My motorcycle chase made the news..

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May 1, 2006
I don't understand how anyone can fault the police for attempting to do their jobs. :(

Unfortunately, ignorant retards do use the internet these days, so it happens from time to time.


4v noob
Established Member
Feb 15, 2008
I am sure his family got a flood of questions like that. :burn:
The only people who are afraid of the police, are the ones who SHOULD BE.
Guy on the bike is a complete moron.
Too bad it didn't cut his pee pee off, would have served him right.

I could never be a cop, I would have just shot the ****er,
or rammed him with my squad car.
OOPS! My bad...................
Cop did nothing wrong, and I hope he gets a raise.

thats not ramming him its giving him a motivational push in the right direction


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
the harder you chase them, the harder they run. almost always ends up in a crash with someone hurt or dead.

most departments around here have adopted a no chase motorcycle policy. they are much safer ways to catch them.


Press hard, 5 copies...
Established Member
Jan 15, 2008
Behind you with the blue lights...
Wow, What a True MySpace friend:

Feb 15, 2010 10:54 AM
Aw shit, lost the right leg? Means you can't drive your truck anymore. I'll be more than happy to take over for you.

Follwed up by the same guy:

Feb 12, 2010 3:57 PM
That sucks what happened to you...god damn ****** should be hung!

What a piece of work.

TruBlu, even in my short time asan LEO it has quickly come to my atterntion that this is 99.999999% a damned if you do damned if you dont career.

Sounds like you followed policy and made the right callthe terminate pursuit. These other haters can never truely understand how quickly things happen in our line of work or how often it truley is a split secound live or die choice that just falls in our laps.

Keep your head up. I think this is as good a place as any for this little excerpt:

On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman

"Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident." This is true.

"Then there are the wolves and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy."

"Then there are sheepdogs, and I'm a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf."

The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, can not and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn't tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, "Baa."

Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog
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New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2003
DFW, Texas
the harder you chase them, the harder they run. almost always ends up in a crash with someone hurt or dead.

most departments around here have adopted a no chase motorcycle policy. they are much safer ways to catch them.

How do you catch someone later who you never identify in the first place?


New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2003
DFW, Texas
Wow, What a True MySpace friend:

Feb 15, 2010 10:54 AM
Aw shit, lost the right leg? Means you can't drive your truck anymore. I'll be more than happy to take over for you.

Follwed up by the same guy:

Feb 12, 2010 3:57 PM
That sucks what happened to you...god damn ****** should be hung!

What a piece of work.

TruBlu, even in my short time asan LEO it has quickly come to my atterntion that this is 99.999999% a damned if you do damned if you dont career.

Sounds like you followed policy and made the right callthe terminate pursuit. These other haters can never truely understand how quickly things happen in our line of work or how often it truley is a split secound live or die choice that just falls in our laps.

This is why the old heads just come to work and do their time. They aren't gonna light any fires, or do any incredible police work. They have too much invested to screw up thier retirement.


Established Member
Mar 16, 2009
the harder you chase them, the harder they run. almost always ends up in a crash with someone hurt or dead.

most departments around here have adopted a no chase motorcycle policy. they are much safer ways to catch them.

Fill us in on the ways you catch someone you have not identified? Especially with a bike that has swapped plates with another...:bored: :poke:


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
How do you catch someone later who you never identify in the first place?

Fill us in on the ways you catch someone you have not identified? Especially with a bike that has swapped plates with another...:bored: :poke:

Knowing someone will run from you to the point of killing themselves, their rider, or someone they hit, never out weighs the need to write them a ticket.

