Colorado Healthcare workers, Need help


Senior Member
Established Member
May 27, 2006
Hey guys,

Have a random question for the select few that live in colorado (Denver area) and work in the healthcare field.

I live in NW Arkansas and am very serious about the idea of moving to the Denver or surrounding area.

My question is, can Paramedics work in the local emergency rooms as Medics?? Or are they viewed as techs?

Here in Arkansas (at least the area where I live) Medics used to be able to work in hospitals as medics and get paid decent, but about a year or so ago that changed and now were seen as Techs and get paid squat.

Any help is much appreciated. I work on a Fire Dept here as a FF/Medic but I feel like getting a job on a FD would be a lengthy process out there and I would need to find something in a more timely manner if I decided to move forward with this.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone had :beer:


New Member
Established Member
Apr 7, 2009
West Grove, Pa
Ir actually considered relocating to Denver as well. I've only done a little research so far.
Your not necessarily stuck going through a FD academy unless you wanna keep working as a ff. It appears a good bit of the ems work is hospital based (ie hospital employees and ambulances). Google paramedic jobs in that area and check the job openings for the Denver hospitals.
Paramedic ed jobs are essentially tech jobs. Maybe your a tech that can do Ivs and administer some meds. But more than likely, except in the event of a crisis, all of your primary skills like med admin and intubation will be done by the physician or nurses. Your not gonna be doing the primary care like you would in the field.
Paramedic ER jobs ARE tech jobs. Sure you could do a bunch of stuff that a regular iv tech couldn't. But you'll hardly ever get the opportunity to.


Senior Member
Established Member
May 27, 2006
Thanks for the reply,

Thats what I was afraid of. I have been searching open jobs out there and will continue to do so. When you were looking out there is there better parts of the city to live in?? (North, South Etc..?)


New Member
Established Member
Apr 7, 2009
West Grove, Pa
Don't know much about Denver. The g/f lives on the south east side (englewood). There are several hospitals in that area. I was just looking within the last three months. I have not looked into the Denver FD. Stuff.
It depends where you are. But in some cases, in cities where the FDs are tight on money, sometimes it's better to work in the hospital system. Depends on the system/area.
I work for both a non-profit medic unit in a rural area, and for a big hospital based system. In my case, the hospital system I work for pays great and offers excellent benefit and retirement opportunities. However, it is a city truck so the equipment is no where near as nice as the rural unit I work for. The rural independent unit isn't close on pay or retirement.


Established Member
Sep 6, 2011
Denver, CO
I currently live in Denver cant really help much in the medical field as i am military ,but if you have any questions about the area i'd be glad to help.

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