Am I even a car guy anymore? Something is happening to me-


Established Member
Aug 2, 2010
Your House
This is going to be long, but I’m kind of worried about myself. Since I was a toddler, I have been absolutely nuts about anything to do with automobiles. I mean NUTS. I’ve been wrenching on cars with my dad since I was around 7 or so. I literally built my first vehicle at the age of 15—my old 1968 F100 Shortbed truck. Life was awesome back then. I worked my can off during high school for two things—1.) to afford going out with my girlfriend and 2.) to afford parts for my truck. Simple.

When I graduated high school, I still had this old truck. With the BBF, it got about 8mpg at best. Since I was going to college, I knew I had to ditch this thing. There was no way I could afford this truck’s appetite in a college setting with rent, tuition, etc. So, regretfully, I sold it.

At the young age of 18, I made a decision that I can’t believe to this day. I decided to drive an ordinary vehicle for the 4yrs I was in college. Something that I didn't have to worry about. Something that wouldn't distract me from college work. A 2002 Ford Explorer beater w/ 200k miles fit the bill perfectly. With the profit from the F100, I could pay some tuition! Worked out great.

Fast forward 4 years. I've graduated. I've got a 9-5 job in Healthcare IT that I consider a career. I love it. I’m still rocking my old 2002 Explorer. It’s a champ. I could easily afford to jump and go buy a terminator, or a higher mileage GT500. If you would have spoken to the 18 year old me, it would be a done deal. Now, I cringe when thinking about spending that kind of $$ on something that is not a comfortable DD.

Want to know what’s even stranger? I used to LOVE loud off road midpipes, cammed out sounds, and tire smoke, etc… the whole shebang. Now, when I see someone roll by in a decked out Mustang (or Camaro, or whatever), and it’s loud and etc, I actually feel sorry for that person. That car is their life. A freaking car. Nothing wrong with enjoying the car and etc, but when you’re cleaning nooks and crannies in the engine with a Q-tip… I don’t even know. I know this is sort of judging the person, but I know that it was once me. I was that guy. I just don’t know what’s happened to me now. It’s not like I’m getting old, I’m only 23.

I think now that I see how much it costs to live a comfortable life, how much responsibility is required when thinking about marriage, family, being competitive at work and developing yourself professionally, I just can’t fathom how people justify cars like these. It just seems like something a 16-18 year old would drive. But instead, it’s 40 year olds doing this.

It’s not my business what people choose to do with their $$, but I just can’t bring myself to get back in the car game? I’m actually thinking about an Escape titanium Ecoboost 2.0 as a new DD since the explorer is worn out. Maybe that will be a nice DD that will give me the mod bug again? Can you crank the boost up on these escapes?

Anyone ever gone thru this stage of life? I’m actually kind of worried about myself. It’s like I made a 180 degree turn haha. I also forgot to mention that competitive powerlifting is now "my thing"... not sure if this has somehow mentally replaced "cars"


That Just Happened
Established Member
Mar 4, 2007
Dallas TX
It happens. I really enjoy the lack of worry or effort involved in driving my Focus. So much that I've considered selling the V, almost daily. But then I drive it and...yeah. Don't know if I'm ready yet.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 10, 2010
Without reading your entire post, I gathered you're just losing interest in cars? That's fine! Some people do, some never will. Whatever works for you and makes you happy. :) I actually wish I could be like you and just get out altogether.

But don't go around feeling sorry for us. My car isn't my life, it's just something I have a lot of time, money, pride and joy in. If it were to get stolen, wrecked, sold, etc., I could move on just fine without it. Do you even have a hobby anymore?
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That Just Happened
Established Member
Mar 4, 2007
Dallas TX
To add, I don't feel like the money and time spent on the car are a waste. It's what I enjoy. If not the car, it'd get spent on something else I enjoy. That's what we earn it for right?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 10, 2010
To add, I don't feel like the money and time spent on the car are a waste. It's what I enjoy. If not the car, it'd get spent on something else I enjoy. That's what we earn it for right?

Pretty much. And not to say you don't already have a nice photography asset, but I imagine you'd have a lot more if cars weren't your thing too.


Active Member
Established Member
Jan 23, 2013
I DD my Honda, hardly ever drive the 5.0 and this morning as I walked past it and saw that I had stuff piled on it(it has a cover) I thought about just selling it, selling my Honda(not much but get rid of it) and just buy a Cummins crossed my mind. I have this debate with myself all the time. I plan on waiting it out and seeing if my feelings change once it is nice and I can drive it more. But you are not alone, I also just turned 23...

