1st Amendment protected activity or Thugs that deserve handcuffs?


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
98% of all violent crime ISN'T stopped by LEOs. 84% of all police interactions are for traffic violations. Uvalde highlighted just how sh**bag most cops are, they were to p**** to stop an active shooter killing children and arrested parents for trying to enter the school during the active shooting situation. Police will do what that state asks of them, even if it violates the constitution. Cops in the N East were shutting down religious services and arresting preachers during the unconstitutional covid lockdowns. Like I said, I've never needed a cop and never will. You're the one who's been brainwashed by boot-licking state propaganda.

Lmao. Those “statistics”…..

You must be autistic, if you think that Uvalde speaks on how the majority of cops are.

Uvalde was an absolute disgrace. I guarantee you that my punishment to the uvalde “police” force would make your judgement on them, look like a walk in the park. I would ****ing obliterate them.

Police does do what the state asks of them. Thats part of the ****ing job! The state is supposed to have the best interest of the people at hand. Thats why their officials were elected. Unfortunately, this too often is not the case. Cities / municipalities **** things up.

You have the constitution and there is also local laws/ordinances/regulations. There is also shit that is expected of you from your boss / leadership. You as a single cop cant go against the world. Lmao. You pick your battles.

Yes, there are cops that are complete pieces of shit. I would gladly end them myself.

But what some of you dumb ****ers are doing is, painting all cops with the same broad brush. Kinda like a racist mother****er would. I guess all black / brown people are low class shitbags too, huh?

No, no they are not.

Police force is necessary. They have an honorable position in society. Society would absolutely colapse if it wasnt for the police force.

Some of you have had it too good for too long. Have no idea of what it takes to keep things “smooth”.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
The irony of some of you in this thread is that you individuals would have fallen right in line with the crowd that shit on the troops back in the Vietnam war….

That was the narrative back in the day. “Troops doing the devils work! Baby killers!“. Never mind that they were there in support of this nation whether they liked it or not.


Semper Fidelis
Established Member
Jan 8, 2007
Lmao. Those “statistics”…..

You must be autistic, if you think that Uvalde speaks on how the majority of cops are.

Uvalde was an absolute disgrace. I guarantee you that my punishment to the uvalde “police” force would make your judgement on them, look like a walk in the park. I would ****ing obliterate them.

Police does do what the state asks of them. Thats part of the ****ing job! The state is supposed to have the best interest of the people at hand. Thats why their officials were elected. Unfortunately, this too often is not the case. Cities / municipalities **** things up.

You have the constitution and there is also local laws/ordinances/regulations. There is also shit that is expected of you from your boss / leadership. You as a single cop cant go against the world. Lmao. You pick your battles.

Yes, there are cops that are complete pieces of shit. I would gladly end them myself.

But what some of you dumb ****ers are doing is, painting all cops with the same broad brush. Kinda like a racist mother****er would. I guess all black / brown people are low class shitbags too, huh?

No, no they are not.

Police force is necessary. They have an honorable position in society. Society would absolutely colapse if it wasnt for the police force.

Some of you have had it too good for too long. Have no idea of what it takes to keep things “smooth”.
Maybe you should read about our history and the reasons why our Founder's created this country, if you believe the state has EVER had anyone's best interests in mind. That statement alone makes you not only look autistic but frankly f***ing retarded.

I agree cops are needed but don't act like I haven't been to places in the world that have no police presence and I did just fine. I trust my 9mm over any ill-trained, fat sh** cop any day of the week.


Semper Fidelis
Established Member
Jan 8, 2007
The irony of some of you in this thread is that you individuals would have fallen right in line with the crowd that shit on the troops back in the Vietnam war….

That was the narrative back in the day. “Troops doing the devils work! Baby killers!“. Never mind that they were there in support of this nation whether they liked it or not.

But we're the ones painting with a broad brush.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
Maybe you should read about our history and the reasons why our Founder's created this country, if you believe the state has EVER had anyone's best interests in mind. That statement alone makes you not only look autistic but frankly f***ing retarded.

I agree cops are needed but don't act like I haven't been to places in the world that have no police presence and I did just fine. I trust my 9mm over any ill-trained, fat sh** cop any day of the week.

Can you ****ing read? I said “is supposed to”. We elect the states officials. But the populace is too stupid to know better, in many instances.

I am glad that at least you admit that cops are needed. Perhaps not all is lost with you .

Never have I spoken about your “worldly” experience. You reek of grunt to me. Thats cool. I dont give a shit either way.

I guess we have something in common. I also trust my training, skill and tenacity way, WAY over any cop. Although, I can recignize that there are many ociffers out there that are absolute studs.


Semper Fidelis
Established Member
Jan 8, 2007
Can you ****ing read? I said “is supposed to”. We elect the states officials. But the populace is too stupid to know better, in many instances.

I am glad that at least you admit that cops are needed. Perhaps not all is lost with you .

Never have I spoken about your “worldly” experience. You reek of grunt to me. Thats cool. I dont give a shit either way.

I guess we have something in common. I also trust my training, skill and tenacity way, WAY over any cop. Although, I can recignize that there are many ociffers out there that are absolute studs.

