Ex Wives


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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
pics of said whore or GTFO!

**** that bitch. Zero pictures.

Divorce was final in Dec2014.

In the end, it’s all our (males) fault.

We know the deal going in and continue to do it.

I learned a lot about people, the system, and myself during the 7yrs after that.

I hold myself 100% responsible for getting into that situation and everything that came of it.

I’m thankful it happened so early in life.

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Let's roll..
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Feb 22, 2006
**** that bitch. Zero pictures.

Divorce was final in Dec2014.

In the end, it’s all our (males) fault.

We know the deal going in and continue to do it.

I learned a lot about people, the system, and myself during the 7yrs after that.

I hold myself 100% responsible for getting into that situation and everything that came of it.

I’m thankful it happened so early in life.

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Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office


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Jul 15, 2011
I bet you @72MachOne99GT makes a mean samich

I said I’d let my bf blow me if I had one, not that I make sammies.

Get it right.

My wife says ****ed up shit all the time too. Just mean, spiteful, hurtful things. I imagine some of it is how she was raised. Her mom can say some wild shit too. I just wanted raised being an absolute asshole to someone you love just because you’re having a bad day or are fighting.


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Jun 11, 2007
If ALL of you married guys aren’t stashing money for a rainy day, you’re nuts.

You can always redeposit if you feel the need, but I wouldn’t recommend it. See below….

Buy a fireproof safe.

Cash back on purchases via debit card.

I had @25k in a safe in my attic when I filed for the divorce.

Well stupid me, after some sucky sucky and “they say the first 3yrs are the hardest”, I didn’t move forward with the divorce.

I had already had her served and everything and the financials were done…she wasn’t even contesting it.

Fast forward 3 yrs, I’ve moved to El Paso. Bought us a new house. Was just miserable and I knew it was only a matter of time.

File again. Shit you not I come home and the whore is in the kitchen in her underwear and says “maybe we just need to bang. They say the first 7 yrs are the hardest”.

Couldn’t believe it.

Not this time bitch!

That 3yrs prob cost me another 200k

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This is why we rub one out before dating new chicks and rub one out during big decisions involving significant other/gf.

Never make decisions with a loaded gun


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Jul 12, 2014
Or a GTD. Oh wait... lol.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Sorry to hear you are going through this. As others' have mentioned, the court system is so stacked against men and fathers.

One of my coworkers got a woman prego. They intended to get married after kid was born (Dec 2023). Long story short, they got into an argument, he put his hands (his claim) on her shoulders to calm her down, and she freaked out. Called the cops. Now he is navigating custody lawyers and criminal defense attorneys. She was able to get a restraining order and he has criminal proceedings for domestic violence. Poor dude was booked into jail. All because "she said". No marks on her. No physical evidence. Just her word. Since that night she has revised her statement 6 times to include more "claims". I'm only getting one side of the story. But it's obvious, in a situation like this, the man has no rights. As his employer, if we weren't as gracious and understanding as we are, he would be out of a job too. With all the time he has missed since this fiasco began.
This scares the shit out of me and is a big factor to why I’m single and will most likely keep it that way.


Sebring SVTOA
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SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Don’t have to stay single, just don’t sign a contract guaranteeing 1/2 of everything you’ve ever earned AND ongoing support after the contract is ended.

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I have been watching a few videos lately of American women embracing traditional gender roles and the homemaker or stay at home wife. Not just TV watcher and local gossiper.

We seen society shift due the leftist influence at school and work to the point the homemaker was mocked and ridiculed. Don't be scared to make the strong feminist the modern mockery or better yet just ignore them!
Last edited:

Black Gold 380R

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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX


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Jul 12, 2014
Don’t have to stay single, just don’t sign a contract guaranteeing 1/2 of everything you’ve ever earned AND ongoing support after the contract is ended.

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It’s more about assault/harassment allegations that scare me. I personally know people who have lost jobs and had their lives ruined by false allegations a women made.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
It’s more about assault/harassment allegations that scare me. I personally know people who have lost jobs and had their lives ruined by false allegations a women made.


My ex MIL chased me down the street while I was on the phone with 911.

I could kill this old seniorita with my arms tied behind my back mind you. Little shuffle. Body check to the ground. Couple stomps to the side of the neck and game over.

But I jogged, backwards. Thought a neighbor in the front yard would be a deterrent.


Old bitch grabbed my arm and yelled “he’s lying” into the phone. lol. Dumb whore. I literally called on the premise that I’m being chased down the street by my ex MIL.

Pigs show up. A female SGT comes up and pats me on the shoulder. Says good job not defending yourself. You know you’d be going to jail and your XYZ Agency would pull your gun and badge.

They wrote her a class C Mis assault.


And I’ve got my wife on audio recording saying “ you’re lucky I’m letting you keep your job. I need the money”.

Never again.

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Apr 28, 2007
I genuinely feel sorry for everyone in this thread with all these issues.

I have been with my wife since I was 15yrs old, yes I have missed out on a lot of the crazy one night stand or fling stories I hear from friends, acquaintances and of course the YouTube but I wouldn’t trade it for being with someone who I have known and been with longer than I have been alone.

No we have not always been good and yes we have had our time apart to fix issues that we disagreed with on a fundamental level, but at the end of the day, we always both decided that our love for each other was greater than the issues that we faced and sometimes it took months to realize that but we always came back to the same conclusion.

The flipside to that is, we have had some amazing times as well , truly experiences that I can’t imagine having with anybody else ( well, a couple of those experiences was with somebody else but they were my wife and I entertainment)

I always hear people talk about save some thing for what if and always plan to take care of yourself should the other person betray you and my honest reality is having my own nest egg stashed away would be the absolute least of my worries. I understand it’s easy for me to say that because I’ve never been in that position but I’ve been very broke and extremely happy, I’ve also been well off financially and I felt suicidal so for me, the financial aspect would be the least of my concerns.

@DriftwoodSVT …. I hope you find better, you don’t deserve that and if a man did half of what you described to a woman he would’ve been in jail long ago


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
Is it weird to say…. That I’m happy I’m not the only one in a shitty situation

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