Lets see all those Pit Bulls!


Established Member
Feb 5, 2007
Clovis, NM
I had a Pit/Rotty mix... do I count? Lulz. Cool dog for the short period of time that we had it. He was just too big for my mother's apartment, and her other terrier didn't like it very much (tried to be the alpha dog in the house). When I first encountered him, I was a bit nervous (not going to lie). But the thing was as sweet as could be and was like a giant puppy. He looked a lot like a Lab when he was young but I've seen recent pictures of him and he basically has the body of a Rottweiler and a face of a Pit.

When we had him he was only maybe 6 months old? I don't remember.



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 25, 2003
There's no reason to own a Pitbull, there really isn't. They don't get a bad rap (no pun intended) for no reason at all. There are plenty of other safer breeds out there. For all you that for some reason choose to own them, I hope you're paying the premium on your home owner's insurance (I guarantee some of you are not).

The icy stare of those Pitbulls is enough to make me not want one. Admit it, part of the reason you have one is for intimidation. I am a tough guy don't mess with my dog or he'll eat your face. You are being defensive because you own one but please be realistic. They are nasty dogs and 99% of the population does not like them. You all say they are the sweetest dogs out there but they are more prone to snapping at the drop of a hat and the damage they inflict is more than a ****ing chihuaha can do. Can you really say that about a lab or a golden?

Not sure if we've established that you are a ****tard yet in this thread or not, but you are, just so you know. To answer your last (dumbassed) question, yes, you can say that about a Lab or Golden. I've seen it first hand and I've heard other encounters that happened locally. I don't own one to intimidate anybody. What's the point of that? That's what my TPX big barrel is for... I own one because I think they are good looking dogs (the real ones, not the short stocky ones), love their athleticism, and every Pit that I came into contact with prior to getting my own (at least 4, whereas I bet you've never been up close and personal with a singal one) was the most loving and obedient dog I had ever been around. You said 99 percent of the population hates them. I hope you were exagerating, because if not, I'm sorry to tell you that you are sadly mistaken. That WOULD make sense though, because it seems 95% of the population in general have about as much common sense as a bag of rocks. So you'd be about 4% off there. Anyway, you are a moron. That is a fact. Now you should play on the highway.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 25, 2003
hey i agree with you my buddy had nice dog great with the kids grew up with them, and one day bite the one kid in the faceand he thought it was somthing the kid did and few weeks later jumped in the crib attacked the baby and his son again and what else can i say. pos

Please, don't say anything else. Spare us the idiocy. Go back to school and learn English first. Then grab a common sense that would tell you Pits are not known for this, or are they the only breed that has ever done anything like that. When you've done the above, then maybe you can have something else to say.


Established Member
Jun 5, 2006
Here is mine when she was young. Dont have any currrent pics.

O P.S. I feed her babys when ever she gets hungry.
Now for all the ignorant people that have no experience with pitbulls :bash: is what you deserve.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 25, 2003
Man she really is a cute pup! I'd love to see what she looks like all grown up!


New Member
Established Member
Jul 18, 2008
interesting thread. I wont get into it with people who read into the hype, ive owned 8 pitbulls, and i will never own another breed. heres why:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6LDopZZVzg]YouTube - Rebel (56lbs) Pulling 6613lbs, 118x's his body weight[/ame]

6613lbs, 118x's his own body weight!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATS7ZsKMynk]YouTube - Xtremek9supplies,Springpole Training,Spring pole,Springpoles[/ame]

and one vid i love:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btMoqE-ZKrQ]YouTube - The Working Pit Bull[/ame]

(the above videos are not my dogs.)

Nay say all some want. You dont know the breed. Its take an alpha personality to run these dogs, and if you do, you have a loyal companion for life. I also have the most devoted pet i will ever own. I snap my fingers and my dogs react how i want.




thats our newest edition. his name is tezzen. I will post all my dogs as soon as my 4900 pics upload to kodak.

by the way, my pits are all grand champion bloodlines in both weight pull and show. My bloodlines run back to the geronimo line, which for those that dont know, are old family rednoses. A strong and powerful, yet smaller then todays size pitbull. The last true pitbull in my eyes. My dogs arent backyard bred, and i have taken pride and my dogs.
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New Member
Established Member
Jul 18, 2008
There's no reason to own a Pitbull, there really isn't. They don't get a bad rap (no pun intended) for no reason at all. There are plenty of other safer breeds out there. For all you that for some reason choose to own them, I hope you're paying the premium on your home owner's insurance (I guarantee some of you are not).

i dont pay the premium on my insurance, and i have 4 pitbulls currently.
The icy stare of those Pitbulls is enough to make me not want one.

how are these for "icy" stares:




wait a minute, you must mean these ones, that because you are scared, and not an alpha personality type right?



Admit it, part of the reason you have one is for intimidation. I am a tough guy don't mess with my dog or he'll eat your face. You are being defensive because you own one but please be realistic. They are nasty dogs and 99% of the population does not like them.
can you please pole the population of the united states. I would like actual facts on this... b.s. and you know it.

