How to send Care Packages to Soldiers?


Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
So, although I'm not involved in the military, I 100% respect everything they do and have done for us. Therefore I would really like to give back here and there when i can! I recently talked with a guy who was active and he said that the one thing that really boosted moral/brought a sense of feeling loved was receiving care packages from us in the states. He said it could be a letter, a card, anything really, but it would make them feel like someone out there cares about what they're doing, and they feel a little less isolated. Does anyone know any way to send these? I looked on Google, and got a little sidetracked, so id like to ask those of you who know. I'm not looking for specific soldiers, just how to send them in general. To me, it doesn't matter which person gets the package, as long as someone actually does. Also, what types of items shouldn't be sent? Any feedback is appreciated!!!


is impressed!
Established Member
Feb 4, 2004
In perpetual exile....
I used to send them pretty regularly. I would always include things like wet wipes, gold bond powder, powdered Gatorade, several bags of beef jerky, a roll of Copenhagen, sealed bottles of aspirin and ibuprofen, several car magazines, some toiletries like new toothbrushes and a big pack of disposable razors, dunkin donuts coffee. It wasn't ever cheap but I sent several and i hope somebody got them and enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 1, 2009
San Antonio, TX
^^^ yep or local church, American legion or VA office should point you in the right direction.

Thanks for doing what you're doing. I've deployed a handful of times and leave again this Friday for 6 months. I can assure you it doesn't matter what's in the box, it will get used and is always appreciated.. jerky, hard candy, magazines stuff like stated above.

It is true as stated earlier, it means a lot when we get care packages whether from home or from generous donations. We would get one big box every other month for about 15 guys to share and we would be like a bunch of 5 year olds on Christmas lol.


Established Member
May 9, 2008
Brownsburg, IN
Or any local USO if close to one. Do not send porn or videos alcohol. Those are high up on the contraband list. Power drinks wet wipes razors basic hygiene stuff was nice. Any tobacco products if you want to go that route. Mostly I would just stick to basic hygiene stuff though. Candy, Old books or magazines.

Here's one that was around from when I was over seas.
Soldiers' Angels - May No Soldier Go Unloved


Established Member
Oct 25, 2009
St Robert, MO
From my personal experience, any random care package from a random person was awesome. Ive spent 4 years deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and never really got care packages from family. Any time I got a package that I didn't know was coming, whether it be from a random person/organization or from a friend, it's a real morale booster. I liked getting the ones from schools where all the kids made cards that didn't really make a whole lot of sense, but you knew what they meant. If you're sending to a random Soldier, I wouldn't recommend sending books. That's one thing I saw thrown away by Soldiers that received them in care packages. Is it possible maybe you could find a fellow member on here or another forum that you're active on and send a package to them? If you can find someone to send to it would be easier to know what that person needs/wants the Stuff that you send won't be wasted. It sucks seeing items thrown away that people/organizations take the time and money to send.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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is impressed!
Established Member
Feb 4, 2004
In perpetual exile....
Soldiers angels was the group I volunteered with when I lived in Kansas city. We had several donation drives where we would have a couple volunteers at area supermarkets. We handed out little lists of items you guys needed to interested people on their way in. Almost everyone who took a list would come back with an item or two. You could always tell when a combat veteran took a list because they'd come back with every single thing on that list and thank us for sending it.
Good group of folks. 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.
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Established Member
May 24, 2011
Navarre, FL
Also send over things like dart boards and darts, board games, dominos, and other things to pass the time. When I was in KAF, I think I almost lost my mind from boredom. Sunday was gold because that was Bizarre day for movies :)

We actually would email companies with our APO address and they would send over morale boosters. Also got some sweet cigars from a local business near home base.

Try to stay away from things that melt. My wife tried to send me brownies, it was a bag of mush by the time it got to me.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 23, 2011
I will agree, It is a good feeling getting care packages while deployed. Iv'e done 3 deployments so far totaling 41 months between Iraq and Afghanistan....... It gets tough there sometime but getting care packages showing that our people still support us gave me that extra push to keep going back out....

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