Alien: Romulus (Real 1st trailer)

2011 gtcs

GT500 poster
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Premium Member
Mar 7, 2011
Looks good. It's supposed to be set 20 years after Alien, and is modeled after that. Even with Ridley Scott on as producer, I believe it's ignoring Prometheus and Covenant. So no androids with a god complex, no engineered bioweapons. Just nasty space bugs that want to kill you. I have high hopes.
Interesting, I was wondering what the back story was going to be. I'm guessing they go back to LV426

Black Gold 380R

Multiple SVT Collector
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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX
Alien and Aliens were badass. The first one with the initial exposure to the face huggers and the alien popping out of the dudes chest was wild. Realizing alien blood was actual acid was cool and added to the story and understanding of the alien and how it could kill or injure a person. The second one with Bill Paxton and the Marine's fighting the aliens was cool as hell also.

My all time favorite scene is when Bill says "Well, why don't you put her in charge!" Classic!!!

I'm not sure about the gore part mentioned. If it has to do with the story and effect on you for a terrified experience (like the face hugger latching on to the guys face and then the baby alien popping out of the guys chest or being burned/maimed by the acid blood) then cool. But if it's gore for the sake of gore (i.e. fighting and someone crushing someone's skull in and the film showing the head pop like a melon) then I'm not interested.

So, if people are walking out sick on the test screen I would need to know why. Is it that scary and terrifying or are they just spraying blood and guts everywhere?

For me things in a movie need to make sense and be part of the story. If it's simply glorification of something I find it dull, boring and lack of imagination in the story telling aspect.

In the end I'll probably watch it and have to reserve judgement until I actually see it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 23, 2010
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Interesting, I was wondering what the back story was going to be. I'm guessing they go back to LV426
They might. The people are a group of scavengers/pickers. Like the first, not trained soldiers or anything just regular people. Possibly getting sent to LV426 by Weyland-Yutani again. Alien took place in 2122, Romulus is 20 years later in 2142, and Hadley's Hope wasn't founded until 2157 and Aliens took place when the residents finally encountered the facehugger eggs in the Engineer ship in 2179. Weyland probably sending these people to find the Xenomorphs and finish the Nostromo's "mission" before setting Hadley's Hope up to be the breeding ground.

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