Do you beleive in Aliens?


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Apr 4, 2009
Parts Room
Its so thrilling to know that we may actually get to experience aliens on our planet in our lifetime...... knowing full well they will wipe most of us off the earth almost immediately after making their presence known.
Ah the irony.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 22, 2004
Chi Burbs
Anyone watch Ancient Aliens on History? I seriously think they are here and that we are 1/2 of them


Engine Lubrication Guru
Established Member
Oct 20, 2010
Pensacola, Florida
I think that we are not alone in the universe. It is foolish to think that out of the hundreds of known planets Earth is the only one capable of sustaining life. Not to mention all the planets that haven't been discovered yet due to our lack of technology.


and there are many more than couldn't support carbon based life forms, but could support sulfur based life. We have discovered living organisms in our oceans that are sulfur based, not carbon. This opens up an entirely different possibility.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I read somewhere there are over 800 billion galaxies in the universe.

and just think, humans have only viewed and studied from 1-3% of what is out there.

Hell yeah there are other life forms out there. I wouldn't doubt it if they're actually living with us and we simply don't know it. Kind of like the Men in Black type of deal.

I agree, and there are top "officials" that are never elected somewhere in our government that are aware of the truth. Here are some theories I have considered, and could possibly be happening.

1. We are nothing more than a large alien ant farm being studied by a civilization well more advanced that we are. Our DNA is nothing more than the ancient DNA discovered by the aliens and placed here for growth and observation (knowing Earth would support carbon based life). The easiest way to see how your advanced civilization evolved is to watch it evolve from conception. Like watching a baby grow, you know how YOU grew and why you are as you are today.

2. They are from the future, and able to manipulate the space/time continuum. They are a more advanced/future versions of ourselves. Again, they want to see how we lived thousands of years earlier in the evolution of man.

3. They are a civilization more advanced than ours who has discovered the technology to "warp" and bend space to make many light years of a trip instantaneous. Maybe they are studying our primitive civilization, but are afraid to make contact due to our "immature" infancy of our thinking and actions. Maybe they know we would be hostile before trusting.

4. They are from a parallel dimension, and something is disrupting this allowing them to enter ours, or be seen in our dimension.

5. They are living among us undetected, and only a small percentage of humans really know it.

No matter what you believe, or what theory.....We are not alone in this universe.
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Established Member
Apr 15, 2008
Orange County
I think that we are not alone in the universe. It is foolish to think that out of the hundreds of known planets Earth is the only one capable of sustaining life. Not to mention all the planets that haven't been discovered yet due to our lack of technology.


This is exactly how I feel. Definitely believe there is other life out there but not big head black eye movie aliens.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 21, 2008
This is exactly how I feel. Definitely believe there is other life out there but not big head black eye movie aliens.

The 'greys' could very well be what becomes of humans after billions of years of more evolution.

A larger brain would explain the large heads.
They'd mostly likely be vegatarians, leading to the thin bodies.
The black eyes could be a result of the proximity of their star to their home planet.
The could be 'little green men' assuming the gravity of their planet was stronger than Earths.
Or maybe its just a spacesuit..

Just speculating... so many possibilties, you could waste a lifetime thinking about this stuff.
Feb 15, 2004
Aliens, no, spirits, yes.

I believe there is certainly the possibility of other organisms on other planets and galaxies, but our ideas of what aliens are and the many documented sightings are just manifestations of the spirit realm. A lot in that video is hard to dispute because it's not exactly home video, but an occurrence taken with multiple cameras of the same thing. The guy on the phone sounded like he was probably just crazy and paranoid and I'm inclined not to believe it, but I'll admit a little bell went off when he said that they were extra-dimensional and not what they appear to be.

I've had my experiences with the spirit realm and I know they can manifest in whatever form they please so for me these alien sightings are just that. Without diverting this thread, the part that made my hair stand up was remembering in the Bible it says spirit manifestations will increase. To me that is what we are seeing. If I have to guess encounters will get even more intense in the coming years.

+1 My thoughts exactly.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 19, 2006
San Antonio, TX
I think that we are not alone in the universe. It is foolish to think that out of the hundreds of known planets Earth is the only one capable of sustaining life. Not to mention all the planets that haven't been discovered yet due to our lack of technology.


Well said man. You hit the nail on the head with this statement.


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 20, 2010
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I read somewhere there are over 800 billion galaxies in the universe.

Billions of galaxies with billions of stars (suns). Essentially billions of Earth like planets (sitting in the comfort zone where life could exist). I find it hard to believe there are not aliens, I doubt that any have entered Earth's orbit though.

