# for the sylvania headlights


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
Do you have any pics of your vic? I'd like to see the roush components on a crown vic.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 26, 2003
San Diego, CA
How do you get the front headlight bulbs out? I see in the directions you're supposed to pull the two tabs back and then up, but the ones towards the middle of the truck do not move at all. Thanks!


Just call me Lucifer
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
chatsworth, cali
You need to wiggle it up, pulling it back helps with getting the bumps over the locking piece. It takes some strength to get those things out though.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 25, 2003
Originally posted by jamx100es
How do you get the front headlight bulbs out? I see in the directions you're supposed to pull the two tabs back and then up, but the ones towards the middle of the truck do not move at all. Thanks!


Find the black tabs (2) above each headlight. Push them slightly back towards the cab of the truck, then pull up. They should move up about 3/4". Wiggle abit as you pull,side to side if tight.

Place masking tape on painted surface below each headlight so you do not scratch the paint when you pull the headlight out and push it back in..

Gently slide the headlight forward out of the truck. You may need to push it out from behind a little.

When the headlight is fully out, disconnect the plug from the bulb.

The headlight should now be completely free of the truck.

There is a large plastic ring surrounding the lamp. Rotate it counter-clockwise to remove it. It takes very little effort so be careful.

Once the ring is removed, remove the bulb from the headlight housing by pulling it directly out. It will give you some "rubbery" resistance - wiggling it slightly helps. BE CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH THE GLASS OF THE BULB!

Insert the new bulb into the headlight housing. There are grooves and tabs that need to line up. Again, DO NOT TOUCH THE GLASS OF THE BULB.

Replace the plastic ring and reattach the plug.

Carefully replace the headlight assembly back into the truck. You may need to move the alignment bolts around a bit to get them back into the holes. (This will be apparent once you're doing it.)

Make sure the rubber grommets are all the way inside their mounting holes, then slide the two black levers down into place.

Check headlight aim when done.....

Anyway, be sure when you reinsert the headlights that you have the 3 adjuster threaded rods that stick out the back of the headlight assembly back into the holes they belong in on your L. They stick through the headlight housing so you can make headlight adjustments. Knowing they are in the holes be sure to latch properly BOTH the black bracket retainers that you pulled up to remove the headlight bulb. They kinda double click as you push them down. Would be easy not to get them to latch properly. Be sure after you think you have ghem in right to take a close look and see if the headlights seem to be sitting right from the front and in right.
You could have them in crooked, etc.. Once you are 100% sure they are in right, park your L on level ground and about 15 ft. from a wall, garage door, etc.. To adjust the headlights up or down you find the adjuster rod on the top back of the headlight housing and you turn just that adjuster only. Adjust each headlight so the beam on the wall a head of you is equal. I found that adjustment was necessary with the SilverStars. Not sure if it was because of the SilverStars or adjustment just went a bit a muck with the headlight in and out procedure. I fine tuned my adjustment of the headlights once night fall came and after I drove the truck. Carried a small ignition plier to make the adjustments. I could not get a socket in there on to the adjuster rod as the socket was to long to fit in there. I had no wrench that small. Ford has a special headlight adjuster tool you can buy for $10+. I found the small plier did the job if you go easy so as not to bugger up the adjuster. Oh, you want to adjust the headlights so tht when you are driving your low beams hit just below the oncoming vehicles windshield. If you are facing the side on an car going by you want the low beam light to hit just a tad below their side windows. The adjustment will be different with everybodys L as alot depends on the height of your L front and rear,etc..

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