

Active Member
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May 24, 2005
San Pedro
Ok guys here's the deal. A very good friend of mine travels to Costa Rica a lot on vacation. Through this time he has met many families and has become very close to many of them. About 6 months ago he brought down a laptop and a computer game to one of the families. This is one of the few computers in the area and many many different children and adults use this. After seeing the excitement and the difference this computer made in the lives of these people, he's trying to gather up a few more laptops and lots of computer games. So getting to the point it doesnt matter how bad, working or not (for the will be refurbished...) he would like to get his hands on them. If you would like to donate them or maybe for a small amount that would be wonderful. Also any games, and being a gamer myself im already giving a bunch, but any and I mean any! no matter how lame they may seem, these kids will love them for they have nothing! Any software, be it educational or games or anything would be a wonderful donation! If any of you guys have anything at all please shoot me a pm and ill give you a call. THANKS IN ADVANCE :beer:

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