Trans BS


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
To be fair, each generation feels that way as they slide down the slippery slope towards it. How far do we slide to the destination...that's the question.

Other generations may have been experiencing it as well. It is defined as birth pangs that will increase in frequency so it may have been ramping up for a while now, at least since 1948. Before that it wouldn't have been possible since the Israeli state was a major fulfillment.


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Take notice how liberals have difficulty explaining where the line is drawn when it comes to fantasy. A grown adult thinking he/she is He-Man or a lizard would be looked upon by most people as some sort of mental defect. Liberals though? I wouldn't bet on it. Being born with specific chromosomes and parts yet thinking you are something not in line with said accoutrements is normal to these people yet is on the very same lines as thinking you are the King of Spain or something else that isn't true.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2014
I can’t say anything at home about this, so I just keep my mouth shut. My wife’s 18 yr old grand daughter thinks she is trans. And my stupid daughter in law. Is all about it and acts like it’s the greatest thing. She will probably screw up the grandson too. I know my wife is against this bullshit but she loves her granddaughter. So, I don’t say a word about it. At a family get together a while back they brought bud light and I won’t drink that crap after the stunt with that goofball trans activist.
The Granddaughter thinks she is a boy. Ties her boobs down and cuts her hair stupid. In my opinion , she is just an ugly girl with major mental problems
It’s frustrating to me that the modern climate is to confuse kids. The news, the government, the schools are all on a mission to brainwash and mess up the young people. And persecute anyone that doesn’t agree with this BS.
I'm all for acceptance of others and treating people with respect, but when it comes to your family, as one of the men of the family, it is your responsibility to push back against this matriarchal supported bullshit.

If you sit back and let this happen, you are complicit.

Jason Whitlock and Royce White had an episode on their Fearless podcast that discussed men having to beat this stuff back when it rears its ugly head.

When I find it I will post it.

You need to get with the men of your family, including this child's father and sit down and talk about this situation and a course of action. It takes a village.

Be strong brother. Stand tall and firm.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 19, 2012
I am not complicit to this crap. I spoke my piece and pissed off the stupid daughter in law. My wife’s daughter and other granddaughter were present and just sat there with shocked look on their faces. It’s my step son’s daughter that is pulling this crap. My wife doesn’t want me to hurt their feelings so I can’t keep bringing it up.

After everyone left, my other step daughter messaged me and said she supported me. And her son called me to express his support. I can’t keep going on it or my wife gets mad at me. I have to shut up about it or I will be the big loser

They know how I stand. I still won’t take a bud light when they offer me one


up the bayou
Established Member
Jul 24, 2007
Lockport, Louisiana
I really hope the young lady doesn't to anything perminent to herself. I've seen a lot that posted online that they hate they took testosterone etc and they hate their body's now. Which brings me to the high suicide rate among those people.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 5, 2020
I really hope the young lady doesn't to anything perminent to herself. I've seen a lot that posted online that they hate they took testosterone etc and they hate their body's now. Which brings me to the high suicide rate among those people.
Sounds like the problem is taking care of itself.

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Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
I am not complicit to this crap. I spoke my piece and pissed off the stupid daughter in law. My wife’s daughter and other granddaughter were present and just sat there with shocked look on their faces. It’s my step son’s daughter that is pulling this crap. My wife doesn’t want me to hurt their feelings so I can’t keep bringing it up.

After everyone left, my other step daughter messaged me and said she supported me. And her son called me to express his support. I can’t keep going on it or my wife gets mad at me. I have to shut up about it or I will be the big loser

They know how I stand. I still won’t take a bud light when they offer me one

Man don’t let your wife control you like that!

Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app


Active Member
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Sep 21, 2010
Paola, KS
I'm all for acceptance of others and treating people with respect, but when it comes to your family, as one of the men of the family, it is your responsibility to push back against this matriarchal supported bullshit.

If you sit back and let this happen, you are complicit.

Jason Whitlock and Royce White had an episode on their Fearless podcast that discussed men having to beat this stuff back when it rears its ugly head.

When I find it I will post it.

You need to get with the men of your family, including this child's father and sit down and talk about this situation and a course of action. It takes a village.

Be strong brother. Stand tall and firm.
Fearless podcast is a good one


Well-Known Member
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Jul 15, 2011
OP is getting more flak than I expected. He’s expressed his disappointment to the family, has made it known he wants to help however possible, and I’m sure still cares about the people this affects. He can’t just “fix the problem” or “control his wife.” That isn’t how it works.

It isn’t his child. He has no immediate power in this situation. Hence coming here to vent.

Sometimes you have to cut losses in a situation. Fighting the wife and ruining a marriage/family dynamic over one basket of nuts isnt worth it.

Make it known you care, you’re available to help wherever possible, but you don’t condone and won’t support the craziness.

If the stepsons family cuts you off, that’s unfortunate.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 19, 2012
OP is getting more flak than I expected. He’s expressed his disappointment to the family, has made it known he wants to help however possible, and I’m sure still cares about the people this affects. He can’t just “fix the problem” or “control his wife.” That isn’t how it works.

It isn’t his child. He has no immediate power in this situation. Hence coming here to vent.

Sometimes you have to cut losses in a situation. Fighting the wife and ruining a marriage/family dynamic over one basket of nuts isnt worth it.

Make it known you care, you’re available to help wherever possible, but you don’t condone and won’t support the craziness.

If the stepsons family cuts you off, that’s unfortunate.

Good luck

Thanks for the reply. You hit the nail directly on the head. This is a very sad situation and I am extremely disappointed in the whole thing but there is no need to cause division in my relationship with my wife. She is disappointed too. If the parents are on board with this nonsense, my opinion won’t do anything but cause problems anyway

I just don’t understand why the media, the government and school systems are pushing this nonsense on this generation of children. Brainwashing them is bad enough but when the parents support this bs it’s even worse

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