I don't hate cops but I recognize how easily they can abuse their authority and as a free American (at least for now) , I'm skeptical of all authority. I've been harassed by cops just for being in the wrong area, while working and doing absolutely nothing wrong.

What's ironic is the guy I train with (also a Marine) is a cop and he is the stud you're talking about but even he agrees 80% of police officers are complete shit.

To blindly respect police just because of their badge is very boot-lickish, I'll have none of that. I try to stay away from them because, believe it or not, the police are not your friend.


Luke 10:19
Established Member
Premium Member
Apr 25, 2020
North Carolina
I will say that those good guys that are still sworn to the constitution need to start making themselves known much more. People need some leadership, and most of the majority in this country are radio silent. No better time than now to stand up for what/who you are willing to serve. What are you willing to sacrifice to defend.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
I don't hate cops but I recognize how easily they can abuse their authority and as a free American (at least for now) , I'm skeptical of all authority. I've been harassed by cops just for being in the wrong area, while working and doing absolutely nothing wrong.

What's ironic is the guy I train with (also a Marine) is a cop and he is the stud you're talking about but even he agrees 80% of police officers are complete shit.

To blindly respect police just because of their badge is very boot-lickish, I'll have none of that. I try to stay away from them because, believe it or not, the police are not your friend.

For sure they can abuse it, just like many doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers do. Unfortunately, it is human nature.

I too have dealt with entitled cops with shitty attitudes. Just like I’ve dealt with cops that should have nailed me to the ground because I was in the wrong / breaking law, but they didn‘t. For whatever reason, they exercised their discretion on that (Perhaps because I conducted myself in a respectful manner, who the **** knows).

I am also extremely skeptical of authority, but im clever enough to show respect to authority, even when they might be in the wrong.

I would agree with your buddy. Unfortunately, a great number of cops are fat bodies and out of shape.

Is not “blindly respecting police”. Its not about the individual. You show a certain level of respect to the badge. The individual behind the badge then earns the rest.

You are correct. Police are not your buddy. They are there to enforce law/regs/orders from superiors, to the best of their ability.

Most of the times that is for the community’s benefit as a whole, even though a particular individual might not be a fan.

If you disagree with the police, you never throw attitude or fight them on the street. Its just not gonna work out there.


I Race Pontiacs
Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Way to back pedal lil bud! There may be hope for you after all.

So are you happy with how your buddies in blue handled this situation?


Liberty Biberty
Established Member
Aug 16, 2010
It is funny to me how the anti-LEO crowd in here defines themselves as conservative and decries the MSM . . . you dumbasses are falling victim to the very thing you accuse the 2020 rioters of doing; allowing one video you don't like to paint an entire profession.

You say you like the Constitution? All laws fall under the umbrella of that document. So, who do you think enforces your beloved Constitution?

You can really make out the shitbag, keyboard warriors here because they imply they hope LEOs get hurt or killed. What a waste of flesh, you are. My guess is that a police officer hurt your feelgoods when you were a teen and your delicate sensibilities never got over it. Or, maybe you got a ticket for driving your clapped out Coyote too fast in a school zone, and now you're mad, Bro.

Most LEOs are politically conservative. More so locally, but even at the federal level. Used to be the case by a larger margin. Admittedly, it's changing, as hiring programs with specific agendas start to take hold. But, bottom line, they aint for this garbage. Sometimes, they have an opportunity to resist like you and me, sometimes they don't.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
This guy 11 has never done anything other than to serve himself. Has no ****ing clue how lucky he is that the same people he hates, help keep his family safe. He hasnt the spine, skill nor temperance to do what must be done when times get tough.

Its okay little bud… You can always hide behind your “fleet”. Or maybe your 15 yo kid will protect you.

I bet before you hit the grave, you will be looking to move away from that shit hole state that you are in. Looking to bring your ****ed wanna be liberal ideas to some of the free states, in which the people understand, the importance of strong law enforcement.

Enjoy that California sun!


I Race Pontiacs
Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Riiiight.. again, nice back pedal.

How's that Sentra running? What a lazy, broke dick piece of shit with 0 real-world experience.

Really though.. you should take 5 min and educate yourself on what a Patriot actually is. Because you aren't one. Keep licking those boots, boy.


I Race Pontiacs
Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Dumbest answer ever. From where does the authority emanate to make ordinances and executive orders?

All I need to know about your level of understanding with that post. Doesn't quite work the way you think it does, bud.

There are literally countless examples below with precedence.



Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
Your low tier level insults, bare no relevance.

You know how I know you are a coward? Because any man that tries to use economic status as a means to win an argument or to try and get over another man, is a wretched slug.

You think you know shit, but you know nothing. Kinda like when you try to mod your moostant gt and end up blowing up and turning it into a motionless turd.

I’ve done more “patriot“ shit in one year than you have in your entire cowardly life.

You wouldnt know patriot shit, if it came crashing through your door, making you piss your puffy feces filled diaper in the middle of the night.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.

The Founders' "treason" ended with death for many of them.
I doubt anyone is going to die over this ordinance. I wonder if he just shouted would he have been ok. Even protests usually require permits in various zoned areas.

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