Free Nitrogen Tire Fill


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Established Member
Oct 23, 2005
Have you ever looked down at your tires in the morning and notice they are getting low on pressure? Did you check the tire for a nail or screw just to find nothing? Well did you know that compressed air actually can leak out of your tires because its molecular structure is so small?

Ok I know, enough with the questions. It is time to move on to the good stuff. Latemodel Restoration is proud to announce we now offer nitrogen fill for free on all our Mustang and Lightning wheel and tire kits. Let me quickly walk you through the easy process of adding a nitrogen fill to your Mustang wheel and tire kit. Let’s say you are looking at purchasing those new Mustang Drift Wheels, simply add them to the shopping cart. You will notice right below our Free Shipping and total, there will be an option to add a nitrogen fill to your SVE Drift Wheels. Simply click this link and we will fill the tires with nitrogen along with free mounting, balancing and shipping.

So why choose nitrogen? (last question I promise) Well as mentioned earlier, overtime compressed air leaks through your tire; however, nitrogen leaks out at a much slower rate. This in return helps maintain your tire pressure. A properly maintained tire pressure can help lead to sustained fuel efficiency; thus, making nitrogen a “greener” option. Compressed air can also contain condensation. The oxygen and the condensation in compressed air can lead to oxidation and damaging of both the wheel and tire.

If for some reason you need to have your tires refilled, nitrogen is becoming a popular air solution for many big name tire companies. Nitrogen can be mixed with compressed air if it is not available in area.

So when you order your Mustang wheel and tire kit, don’t forget to add the free nitrogen fill to your wheel and tire kit and enjoy the benifts of Latemodel Restoration’s free shipping, mounting and balancing. The same offer goes for all our Lightning wheels.


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