Black Sex

Active Member
Established Member
Sep 23, 2008
and there are many more than couldn't support carbon based life forms, but could support sulfur based life. We have discovered living organisms in our oceans that are sulfur based, not carbon. This opens up an entirely different possibility.

and just think, humans have only viewed and studied from 1-3% of what is out there.

I agree, and there are top "officials" that are never elected somewhere in our government that are aware of the truth. Here are some theories I have considered, and could possibly be happening.

1. We are nothing more than a large alien ant farm being studied by a civilization well more advanced that we are. Our DNA is nothing more than the ancient DNA discovered by the aliens and placed here for growth and observation (knowing Earth would support carbon based life). The easiest way to see how your advanced civilization evolved is to watch it evolve from conception. Like watching a baby grow, you know how YOU grew and why you are as you are today.

2. They are from the future, and able to manipulate the space/time continuum. They are a more advanced/future versions of ourselves. Again, they want to see how we lived thousands of years earlier in the evolution of man.

3. They are a civilization more advanced than ours who has discovered the technology to "warp" and bend space to make many light years of a trip instantaneous. Maybe they are studying our primitive civilization, but are afraid to make contact due to our "immature" infancy of our thinking and actions. Maybe they know we would be hostile before trusting.

4. They are from a parallel dimension, and something is disrupting this allowing them to enter ours, or be seen in our dimension.

5. They are living among us undetected, and only a small percentage of humans really know it.

No matter what you believe, or what theory.....We are not alone in this universe.

I've always had the same thoughts on numbers 1-4. Not so much number 5 though.

And yes their technology is far far more advaced than ours. How else would they get here, and have been coming here for 100's if not 1000's of years. Maybe they will help us shed some light on whats to come in 2012 (if anything happens) and how to avoid the "end of the world".
Did anyone ever think that maybe a life form outer space with much more technology made the Mayan calendar. If they Mayans were so damn smart, why aren't they still around? And Im sorry, but I have a hard time believeing that "people" built the Mayan temples, or the pyramids, or Stone Henge or any of those other massive stone structures with primative tools making perfectly straight and clean cuts in stone surfaces. And then to have those structures last for for 100's or 1000's of years. No effin way. To this day, they can't build stuctures to last that long with the technology we have today. JMO


Established Member
Aug 2, 2008
I've always had the same thoughts on numbers 1-4. Not so much number 5 though.

And yes their technology is far far more advaced than ours. How else would they get here, and have been coming here for 100's if not 1000's of years. Maybe they will help us shed some light on whats to come in 2012 (if anything happens) and how to avoid the "end of the world".
Did anyone ever think that maybe a life form outer space with much more technology made the Mayan calendar. If they Mayans were so damn smart, why aren't they still around? And Im sorry, but I have a hard time believeing that "people" built the Mayan temples, or the pyramids, or Stone Henge or any of those other massive stone structures with primative tools making perfectly straight and clean cuts in stone surfaces. And then to have those structures last for for 100's or 1000's of years. No effin way. To this day, they can't build stuctures to last that long with the technology we have today. JMO

I have thought this many times my self.


AKA maxstang AKA max97v6
Established Member
Jun 5, 2008
Orem UT
Believe or not... but read...

EZEKIEL 1:4 - 1:24

Ezekiel 1:4-28,Ezekiel 10:1-22 - Passage*Lookup - New American Standard Bible -

What you are witnessing is the physical manifestation of the spiritual realm.

You can't deny the artifacts, ancient scriptures, cave drawings, and epic stories since the beginning of mankind's signature on this earth.

They have been here with us since the beginning of our time...

They have pushed us forward with technological help seemingly whenever we needed the nudge (whether the technology was good or bad)...

THEY are the Angels of the Lord and the Demons of Satan.

Flame suit set to critical bombardment...