You all say they are the sweetest dogs out there but they are more prone to snapping at the drop of a hat and the damage they inflict is more than a ****ing chihuaha can do. Can you really say that about a lab or a golden?

also please indulge me on where you get your facts. My pitbulls actually got attacked at a dog park by a golden retriever. Un provoked, ran all the way across and bit my dog while his back was turned, i will post a pic of the police report if i can find it.
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New Member
Established Member
Jul 18, 2008
Most dog attacks that get labeled as "Pitbull" attacks, aren't even pitbulls. There are more then a dozen other breeds that are often mistaken and mislabeled as "pitbulls". I could post 10 pictures of dogs and have people select the pitbull in the list, and most people would get it wrong 10 times out of 10.

The only reason you can do a search on the net and find articles about "pibull" attacks is because the media hypes the breed. It doesn't sound as cool to say "6 year old mauled by family's poodle."

I have owned pitbulls for over 13 years, and they are hands down the best breed of dog ever in terms of temperament. You can do a search for the American Temperament Test Society and see that the American Pitbull Terrier ranks among the highest of all breeds with a standard passing rate of 84.3% This ranks even higher then most all other dogs in existence with the exception of the Lab and the golden retriever (which barely beats it by only 1%).

There was a study of dog bites conducted by the ASPCA over a 5 year period. 100 dogs were listed, with the APBT ranking at #98 on the list (almost no bites reported from Actual APBT's). #1 dog was the Springer Spaniel.

The APBT was NEVER bred to be people aggressive at all. As a matter of fact it was never bred to be animal aggressive either. APBT's were bred to have a high learning curve, and to learn taught behaviors very well. This is why they make such game dogs. They have a will and desire to please their masters like no other breed. If people want their APBT's to learn to attack dogs, people, other animals etc, it will because it thinks that is what the shitty owner wants. If people, as responsible owners, want their dogs to be lovable house dogs, they will be.

As a side note, all dogs are pack oriented animals, so they need to be treated as such. There needs to be the pack leader in the home, and all people need to be ranked above the dog. This can be learned by ANY dog, the APBT learns this very well.

I currently own an 11 y/o APBT that lives just fine and happily with 3 cats. He has gotten aggressive with one other dog once in his life, but I, as the responsible owner (and pack leader) made it known that this was not an acceptable behavior. He has never shown aggression of any kind since that day over 10 years ago. He has also lived with transient APBT's before as well when I was rescuing and adopting them out.

The whole breed legislation crap has more to do with people that aren't informed about the facts and instead make judgments based on what the media spoon feeds them. There has been a huge resurgence of APBT awareness around the country, and because of this, lots of towns and cities that BSL's are changing them and removing the APBT from the list of banned dogs.

People need to remember, at one time the APBT was the symbol of the U.S.A. It was considered to be the quintessential "American" Dog and every family wanted one. Not until the thugs and rednecks started inbreeding them, mistreating them, and using them for all kinds of unsavory activities have they gotten a bad rap. Mind you also, that the dogs that have been inbred and crossbred for these reasons are no longer APBT's and instead have become a different breed altogether.

thank you for this post. It sums up all of which i was starting to post.

For those that wonder about pitbulls, the generalization is rediculous. Lets be clear, i am not standing up for those that backyard breed, or dont use quality lines to breed. Those people are ruining the breed. Just because they are pitbull, it doesnt mean they are what a true pitbull is. Some in the society are messed up, and when they react, its not pretty. Some people are not fit to own a pitbull. I have owned a pitbull that i rescued who was kept in his crate for two years. barely getting play time. He started to turn on me when i went out to sea for extended periods of time. I shot that dog. As should anyone else who has a rogue pitbull. But generalizing is not good.

There is a video on this thread a ways back, that shows a dog or two attacking people then gets shot. From what i see, the pit started to protect the owner (wrongfully) and then when the kid ran, it cause the pit to take action. From then on, its a matter of being threatened. We has humans can rationalize that, a pitbull can not. That owner should be in jail. If one of my pits do something like that, i am not afraid to grab him/her and put them to the ground and show that i am alpha, and i dont approve. That owner was being controlled by the pitbull, and im sure that person was oblivious to that.

Its all in the ownership.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 18, 2008
why would you put a dog pulling that kind of weight?? bunch of dumba****!

because it can. because after extensive training, that dog is ready for it. To pull that kind of weight takes an enormous amount of training.

That dog wasnt in pain, it wouldve stopped.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 18, 2008
here are mine
bella and tezzen (shes not the mom)




jakes mom (not mine)

jakes mom with a raccoon she nursed:

jake and bella;


my wife, diesel and bella a few years ago:

bella and tezzen playing tug of war:



i have more, just a few of my dogs. I dont breed my dogs, i just love the dog.
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New Member
Established Member
Jun 3, 2007
^ man i love the pics. thanks for posting all you have about pits. :)

heres a couple of rambo, in hdr. he is alittle over 14 weeks in these pics.



heres exo. hes alittle over a year and ahalf now. weighs about 35lbs





Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 25, 2003
Good looking pups guys.

WhiteonblackL - my Brindle Pit is just like your Rambo, he loves nothing more than to lay on my leather couch.

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