When riders switch plates, which was not as common in my riding days, yeh it makes it more difficult to identify the culprit. Use the tools you have available and with a little good detective work it wont take long to catch them.

dash cams are now almost standard in every vehicle. Not only will you get tag information, clothing, model of bike, customized helmet etc... If two people are switching tags and you locate an address for one of them, when you arrive at that address and you find that a tag on that bike is registered to another, that gives you probable cause. Then you will have plenty of leverage to pretty much get what ever information you need to catch all offenders and make your arrests. yeh, you dont get the rush of a chase, and it takes a little longer...but you probably just saved a life if not more.

what if you had an 17 year old son, or daughter on the back of a bike. you just discovered he / she was killed in an accident, or killed an innocent person while being chased by a police officer. Your anger becomes focused now on the entire department and most likely the entire profession. as a parent, you would not blame your parent ever does.

an officer has many neat tools at his disposal, tazers, handcuffs, cool guns - when used properly his most effective weapon is what sits atop his shoulders.

the policy here in my county was named after a teen was killed about 10 years ago, being chased by a sheriff. he killed himself when he attempted to run through a red light, T-boned a car which had a small child in the back that is crippled for the rest of her life. all because the officer wanted the thrill of the chase.

Before I was a sheriff, I had a good friend who was hit by a police cruiser who was chasing another car. left him incredibly disabled for the rest of his life. He is well compensated every month for the rest of his life, but pales in comparison to living your life in a wheel chair.

Bottom line is, you and a friend might feel like you are cool and have found a way to get away with stupidity when actually you have only prolonged the inevitable. eventually, you will get caught one way or another. no one gets away with it forever.

last thing:

I know what you are thinking, and I know what you will tell me and your buddies.." hey man, if the poh poh ever rolls up here and finds i have switched a tag, i will never rat you out dawg, you're my boy...i got you."

let me tell you something, in all my experience, "boys" might tell each other that, but behind closed doors, or up in the district attorney's office when you feel the heat, you and or he will rat each other out bigger than shit. it happens all the time. I have never seen anyone keep their mouth shut when faced that situation.

good luck sir.:rockon:


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
I have a feeling that soon we will be reading a F*** the police thread about how he got screwed over and ticketed for accidently putting the wrong tag on a bike and was charged with about 18 charges and jail time AND asking for ways to get out of it.


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Feb 18, 2003
DFW, Texas
Only 500 pages, yeesh. Ours is double that plus report writing manual, and policy manual. We have policies that say the exact opposite of the GO or the exact same. One week we can use the rolling road block and "other means to stop a fleeing suspect[in a chase] then the next back to the same as before.

Our G.O.s have been growing for years. Everytime there is a new GO, we know exactly who it is because of, so much we refer to it as "Officer X's GO".


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Feb 18, 2003
DFW, Texas
When riders switch plates, which was not as common in my riding days, yeh it makes it more difficult to identify the culprit. Use the tools you have available and with a little good detective work it wont take long to catch them.

dash cams are now almost standard in every vehicle. Not only will you get tag information, clothing, model of bike, customized helmet etc... If two people are switching tags and you locate an address for one of them, when you arrive at that address and you find that a tag on that bike is registered to another, that gives you probable cause. Then you will have plenty of leverage to pretty much get what ever information you need to catch all offenders and make your arrests. yeh, you dont get the rush of a chase, and it takes a little longer...but you probably just saved a life if not more.

Please watch this again and tell me if you can read the tag:

Motorcycle Leads Wild Police Chase

The tag on the bike came back to a 1980 Kawasaki that hadn't been regisered in YEARS. What happens when someone goes to a junk yard and pulls a tag of a bike that's destined for scrap?

MOST of the time, since MC tags are so small, you never get a tag, or they are tucked infront of the rear wheel where they aren't even visible.

So, what do you do in these instances (which are in the majority)?


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
Please watch this again and tell me if you can read the tag:

Motorcycle Leads Wild Police Chase

The tag on the bike came back to a 1980 Kawasaki that hadn't been regisered in YEARS. What happens when someone goes to a junk yard and pulls a tag of a bike that's destined for scrap?

MOST of the time, since MC tags are so small, you never get a tag, or they are tucked infront of the rear wheel where they aren't even visible.

