03Cobra

    Very suprising to me believe me. I was comming home from my nightly college course (Intro to Sociology) And a bright yellow Cobra pulls up next to me at the stop light. He starts reving his engine and im like well why not. I mean comeon if i get beat well duhhhh. This is what I have; Iceman CAI...
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    03Cobra stock dyno?

    What do they/have some of you dyno'd stock?
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    Question about time

    Ok, its not me, but i was wondering if somene on here could help me out as in to how much time you could get from these charges: two counts of possession of a controlled substance,carrying a concealed deadly weapon, and receiving stoen property?
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    something odd.........for me anyway

    Ok, i was just informed that yesterday around 4 or 5pm someone was seen in my backyard(by my neighboor) taking pictures of the back of my house, and also the front. My neighboor said they also walked the width of my front yard and took pics....Im wondering wtf? Anyone have any ideas? Im not...
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    Stock 03GT vs Stock Lt1 TransAm

    Who do you think would win? Ive heard drivers race from both sides and of course the opposite.............:shrug:
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    Just wonderin ?

    What happened to the Smack Down Cafe? Im kinda new to this site, found it about 2 months back.........
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    Question about a ticket

    Ok, i bought my 03GT in Nov, week of Thanksgiving. Four days later im out pretty late, around 2:30am, coming back from my brothers house. A newer model Intrepid is ridin my arse to a stoplight. Ok, im new to the RWD, (i know its no excuse). Light goes green,(kinda get edgy when people ride my...