What is the spiritual realm though? Could it be fair to say that, if described by science which is usually either updated or completely shot down when new evidence is brought to light, is another dimension? Just for the sake of argument, do you know what god or the satan looks like? My own belief is that the bible is more of a history book detailing important events in out past written by simple, superstitious people with no way of explaining what was going on. Or they did see/receive guidance from some sort of godly figure. Our modern day beliefs have created gods based on our own likeness. Christianity is not the oldest religion out there and its one who is constantly getting holes shot through it by science. So what do you say about Hinduism and their blue, 6 armed gods? Not real, people from India are crazy, LOL? I havent seen any blue people running around and I highly doubt people would make something like that up and worship it for 4,000 years. They have obviously not created these gods in their own likeness. So where did they come from? Ever heard about the 12,000 year old city of Dwarka?
Artifacts, ancient scriptures, cave drawings, and epic stories since the beginning of mankind's signature on this earth are based on what people saw. Whos to say that what they saw and experienced werent extra dimensional beings and were worshiped as gods like ancient Central American indians worshiped conquistadors. Yes, there is written evidence of "gods" but just what were these gods being worshiped? The second coming, the end of days, 2012... all the same? I highly doubt an angel sent by a spiritual god that cares about nothing but what your deeds were on earth would be concerned with helping the human race with technological advances and science(which never see eye to eye with Christianity in the first place). I think that what people believe to be god/s and aliens are one in the same. Although everybody will perceive it differently. Religious people will see extraterrestrials and UFOs as spiritual beings and will have the bible and specific verses to back them up. People who believe in extraterrestrials will see gods, devils and angels as extraterrestrials visitors from thousands of years ago and will have science and facts to back them up. The human race has been around for 15,000+ years which is a blink of an eye for this planet and this planet is a blink of an eye for this galaxy and the rest of the universe. Given all the planets that can hold life in the universe that is 14 billion years old, even if one planet held intelligent life and it started a measly 1 million years before the human race, that alone would give enough chance for extraterrestrial, intergalactic travelers.


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
I've always had the same thoughts on numbers 1-4. Not so much number 5 though.

And yes their technology is far far more advaced than ours. How else would they get here, and have been coming here for 100's if not 1000's of years. Maybe they will help us shed some light on whats to come in 2012 (if anything happens) and how to avoid the "end of the world".
Did anyone ever think that maybe a life form outer space with much more technology made the Mayan calendar. If they Mayans were so damn smart, why aren't they still around? And Im sorry, but I have a hard time believeing that "people" built the Mayan temples, or the pyramids, or Stone Henge or any of those other massive stone structures with primative tools making perfectly straight and clean cuts in stone surfaces. And then to have those structures last for for 100's or 1000's of years. No effin way. To this day, they can't build stuctures to last that long with the technology we have today. JMO

Crop Circle Allegedly Decoded [VIDEO]

Take what you want out of this video, but I found it extremely interesting. Is it a warning from a potentially hostile civilization? Or maybe its a warning to stop our non-sustainable and start preserving our planet through cleaner living. Many have speculated that our direction towards melting ice caps, rising seas, and high carbon levels would captivate any possible "visitors".

Take it for what it is, but the video does make you step back and reflect a little bit.


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
Billions of galaxies with billions of stars (suns). Essentially billions of Earth like planets (sitting in the comfort zone where life could exist). I find it hard to believe there are not aliens, I doubt that any have entered Earth's orbit though.

I actually read an article that was about a recent hubble photograph. Apparently hubble was directed and a pin tip sized portion of space that appeared to the naked eye (and land based telescopes) to be completely black and empty. Well upon the finishing of the pictures 7 month exposure, what had seemed as an empty piece of space turned out to show hundreds and hundreds of galaxies. To think that in just the extremely small prick sized area of space, there were several thousands galaxies, each with hundreds of billion stars, that each could contain hundreds of billions of planets, it made astronomers rethink the actual number of potential earth like planets. If there were this many in that small area then in all of the universe the number was.. well.. infinite.


Established Member
Feb 21, 2005
Salem Oregon
Aliens, no, spirits, yes.

I believe there is certainly the possibility of other organisms on other planets and galaxies, but our ideas of what aliens are and the many documented sightings are just manifestations of the spirit realm. A lot in that video is hard to dispute because it's not exactly home video, but an occurrence taken with multiple cameras of the same thing. The guy on the phone sounded like he was probably just crazy and paranoid and I'm inclined not to believe it, but I'll admit a little bell went off when he said that they were extra-dimensional and not what they appear to be.

I've had my experiences with the spirit realm and I know they can manifest in whatever form they please so for me these alien sightings are just that. Without diverting this thread, the part that made my hair stand up was remembering in the Bible it says spirit manifestations will increase. To me that is what we are seeing. If I have to guess encounters will get even more intense in the coming years.

Believe or not... but read...

EZEKIEL 1:4 - 1:24

Ezekiel 1:4-28,Ezekiel 10:1-22 - Passage*Lookup - New American Standard Bible -

What you are witnessing is the physical manifestation of the spiritual realm.

You can't deny the artifacts, ancient scriptures, cave drawings, and epic stories since the beginning of mankind's signature on this earth.

They have been here with us since the beginning of our time...

They have pushed us forward with technological help seemingly whenever we needed the nudge (whether the technology was good or bad)...

THEY are the Angels of the Lord and the Demons of Satan.

Flame suit set to critical bombardment...

I believe you guys are on to something. Take a look at the video again and take a look at 6:20. It looks to me like spiritual beings hovering in the sky.

Also if you are interested read the book of Enoch.
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