But I would be pulled full circle, I couldn't drive a stock diesel. But I don't lose sleep over it, I live a VERY normal 23 year old life, I go out, have a girlfriend of 3 years and do normal stuff so I wouldn't call it "my life" but it is surely a hobbie of mine.
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Established Member
Aug 28, 2004
It happens to the best of us. Sold the Cobra to get a car that was good on gas and thought I would mod as well....haven't bought a part in over a year and don't plan to. Even worse, on a daily basis I consider selling it just so I can get rid of the 6-spd and be comfortable with an auto.
Don't get me wrong, i ABSOLUTELY love cars, but the focus has shifted to something more along the lines of a 550i (twin turbo v8), A6 3.0T, or an XFR. We all have to grow up sometime I guess lol


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
I enjoy driving my prelude more than my mustang.

Prelude is stock too...Hell I thought of selling both of em this morning for an AWD car so I could really have fun


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
I DD my Honda, hardly ever drive the 5.0 and this morning as I walked past it and saw that I had stuff piled on it(it has a cover) I thought about just selling it, selling my Honda(not much but get rid of it) and just buy a Cummins crossed my mind. I have this debate with myself all the time. I plan on waiting it out and seeing if my feelings change once it is nice and I can drive it more. But you are not alone, I also just turned 23...

But I would be pulled full circle, I couldn't drive a stock diesel. But I don't lose sleep over it, I live a VERY normal 23 year old life, I go out, have a girlfriend of 3 years and do normal stuff so I wouldn't call it "my life" but it is surely a hobbie of mine.

Sounds like me, I want to drive it, but sometimes don't feel like moving all the crap and swapping vehicles around in the driveway. But when I do get the ambition, it's all worth it. :burnout:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 11, 2007
Kind of in the same boat. I got tired of my car being loud and added cats, still loud but only during WOT. Im thinking twice of even spending more money on my car now. I just now drive my BMW almost everywhere besides work. Got tired of the loud music, loud car, speeding.

I still enjoy it but nothing like how it was when I was still in school.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 27, 2009
Im almost in the same boat as you. When i was 18, I wanted spend every last bit of savings on a terminator, Couldnt find one so i bought a nice 1998 camaro Z28 and dropped like 7k in repairs and mods almost right off the bat. I was the broke kid with a nice car that had to scramble up money for gas. About 2 years and a couple mustangs later, I got sick and tired of being broke. Sick and tired of "omg i gotta spend $150 on a school book? That could buy me a new mod for my car". I dropped all my sport cars and bought a 1998 Prizm and for the first time, i felt free of that trap. I could put 20 bucks in gas and go a whole week, My money actually goes my account and could save with ease now. I could go buy a Terminator but dropping 18k on a 10 year old sports car just seems out of this world to me and the bad MPG/ high maintenance they have would make it even worse. For me, i'd be much happier with a new 2011+ GT when i get back into cars since they are super comfortable to DD and look amazing.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 8, 2004
Roscoe, IL
This hits all too close to home. I miss my cobra almost daily, but having a wife, a three, year old, and another on the way, I don't have the time or the money to really enjoy it so it'd be a waste of money to even have one. If I didn't use my truck so much I'd get rid of that and have a mustang though.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
Just wait until you have kids. It gets even worse.

Truth! :lol:

I never thought anything could pull my interest away from cars......until my daughter was born. Ever since that day, I've been less interested in cars, and more interested in being a good parent. In fact, I've been thinking pretty hard about selling my Cobra. I just never drive it anymore. Might as well let someone else enjoy it.

It's just a matter of changing priorities, and intersts. Nothing "wrong" with it at all.
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Active Member
Established Member
Jan 23, 2013
Sounds like me, I want to drive it, but sometimes don't feel like moving all the crap and swapping vehicles around in the driveway. But when I do get the ambition, it's all worth it. :burnout:
I agree, takes me 15 minutes to get the car out and drive it for a few hours lol

But I smile the whole time I am driving it.


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Party Liquor Posse
Feb 22, 2009
Cottage Grove, WI
It happens and interests come and go in life. For a while when I had no money for it, I successfully managed to suppress the urge to have a car that I considered a toy.

Then I would go for a ride with someone that had a fun car and I would get the urge all over again.

I'd bet if you had some buddies that were into the car scene, it would reel you back in quickly.


Active Member
Established Member
Nov 20, 2008
It a hobby. For some its a lifestyle. It all depends your goals and how much responsibility, spare time and money you have.

Don't pity the guy with the GT500....he has the money and the time (hopefully) and is using it how he see fits. For all you know, he has his own business, provides for his family and enjoys his cars while the kids are at school. Why feel sorry for the guy?? You should relate to him since you just explained how you loved everything about cars. Are you ashamed of how you used to be?

It sounds to me that you would LOVE having a GT500 or a Cobra, but you would feel guilty if you owned one. Or is someone telling you that you can't have one?

Don't let guilt run your life. If you work hard its ok to reward yourself along the way.
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