So, what do you do in these instances (which are in the majority)?

then use what you know.

getting a tag is not always going to happen. its ok if they get away...get the best description of the bike you can....put the word out...when one of your fellow officers spots a similar dont just start chasing it...the best way to make a rabbit run is to let it know its being or one of fellow officers spots the bike that matches the blue sirens....follow it. inconspicuiously. did they teach you how to do that in the academy? follow it until it stops somewhere...then your chances of catching said biker is much greater. make the odds turn in your favor. any moron can chase a bike....a good LEO can use all necessary means to catch one. im not saying you are a bad cop...but damn 19 years on? you should be the one telling us how its done !

is chasing him your only tool? no...think smart, think safe. as an officer your primary focus is safey...not only yours, but also the public...AND even those you are trying to apprehend.


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Jul 22, 2007
The moon
just keep at it, ill show you.

Uh huh....... I'm sorry, but if a bike flys by you at 150+mph and sees you as he flys by, he will get off the main road and zig zag around as many corners as possible and park his bike within a minute. The idiots are the ones who stay on a freeway where their position is known and can be given away to every LEO in the state. If you lose sight of a bike, no matter how many of friends you radio in about the description, will not find the bike if he hides properly.
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Just a dude with a car
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
then use what you know.
getting a tag is not always going to happen. its ok if they get away...get the best description of the bike you can....put the word out...when one of your fellow officers spots a similar bike...

When a bike runs, it's rare that we catch them. But if we never chase them, we will never catch them, and they will ALWAYS run. You fail to understand, that people who run, regardless if they are on a bike or in a car, are normally not running because they don't want a ticket. They are running for other reasons. For example, stolen car/bike, just robbed a bank, have warrants for murder... etc. I have gotten pulled over for speed, gotten tickets, and not once have I felt the urge to flee. And I was in a Turbocharged Mustang the first time, and a Lightning the other....

you dont just start chasing it...the best way to make a rabbit run is to let it know its being or one of fellow officers spots the bike that matches the blue sirens....follow it. inconspicuiously. did they teach you how to do that in the academy?
Are you really this Nieve? How do you expect to follow somone in a fully marked squad car for miles and miles and them not notice that you are there? Should we just pretend to going to the same place as them? What about in the city, where red lights and other traffic all stop you from following someone. Not to mention the fact that everyone around you is driving at or under the speed limit because you're in a marked car.

follow it until it stops somewhere...then your chances of catching said biker is much greater. make the odds turn in your favor. any moron can chase a bike....a good LEO can use all necessary means to catch one. im not saying you are a bad cop...but damn 19 years on? you should be the one telling us how its done !

What if the bike is going to their vacation home 100miles away? Should we just keep following it or better yet, should get on the radio and start a interagency non-pursuit? Then, we can have many different squads follow them until they stop. That would be great.

is chasing him your only tool? no...think smart, think safe. as an officer your primary focus is safey...not only yours, but also the public...AND even those you are trying to apprehend.

Exact reason why persuits are initiated. To stop idoits from doing what they are doing to prevent them from harming the public. We operate with due regards in all pursuits, but we are not putting the public in danger.... it's the idoit that is running. When the danger out weights the risk, we terminate the pursuit. Simple as that.

You live in a fairly tale world where no one is accountable for anything, and anything bad that happens is someone else's fault. You would rather the world be wrapped in bubble wrap to protect everyone from everything, than enjoy it the way it is.


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Feb 26, 2006
Quad Cities
Uh huh....... I'm sorry, but if a bike flys by you at 150+mph and sees you as he flys by, he will get off the main road and zig zag around as many corners as possible and park his bike within a minute. The idiots are the ones who stay on a freeway where their position is known and can be given away to every LEO in the state. If you lose sight of a bike, no matter how many of friends you radio in about the description, will not find the bike if he hides properly.

