have a question about filing a complaint on a LEO


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Feb 18, 2007
south carolina
Let me start to say im not trying to start a flaming session here, i have a legitamate question

I have a neighbor (a mile down my road) he is a SC Highway patrol man. For several years he has been consistantly preforming traffic stops on our road (limit is 35 its a very small road not much traffic) basically stopping my and his neighbors on their way home from work. Now i dont agree with his tactics neccasarily, but thats not my question.
My problem and question is that he and his wife routinely speed (my guess would be at least 55-65 MPH at times) up and down our road....I have personally called him out about it last year while he was on my property investigating a fellow who had a heart attack and died in front of our driveway....he laughed it off and said 'what are you worried about , i havent written you up" i said no more...
well my question is how would you go about making him obey the law without causing him great grief..in other words im not looking to get him fired, just slowed down...it really ticks me off to see him writing tickets in front of my house and then 30 minutes later after he goes home, here comes he and his wife zipping back by....
Would you call and ask to speak to the supervisor , or ??? I have badge number car number etc...this is being done in squad car, personal car and his truck and trailer with lawncare side business...

again this is a serious question, how would you proceed
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Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Call the Trooper barracks and ask for his supervisor. Give him the detailed information and ask them to investigate.


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Apr 19, 2005
Winston Salem,NC
Exactly as Adam said. By your account, sounds like he thinks he is "above the law" and needs a check. To write your neighbors tickets and act that way on your neighborhood is by far not the smartest way to live peacefully. Kind of like the neighborhood bully.

But yeah, have his car number or his name and contact the station he works out of. Either request his supervisor or internal affairs[which would be after the supervisor] Have some cooth[dont come off like you are out to get him] and explain your concerns 1-for him speeding in his patrol car 2- in his personal vehicles and 3- blatant disregard for the safety of the people in your neighborhood. That type of speed is ridiculous.

Also, be aware. IF it gets out it was you,as not anonymous, he might decide to act more of a fool towards you.


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Feb 18, 2007
south carolina
thanks guys for the imput,, that was what i was thinking i should do as well...
Im not one of these tattle tell guys who wants anyone in trouble, or some busy body old woman whos worried about safety on the street..its just the principle of him not obeying his set laws that he inforces to "us" that gripes me.....again i would just like an even playing field and some respect from him one way or another....no tickets on my road fine by me, or write all he wants and slow down... ill make the call and honestly will try to get the point across without getting him in any real trouble...thanks again jack


Established Member
Sep 3, 2009
langley bc
LOL Be careful !If he that type of guy and who knows maybe he is tight with his supervisor ,you could be causing a lot of grief for youself!!!!
Haven you seen the movie (lakeview terrace) LOL JK


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Established Member
Apr 19, 2005
Winston Salem,NC
LOL Be careful !If he that type of guy and who knows maybe he is tight with his supervisor ,you could be causing a lot of grief for youself!!!!
Haven you seen the movie (lakeview terrace) LOL JK

That crossed my mind as I was typing out the other portion on my reply. But reality, if he is a professional and has professional supervisors, this should not be an issue


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Feb 18, 2007
south carolina
LOL yep ive seen that movie..but its not quite that bad here...i live in the middle of 30 acres..so he'll have to get some serious bright lights to get to me, and hes a mile down the road...i have a livestock gate on my driveway (driveways 300yards long, no trespassing etc) and 7mm mag pointed out the window in the upstairs bedroom.(in case a dear walks by wink wink). i think i can hold him off for a while..LOL but thanks for the thought...

anyway before someone takes the above the wrong way..(just kidding) i called his super today and he said he will see that he is 'spoken to" and im to let him know if his attitude towards the speed limit doesnt change...I did not give him my name, and he let it slip that this wasnt the 1st he had heard of this....that made me think....
he used to be one of the officers who had one of the camaro "pursuit" cars.. one day it disapeared and hes in a crown vic...any chance he got busted down for speeding?? just a thought..anyway id say problem solved...at least short term...thanks for the imput...

Iceman II

Right Behind You!
Established Member
Jan 17, 2006
Texas Hill Country
Like mentioned above, sounds like he needed a brake check. I'm sure his supervisor is documenting your concerns. I know I would!
I have had to make a few of brake checks on officers and wives throughout my 20+ career. It was kept very professional and tactful.
As far as the Camaro, it was probably turned in for too many miles. I turned in my Dodge Charger after 86K for a CV. No comparison. lol


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Established Member
Apr 19, 2005
Winston Salem,NC
Especially when it involves state troopers, they do not take complaints lightly....not saying other agencies do. The public do not realize how serious departments take any form of complaint, especially when there is obvious validity.


I'm not evil, Trust Me
Established Member
Sep 11, 2006
Las Vegas, NV.
You might try a different tact.

Call your local city councilman, county commissioner, etc. and complain about the speed that people travel up and down your road and how it is unsafe for the neighborhood children. Request that they put in speed bumps.

I have seen this work many times around here.

The advantage to this tact is that it won't just slow down the officer in question, it will slow down everyone. Also, it won't specifically call out your neighbor the officer, and therefore won't get him in trouble.

Just a thought.


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Established Member
Apr 19, 2005
Winston Salem,NC
Thats a good thing to "try" but far fetched, at least around here. It will take a child getting hit,killed or seriously injured and alot of research...to include officers working strict speed enforcement, which will piss off the people that live there because its "my neighborhood". It goes on and on, but the biggest part, the almighty dollar


My other car is a cruiser
Established Member
Oct 14, 2008
Prattville, AL
Especially when it involves state troopers, they do not take complaints lightly....not saying other agencies do. The public do not realize how serious departments take any form of complaint, especially when there is obvious validity.

if that aint the truth lol. people think that when they call in and make a complaint it goes on deaf ears, not so civi's lol. ive seen people called out in roll call and on scenes for driving beyond necessary speeds. but it does seem that this trooper has a slight case of "crapping where he eats". you went about this the correct way though, your professionalism most definitely helped. its sounds alot better when someone calls in and seems valid

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