Nun Joke 2.0


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Nun is on an airplane, heading to a religious gathering in Europe somewhere for a mass on Christmas Eve. They are in the middle of the Atlantic, when all of the sudden the Captain gets on the loud speaker and says "both engines have just stopped and we are slowly going down"

The entire plane goes quiet, and people start getting very nervous. The nun whispers to herself "I've never even made love to a man before, i can't go out like this" So she rips off her clothes, stands up in the isle, and says "If this is how we go, i want someone to make me feel like a woman for the first time"

So a man a couple seats up gets up, starts walking back to her, and takes off his shirt. Once he gets to her, he hands her his shirt and says "Ok, iron this"

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