I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant... in my short career I've picked several who rode all the way to the ER with a police officer sitting next to them while cuffed to the cot and they were the lucky ones! A few others got to meet the coroner after thinking it was a great idea to run. :nonono:


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
When a bike runs, it's rare that we catch them. But if we never chase them, we will never catch them, and they will ALWAYS run. You fail to understand, that people who run, regardless if they are on a bike or in a car, are normally not running because they don't want a ticket. They are running for other reasons. For example, stolen car/bike, just robbed a bank, have warrants for murder... etc. I have gotten pulled over for speed, gotten tickets, and not once have I felt the urge to flee. And I was in a Turbocharged Mustang the first time, and a Lightning the other....

Are you really this Nieve? How do you expect to follow somone in a fully marked squad car for miles and miles and them not notice that you are there? Should we just pretend to going to the same place as them? What about in the city, where red lights and other traffic all stop you from following someone. Not to mention the fact that everyone around you is driving at or under the speed limit because you're in a marked car.

What if the bike is going to their vacation home 100miles away? Should we just keep following it or better yet, should get on the radio and start a interagency non-pursuit? Then, we can have many different squads follow them until they stop. That would be great.

Exact reason why persuits are initiated. To stop idoits from doing what they are doing to prevent them from harming the public. We operate with due regards in all pursuits, but we are not putting the public in danger.... it's the idoit that is running. When the danger out weights the risk, we terminate the pursuit. Simple as that.

You live in a fairly tale world where no one is accountable for anything, and anything bad that happens is someone else's fault. You would rather the world be wrapped in bubble wrap to protect everyone from everything, than enjoy it the way it is.

omg, you "WHAT IF" something to death. you asked how its done and I told you.

if you dont want to know dont ask. you sir, should not have a badge. you could justify using lethal force to stop someone from writing a bad check...BECAUSE lethal force is justified to prevent the commission of a felony right? just because you have the power to do a certain level of force doesnt mean its necessary. you assume facts that you have no clue about an offender. the same holds true that the person you are chasing has an absolute clean record and just runs because they are scared.. you cant assume the worst on every person. your job and stress has affected your clear sight and judgement. which is an incredible factor in the LE field and is a large contributor to early retirement. I would suggest counciling which im sure your department offers for free. Not to be insultant and sympathetic actually. I am afraid and believe you will get someone hurt or killed. hopefully, you will never be addressed as " defendant" because i have seen it happen to some good friends who have had to leave the profession early because they became just like you. i hope you find some help.

best of luck man.
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Just a dude with a car
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
omg, you "WHAT IF" something to death. you asked how its done and I told you.

if you dont want to know dont ask. you sir, should not have a badge. you could justify using lethal force to stop someone from writing a bad check...BECAUSE lethal force is justified to prevent the commission of a felony right? just because you have the power to do a certain level of force doesnt mean its necessary. you assume facts that you have no clue about an offender. the same holds true that the person you are chasing has an absolute clean record and just runs because they are scared.. you cant assume the worst on every person. your job and stress has affected your clear sight and judgement. which is an incredible factor in the LE field and is a large contributor to early retirement. I would suggest counciling which im sure your department offers for free. Not to be insultant and sympathetic actually. I am afraid and believe you will get someone hurt or killed. hopefully, you will never be addressed as " defendant" because i have seen it happen to some good friends who have had to leave the profession early because they became just like you. i hope you find some help.

best of luck man.

Turn it on me all you want, your thought process makes no sense to people that wear my shoes. And just becuase the use of force is justifed, does not mean it's used. Your comment about using deadly force for felony bad checks is laughable and just goes to show how ignorant you are of life on the streets and how real cops work. The level of the crime, regardless of its a civil forfeiture, misdeameanor, or felony does not dictate the use of force. Further, 99.99% of my job is "what if'", which you seem to put down and give the impression that it's a bad thing. The "what if's" are what keep you alive, and make you a good cop..... Its not just catching criminals, but good community policing aswell.

And Im pretty sure I never asked you how to do my job, but thanks for telling me.
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